Got Motorcycles?

JasonASmith said:
Hello All,
I am just wondering if there are any other motorcyclists here at MT...
I have been riding now for two years, and I have just bought my 2006 Honda ST1300 back at the end of March...
Let's hear about your scoots!

I started riding 2 months ago.. About a month ago I had an engine seizure, sadly. My beloved Kawasaki 440 LTD died on the highway never to be ridden again.

And actually, tonight I am heading out to pick up my replacement bike! Another 440 LTD believe it or not.. (I went the whole month getting jacked around by one particular seller, gave up and started looking elsewhere). I am thrilled, and really sorta annoyed that it will be another whole 7 hours before I get to ride, lol.

I did a lot of custom paint work on my previous 440, and I'll probably just swap body parts since the one I am getting is already in nice condition. It's cool, I have a new 440 and a whole bikeful of parts incase I need them.

Here's my now dead bike. I named her Kristen. Yeah I loved her that much. The new one will look much like it when I am done. =)
shaolinwind - those 440's are workhorses! They never die... unless you make the engine seize... ;)

Good frind of mine had one that was perpetually on the edge of death, but it just kept on going.
CTKempo Todd said:
Let's not turn this into a Harley vs. 'Jap' (a little insensative using the term 'Jap' especially on a martial arts board) bike thread..
God knows there are too many out there already..

Ride your ride...just put up what you got...

We are all proud of our choices in rides...

I agree.

If you have one, tell us about it.

If you want one tell us about it.

If had one tell us about it.
CTKempo Todd said:
Hey Jason..
VERY SMART choice in rides....

2005 ST1300 here! Welcome to the world of the ST..One of the most under estimated bikes on the road..(hits 60 in a little over 3 seconds, over 300 mile tank range, electrically adjustable windshield and headlights, smooth v4 engine and list goes on and on..) If everyone knew what you and I do :-) Jason, make sure you get over to for all things ST..(I am Kempo-STer over there)

Mine has 23,000 miles in a year of ownership...

Rubber side down everyone

Ah Ha!
I was wondering if you were here, I am FatherTedFan over on ST-Owners..
Since March 29th when I picked up the Stealth Bomber, I have put 5300 miles on it...And every mile has been better than the last...
tradrockrat said:
shaolinwind - those 440's are workhorses! They never die... unless you make the engine seize... ;)

Good frind of mine had one that was perpetually on the edge of death, but it just kept on going.

Speaking of which.. I GOT MY NEW BIKE!!! Picked it up in Redwood City in some semi-remote mountain location. I drove it home down a windy mountain road and then up through San Francisco, accross the bay bridge. And when I passed the exit sign for Suisun city (exactly where my previous bike died) I actually yelled a "h*ll yeah!". This is the point I have been wanting to get to ever since the seizure. My life feels complete again.

So the new gal is a 1980 Kawasaki 440 LTD. Unlike my 83, it is chain drive. There is a few things wrong, part of why I got it so cheap. Fork seal needs replacing, it idles a little high, and the tac is shot. Otherwise, it doesn't show nearly as much rust as I've seen on most of these. Even the front of the pipes are clean and shiny. Once I transfer the bodywork and any other bits and pieces, my bike will be completed. I also have parts from that 82 Kawi.. So I can say it's an 80-82-83 (recall the Johnny Cash song "one piece at a time".) Anyhoo.. Here's the first photo. There's more to come as I progress.

I don't ride. Yet. But I have a passion for Japanese sports bikes. That black Fireblade posted earlier looks awesome. Mind you the new(ish) Triumph Daytona 675 looks the part too... Sssweeeeeeeeet..... Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)
Shaolinwind said:
Speaking of which.. I GOT MY NEW BIKE!!! Picked it up in Redwood City in some semi-remote mountain location. I drove it home down a windy mountain road and then up through San Francisco, accross the bay bridge. And when I passed the exit sign for Suisun city (exactly where my previous bike died) I actually yelled a "h*ll yeah!". This is the point I have been wanting to get to ever since the seizure. My life feels complete again.

So the new gal is a 1980 Kawasaki 440 LTD. Unlike my 83, it is chain drive. There is a few things wrong, part of why I got it so cheap. Fork seal needs replacing, it idles a little high, and the tac is shot. Otherwise, it doesn't show nearly as much rust as I've seen on most of these. Even the front of the pipes are clean and shiny. Once I transfer the bodywork and any other bits and pieces, my bike will be completed. I also have parts from that 82 Kawi.. So I can say it's an 80-82-83 (recall the Johnny Cash song "one piece at a time".) Anyhoo.. Here's the first photo. There's more to come as I progress.

Awesome G! :D :D :D You makin it to Chicago on that thing? You better're gonna have one sore butt though! lol
What's all this about Japanese vs. Harley's? Go German!!!

I have a 2004 BMW 1150 GS, which replaced a 95 1100 GS, which replaced a '76 Yamaha 750 that my dad got tired of and gave me.

Jade Tigress said:
Awesome G! :D :D :D You makin it to Chicago on that thing? You better're gonna have one sore butt though! lol

I plan to.. I realised that there are women all over the country, and I am being selfish not giving them the opportunity to go G. So, I'm traveling east through the southern states, north through the eastern states, and west through the northern states. Anyone in the middle has to meet me. And take a number.
tradrockrat said:
Or Brittish, or Italian...

Oh hell, just ride. ;)

Yeah.. I hear that. I am pro Japanese bikes but guess what, I have one. I don't think knights of old were all snotty about eachother's horses.

Funny thing, I met a gal on some dating site with whome I spoke a few days.. We got on the subject of motorcycles, and she mentioned her 03 harley sportster 1100. I mentioned my 80 Kawasaki 440 and I haven't heard from her since. True story!
Shaolinwind said:
Funny thing, I met a gal on some dating site with whome I spoke a few days.. We got on the subject of motorcycles, and she mentioned her 03 harley sportster 1100. I mentioned my 80 Kawasaki 440 and I haven't heard from her since. True story!

Probably decided you didn't have enough money for her tastes based on your bike.

Rich Parsons said:
...If had one tell us about it.

I've had one bike since getting my endorsement. It was a black/red '97 Kawi Vulcan 1500. Got it for relatively cheap as it was in a friend's barn collecting dust. Unfortunately, it didn't make the trip across the ocean with me, so it's probably either in a junk heap or someone's garage now. :(


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JasonASmith said:
Ah Ha!
I was wondering if you were here, I am FatherTedFan over on ST-Owners..
Since March 29th when I picked up the Stealth Bomber, I have put 5300 miles on it...And every mile has been better than the last...


Good deal..Another 400 miler yesterday in Rhode Island...I love that bike.
Monadnock said:
2006 CBR1000RR

4800 miles this year and still going :)


Mate, do you have this BEAST in this colour. I can't stop looking at it. I don't usually "want" things per se. My mobile phone's old and knackerd, my car's 10 years old, I don't buy designer gear as it's in my view, a waste... But THIS.... I waaaaaaaaaaannnnt... I want it. Badly. I may cry if I can't ever own something like this. Makes me want to go into local bike shop and lick the nearest Blade, by which, once licked, its mine. Odd, but true. It's an odd concept, but if you go into sweet shops and sample the goods, then there's always a sign that says "if you taste it, you own it" kinda thing. That's my logic here. :)

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