Any bikers in the house??

Uh-oh, what have I let myself in for???? Ah well, there's worse habits I could have chosen...

There are WORSE habits..Wait until you attend your first toy run ..You'll discover A LOT of people have the same habit..
I got my first bike in '80, then got a new Ninja 600 in '86. I ride a BMW K1200 these days, though. There's a lot of good advice in this thread!
Here in the States there's a group called the Motorcycle Safety Foundation that gives classes to beginning and advanced riders. If there is anything similar in Scotland take a class. Keith Code has an excellent book called 'A Twist of The Wrist' which helped me a lot when I first got it. There's great info and insight into things like braking and countersteering in it.
Do a walk around of your bike before riding it, practice braking, always dress like you're going to hit the pavement (leathers, gloves, boots, HELMET), and maybe practice turning on your reserve tank when you don't need to so you don't panic if you need to ;) Just remember to have fun, ride it often, and the safer you ride today the better the chance you'll get to ride tomorrow! And practice braking, especially while turning.


I had a '96 CBR900RR I traded towards the Beemer, I wish I had kept it! That bike was sooo much fun to ride, and as reliable as any I'd ever had. I may go with a Harley for my next bike though, as I no longer live in a mountainy area (South Jersey is as hilly as a table top) and they do sound good ;) Hard to beat a Beemer though; once you get used to getting off the bike with a bounce in your step after 200 miles you don't want to go back to the rocket's bend!

Yea, the Harley rigid frames were rough on a body, but my Glide is very comfortable..
...I'm all ALONE...
No your not, we just aren't ready for a Harley yet, monetarily and mentally...I like to go fast, corner hard, stop on a dime, and be comfortable doing it, and the Honda does it for me everytime...
I'm sure as I get older, I'll slow down and go for an Electra Glide or a Road Glide...Oh yeah, I don't have the accessorized fat woman on the back yet, either...Given the fact that history repeats itself, it will be another 5-10 years until that all-important accessory presents itself...
No your not, we just aren't ready for a Harley yet, monetarily and mentally...I like to go fast, corner hard, stop on a dime, and be comfortable doing it, and the Honda does it for me everytime...

Did you ever see the training cop recieve when they put in for the motorcycle unit??? I Glide can do all those things and then some

JasonASmith said:
Oh yeah, I don't have the accessorized fat woman on the back yet, either

WTF...Ohhh damn good thing my wife isn't home to read that crap..Where do you get your information..For the record my woman is 5'6 125...Well we have are likes and dislikes..It was different when I was coming up..If a man chose on a Honda over a Harley they would question his manhood..

Did you ever see the training cop recieve when they put in for the motorcycle unit??? I Glide can do all those things and then some

WTF...Ohhh damn good thing my wife isn't home to read that crap..Where do you get your information..For the record my woman is 5'6 125...Well we have are likes and dislikes..It was different when I was coming up..If a man chose on a Honda over a Harley they would question his manhood..
That statement was based on my experience living here in Harleyville...Everytime I see a couple on a Harley, the passenger is fat, sometimes enormously so...Usually, the pilot is thin...
That statement was based on my experience living here in Harleyville...Everytime I see a couple on a Harley, the passenger is fat, sometimes enormously so...Usually, the pilot is thin...

I've seen it too..There was this couple that rode an old Kawa converted into a chopper..They always parked on the sidewalk of a local resturant that had a downward slope..She weighed in at about 300lbs and her old man about 98 soaking wet..When it was time for them too leave he would mount the bike and she would grab the sissy bar from the rear and walk him up and it up to the driveway...
Am I only Harley lover left here????

good lord no!

Only the best motorcycle ever! (let the war begin... heh heh ;) )

Hey -JasonASmith - my Sporty has dual front disk brakes, fully adjustable suspension front and rear and while from the factory it was pretty lethargic, the point of a Harley is to make it your own unique ride. I bobbed mine old school but put in a nice cam and plan on having the heads ported soon and adding a racing exhaust set up - should pull 90+ horses. Mine will never keep up with ya in the straight - aways, but in the twisities I have surprised many a sport bike rider and embarrased more than a few "Biker Boyz" wannabes out there in So Cal. It will never be capable of what your bike is, but I can ride it to the edge, stop on a dime and drag my toes (not easy on a mid control sporty) which puts it up there with most street riders if not their bikes.

EDIT: BTW - I'm not small and my wife is a physically fit LEO at 5'7" - not petite... ;) We took the three sisters (the best twisties in Texas) at about 90 with no worries

Ride what you love and never apologize for it. ;)
My father rode motorcycles full time for the NYPD from '44 to '65. He hated Harleys with a passion, but loved the old Indians. So, I never got the "you need to get a Harley, because I rode one" from him. I got the "ride anything but a Harley, because I rode them" from him ;) . I think he was really PO'd by Harley having the accelerator on the right (a policeman's shooting hand) when the Indian had it on the left. He also thought the Harleys were way too heavy, but that's really a more personal thing. Either way, Harleys have changed so much in the last few years (and almost entirely for the better) that I'd definitely consider on for my next ride. I love the look of the big fellas like the Electra Glide and Road Kings, but I think I'd go with a V-Rod based bike if they have one available when I'm ready for my next one. I like my bikes to go fast fast. :D

My father rode motorcycles full time for the NYPD from '44 to '65. He hated Harleys with a passion, but loved the old Indians. So, I never got the "you need to get a Harley, because I rode one" from him. I got the "ride anything but a Harley, because I rode them" from him ;) . I think he was really PO'd by Harley having the accelerator on the right (a policeman's shooting hand) when the Indian had it on the left. He also thought the Harleys were way too heavy, but that's really a more personal thing. Either way, Harleys have changed so much in the last few years (and almost entirely for the better) that I'd definitely consider on for my next ride. I love the look of the big fellas like the Electra Glide and Road Kings, but I think I'd go with a V-Rod based bike if they have one available when I'm ready for my next one. I like my bikes to go fast fast. :D


Get the Night Rod - I had one at 80 MPH in second gear entering a corner WAY hot and unable to downshift (stupid me...). Went through the corner like it was on rails. This was a rental and completely stock. Imagine what that bad boy could do with a littel tweaking. :)
good lord no!
Only the best motorcycle ever! (let the war begin... heh heh ;) )

"Harley" guys..
I really want help in understanding and do not want to sound judgemental so hear me out and give me your take..

When I approach the motorcyle on its merits and you look around the market..How can you say that Harley's are best??

It feels (to me) that the Harley guys are SO blindly loyal (Incredible score for Harley Marketing) that no matter how good (OR BAD) the product is you'll buy it.
I mean some of the Harley's vibrate your eyeballs off, are air cooled, have poor brakes, performance is terrible, have this BIG 1450 CC motor that Harley guys are just so proud of that puts a WHOPPING what 75 horsepower?!..The motors redline at 5K..starts to break up like the space shuttle at around 95mph...and the bonus for all that technology is they are WAY MORE EXPENSIVE for (technically) less bike than what is offered by the Japanese (or Victory) manufacturers..

And then the other 'Harley' thing is customizing and 'making it your own' (I though that was called paying for it). I went to Laconia Bike week once and I have to be honest..All these "custom" Harley's ALL LOOKED THE SAME!!?? triple trees...seats..rims....etc...all of it..
And 3/4 of these guys pull them on trailers, ride a mile down the street to STARE At them..WTF????

I mean honestly WHAT GIVES???
I really want some insight. Please help me understand.
Don't take my post as Harley Vs. "X" or Harley bashing. That is not what it is intended at all.

I want to know what makes a Harley guy buy a Harley without hearing the reasoning that 'hey its a Harley' because to me that is no reason..

Thanks all and I agree with what someone else said. Ride what you love and the bottom line is 2 wheels are better than 4 no matter what the name on the tank is.

Be safe out there.
I've ridden fifteen years and owned four bikes in that time. I'm also a expert on motorcycle accidents due to my job. I can tell you to take your time. Just like anything else it take time to get comfortable riding around on two wheels, shifting gears, giving it the gas, braking and using your signals and such. After you've been doing it a little while it will become as second hand as a well practiced kata.

Take a riders class if at all possible! Guys I know that have ridden for years take these classes and can't believe it when they learn something they didn't know. Besides, the classes are fun and usually supply a bike you don't mind tearing up a little.

Be aware! Have that big picture don't let yourself get trapped. Remember that every car on the road is trying to kill you! :)
When stopped at a light give yourself plenty of space between you and the car in front so that when you see the guy on his cell phone who doesn't see your little tail light coming screaming towards you in your mirror brakes locked you'll have a place to go to get out of his way. Which is why you should never be in neutral when traffic is bad because the gas can get you out of as much trouble as the brakes.

I don't believe in accident that 'aren't your fault'. It take two to collide and when you're on a bike there's just no room for "I just didn't look." or "I just didn't see...".

On the interstates I like to be in the fast lane moving just a hair faster than traffic. If I see someone moving faster coming up behind I get over well before they get to me.

Remember to brake enough before a turn you won't have to while your in the turn. Meaning, slow down entering a turn (better to be going too slow and have to speed up than be going too fast and have to slow down) and then accelerate slowly as you come through and exit the turn. Your bike will have more traction in a turn when you're holding a steady speed or slightly accelerating through the turn.

Always look for gravel. Gravel/sand in a turn will put you down faster than anything. Depending on where you live this may be more of a concern. Leaves on the road in the fall also lead to slick road conditions in the first part of a rain before it rains enough to wash the oils from the road.

My number on and most important suggestion would be maintain your sled! Keep tires that have tread on then and good brake pads. Always run the correct tire pressure and check your tires for nails regularly. Have your bike serviced at the correct intervals by a trained service technican.

Have fun riding! I remember the day I got my first bike and simply road it back and forth in the driveway until I stopped killing it. It's how I learned to drive a clutch. Keep the shinny side up!
No your not, we just aren't ready for a Harley yet, monetarily and mentally...I like to go fast, corner hard, stop on a dime, and be comfortable doing it, and the Honda does it for me everytime...
I'm sure as I get older, I'll slow down and go for an Electra Glide or a Road Glide...Oh yeah, I don't have the accessorized fat woman on the back yet, either...Given the fact that history repeats itself, it will be another 5-10 years until that all-important accessory presents itself...

Not all Hog are for haulin' hogs. FLH may stand for FAT LADY HAULER but my Sporty is fast enough to peel your skin off. I may not be hitting 160mph but I'm getting to 130 faster than you can say XL!
"Harley" guys..
I really want help in understanding and do not want to sound judgemental so hear me out and give me your take..

When I approach the motorcyle on its merits and you look around the market..How can you say that Harley's are best??

It feels (to me) that the Harley guys are SO blindly loyal (Incredible score for Harley Marketing) that no matter how good (OR BAD) the product is you'll buy it.
I mean some of the Harley's vibrate your eyeballs off, are air cooled, have poor brakes, performance is terrible, have this BIG 1450 CC motor that Harley guys are just so proud of that puts a WHOPPING what 75 horsepower?!..The motors redline at 5K..starts to break up like the space shuttle at around 95mph...and the bonus for all that technology is they are WAY MORE EXPENSIVE for (technically) less bike than what is offered by the Japanese (or Victory) manufacturers..

And then the other 'Harley' thing is customizing and 'making it your own' (I though that was called paying for it). I went to Laconia Bike week once and I have to be honest..All these "custom" Harley's ALL LOOKED THE SAME!!?? triple trees...seats..rims....etc...all of it..
And 3/4 of these guys pull them on trailers, ride a mile down the street to STARE At them..WTF????

I mean honestly WHAT GIVES???
I really want some insight. Please help me understand.
Don't take my post as Harley Vs. "X" or Harley bashing. That is not what it is intended at all.

I want to know what makes a Harley guy buy a Harley without hearing the reasoning that 'hey its a Harley' because to me that is no reason..

Thanks all and I agree with what someone else said. Ride what you love and the bottom line is 2 wheels are better than 4 no matter what the name on the tank is.

Be safe out there.

I think RESALE vale is a BIG consideration..Example: I purchased an 85 FLTHC fo $9965.00 I had it for 6 years and then traded it in on a newer model..They gave me $9900.00..Sitting there on the floor was a 2 year old "Winger" with EVERY optional part Honda make. I think they were asking $5,000.00 and it sat there..My 2 cents..Don't knock my wheeles and I won't knock yours .

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