Good self defence training online..

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Mike Slosek
MT Supermod
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Mike Slosek
MT Supermod

As Crane stated, I made no comment about your English and if you are from India I am rather impressed by it actually, at how good you English is. And if you are referring to the Sensei Sifu issue those are Japanese and Chinese and have nothing to do with English. And I see after reread you did not say no touch knock down, my apologies. But I am still having a real hard time with your claims but so be it.

As a note the Dalai Lama isn't on the border of India and Tibet, close, but not that close.

But I still am wondering why your web page and e-mail are American based and you have not answered that?

I have been through your site and I have to agree with what someone previously posted it has a comic book feel also the pictures of ninja training look a bit edited, such as the picture of the countryside and the Ninja photo placed in it. If so it is a good job, but the edges look a bit too crisp. But I am not a photo expert and I admittedly doubt just about all of your claims so I am bound to be overly critical.

But to be honest if for no other reason based purely on your site I simply cannot take you seriously. But there are other reasons, to be even more honest. I have also been around the net a bit and you have been around on other forums with other names and other claims so I am having a hard time with all of this.

I know I said it before and I am saying it again but lets leave it at this; if you just ignore me I will just ignore you and we will leave it at that and I won't be back sound like a deal to you Alex.

What you think of as impossible and ridiculous is neither - if you know the science behind it! - the knowledge of exactly how the body and mind work

I think several persons would be interested in how exactly your mind does (or rather doesn`t) work. Men in white coats.
I have been through your site and I have to agree with what someone previously posted it has a comic book feel also the pictures of ninja training look a bit edited, such as the picture of the countryside and the Ninja photo placed in it. If so it is a good job, but the edges look a bit too crisp. But I am not a photo expert and I admittedly doubt just about all of your claims so I am bound to be overly critical.

Never really looked that close at the photos until I read this. I went back and sure enough, you are right. On the 1st page there is a photo of one "ninja" that looks as though he is pinching a loaf fighting someone dressed as robo-ninja, then in the images section the exact same picture of the guy pinching one off is shown practicing in a ruin, no robo-ninja there though, and his image is flipped. Can't be a serious site, just a troll is my assumption.

But I still am wondering why your web page and e-mail are American based and you have not answered that?

:rolleyes: It's a ninja thing, misdirection, concealment and distraction, haven't you been paying attention?:uhyeah:
:rolleyes: It's a ninja thing, misdirection, concealment and distraction, haven't you been paying attention?:uhyeah:

Yeah, didn't you get the real message in the website. If you take the 12 letter in every 2nd line that starts with a vowel, you get the secret ninja meeting place for coffee and donuts. Man you can't just post that anywhere you know. :rolleyes:
Hmm, I won't bother replying to the last two posters,they're obviously just being insulting because they have the time for it

- to the poster who claims the image is flipped - I would suggest you actually take both the images (the one on the roof of the dojo and the one in the jungle fortress) and flip one of them so they're facing the same way. Then you'll see that the angle of the camera is completely different - one image has been taken in the distance, so the camera is more 'side on' while the other image (the one with the ninja alone) has been taken more nearer, so the camera angle is from a higher point - more 'upwards' - this would be impossible to 'fake'.
PLEASE DO THIS. GO ON, DO IT. Take both the pictures, flip one so that the ninjas in that defensive posture in each are facing the same way and see if the images really match in the angle. THEY DON'T - they are entirely different photographs. The stance is the same - the angle of the camera is different. AND AFTER YOU HAVE DONE THAT, return and apologise for your baseless allegation - if you have one shred of decency. I seriously doubt I'll be seeing an apology here. Heh. The spoken word and the arrow sped cannot be withdrawn, yet you speak so easily and so lightly.
That the two images look so similar is a tribute to the training of the two people who have taken that stance. No, PLEASE flip one of the images and check the angles, someone. It's time someone with some genuine feelings of justice took part in this.

See (barring one or two), the guys on this thread are too sure that they're too smart.

You are more than insulting, more than rude. You admit you are not experts at photography, yet you pontificate as if you were popes. This is not a debate at all, it is one man combating fifty. And you use words as weapons. Those who use words as weapons can battle on forever. Especially if they have time to spare.
If you only thought about it, you would understand that some things are impossible to fake. The jungle fortress backgrounds and the pictures of the jungle itself are impossible to fake. The mountain terrace farms are impossible to fake. The weapons are impossible to fake - better still, they CANNOT be bought. I challenge you to find a picture of our jungle fortress.

As for the site, if you must know, it is not american, no matter what it might appear like - the space and the hosting, domain name, etc. were donated to us (entirely for free) by an indian who owns a hosting service, and who happens to wish us well. Things are not always what they appear.

Did you know that your mockery and taunts mean nothing at all? While you laugh, many students in the east DO NOT laugh at us, and they not only take our course (and pay for it) but are so near to us that it is both cheap and easy for them to travel to our temples for advanced training. Thus your laughter is worse than misplaced - it is irrelevant.

As for you westerners - you will never see our temples. All you will do is laugh. So laugh. It's all you're getting out of this. But there are those half way round the world who are getting a great deal more.

You see, people in the east don't doubt the pictures, because they KNOW what the east looks like - they KNOW the look of terrace farms in the himalyan foothills - they know the look of a south east asian forest.

You don't. so you laugh. please do so. it's all you'll get out of this.

I'm talking SENSE here, as I have been all through this thread. And your only response is more baseless allegations. Well, it is an ancient thing with the human race - since before humans evolved into humans, their ancestors amused themselves by pelting rotten fruit at big cats sitting far below. It was amusing because they were out of reach of the cat.

You people don't answer the sensible parts of my answers, like the part about how concealed metal arm-guards are used against knife attacks - instead, you just push on with more innuedoes, insults and empty talk. please continue to do so. this is the last set of insults and rude behavior that I will dignify with an answer. come east - come east, my friends - you know the rough location, you CAN find us. Come to Dharamshala - we are known there, if you ask discretely, you'll find someone there to guide you to the border. After that it will be you and your skills that will help you cross. come east and find us, strangers, and then talk will no longer be either cheap or empty.
The jungle fortress backgrounds and the pictures of the jungle itself are impossible to fake.

I am sure the "jungle fortress" has been much written about in archaeological journals, and is probably listed in many tourist guides in the region...
The weapons are impossible to fake - better still, they CANNOT be bought.

Movie props...

Did you know that your mockery and taunts mean nothing at all?

yet you continue to respond...

You people don't answer the sensible parts of my answers, like the part about how concealed metal arm-guards are used against knife attacks

what kind of response were you hoping for?

Come to Dharamshala - we are known there, if you ask discretely, you'll find someone there to guide you to the border.

That, or a whole lot of blank looks...
And Xue Sheng, I don't know what you mean by posting under different names, but I'm quite certain I've posted everywhere about under the name Arath.

I was so puzzled by you comment (i was, please believe me) that I actually did a search for darkninjaclan on the net, and while a lot of pages did come up, they all seemed to have the name arath. Are you quite sure that you're not confusing me with someone else?

It's hardly an important point, but if you want to take this further, please put a link here to the place you found me with a different name. I'm actually puzzled, because while I've taken many names in many places, as far as know when I put up this site I've generally used the name Arath.
And Xue Sheng, I don't know what you mean by posting under different names, but I'm quite certain I've posted everywhere about under the name Arath.

I was so puzzled by you comment (i was, please believe me) that I actually did a search for darkninjaclan on the net, and while a lot of pages did come up, they all seemed to have the name arath. Are you quite sure that you're not confusing me with someone else?

It's hardly an important point, but if you want to take this further, please put a link here to the place you found me with a different name. I'm actually puzzled, because while I've taken many names in many places, as far as know when I put up this site I've generally used the name Arath.

Are you really sure you want me to post this?
Well, you certainly achieved one thing - over the last four days, you helped me slip up in my training schedule for the first time in years.

Well, today I brought my schedule up to date, and am back in training. And I no longer have time to answer those who want to put their fingers in the wounds of christ (if I may quote the bible). I have better things to do, really - I have to train for at least four hours a day if I have to retain my abilities, I have to answer queries from our students in the east, and transfer those queries I cannot answer to the masters via messenger.

I must say I'm surprised by the relative viciousness of the replies to my post - you must be so beset by scammers, really, there's no other explanation for this behaviour. Well, I don't blame you. Fortunately, people in the east are more trusting, and to be honest I find it better all round to deal with people like that. This BESIDES the definite and obvious advantage that students in the east have - they can actually travel to the temples themselves to train. As we have two temples, widely spaced, a journey to at least one of them is definitely affordable to the average asian. Perhaps someday we'll teach an american - as a matter of fact there is one here who wants to join the Ryu, but we're concerned that he not become another 'Stephen Hayes' distributing the training in it's complete form all over the west. We are, and always will be, a secretive people.

Someone here has said that I should give my name (and I presume, exact address and phone number) if I am to be believed. I say to you, that if a man claims to be ninja, and gives you these details, then he is NOT ninja, it's that simple, no matter how many years of genuine training he has had. it is the one thing we DO NOT DO, reveal our identity, if it is at all possible. We just don't. This has been our way for centuries - we're not going to change it just to make you believe us. if you don't believe us - well, don't. It doesn't matter. There are enough who do, and they live conveniently near our Temples, which is so much better, don't you think.

I'm rather glad, on the whole, that you don't believe me. I had some moral qualms about teaching people half way round the world, most of whom would then be unable to travel east to complete their training. This way, the question doesn't arise.

Ninja from the Ryu have travelled to the west for various reasons. I myself spent a brief month in the UK. It was interesting, but generally I tend to Kiplings words 'East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet'

We have retained the spirit of the east, that is why you find it difficult to understand us. Most of asia has become westernised enough so that they 'fit' your world-view. But fortunately there are other views.

The white man marched west on the bones of the red-indian. Yet in doing this a unique world view, that of the red indian, was mostly lost.
We will not sacrifice our unique view of life just because you laugh and say funny things. As a matter of fact, your words don't matter at all. A good blade at ten paces is worth ten thousand verbal insults, truly. So keep them coming, waste your time - I would rather look at the stars and wonder and meditate on the past and future of the human race than bother with attacks that I sense will keep coming unless I dress the whole ryu in western t-shirts and jeans. our costumes are in keeping with OUR culture. I suppose that doesn't matter? hmm. we must dress like the west. next we must give up living in cave temples and build skyscrapers.
Okay, send it to me in a PM, I'm genuinely puzzled - if you're right, I'll put a public apology on the thread
PLEASE DO THIS. GO ON, DO IT. Take both the pictures, flip one so that the ninjas in that defensive posture in each are facing the same way and see if the images really match in the angle.

I wouldn`t dare! The pictures probably contain ninja death code graphics that will activate upon being flipped and I will have my brain fried the instant I look upon them. Nice try but no cigar.
Of all the meaningless and baseless accusations, yours are the most meaningless and baseless of all.

As a matter of fact, the jungle fortress is completely unknown except to a few tribes in the vincinity. And no, no archaeologist has ever been there. It belongs to us, and to us alone. Also, I might add, we own the copyright to those images of the fortress, and we alone. And there will never be any other images of it published anytime, anywhere, because we won't allow it. Take a good look, while you can - it's the ONLY view you will EVER get of it. Ever.

No other photographs of it exist. And these are owned by us, taken by a member of the Ryu.
So are every other image, I might add - in it's entirety. They have been taken by Ryu members, backgrounds and all, and belong to us.

I put a larger number of images of the jungle fortress up because I thought it would be so interesting to a westerner - to see something that few eyes (barring members of the Ryu) had seen before. Also, to view images that only we own the rights to, and which will never be duplicated.
Look through one of the arrow slits - look with awe upon miles and miles of jungles much like those the first men who walked this world walked through. Few approach this fortress - few would dare. It belongs to us, and in our part of the world, those words MEAN something. Even a photograph by one not of the Ryu is out of the question.
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