Good self defence training online..

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OK I admit it, and I am very happy to say, I have never been in a fight in a War zone, nor have I ever killed a guy, nor do I want to. I know some who have been in combat, knee deep in it actually, and none talk about it as glibly as you nor do they brag about it, If they talk about it at all.

And you completely lost many here at the no touch knockdown stuff.

Good luck in your endeavor
First, I do not consider myself, and am not a "ninja", I am someone who trains in the art of Ninjutsu. Second, I did read through your website, and had a good chuckle, thanks for the levity in my day by the way. Third, the whole concept of how much Ki power someone can utilize is a crock and has been proven over and over. Sure, study and focus can and does help concentrate your attack, but to say you can toss someone through the air with a light touch is just beyond reality. I still stand with what I posted.

Also, do not attempt to guess what my background and fighting experence is. It is pure conjecture on your part and sense I do not toot my own horn and will not, you will never know of my past training.
How sad that you don't believe me - but I do it. And it's not 'no-touch' knockdown, it's a ki touch throw. Now, just because you (or your Sensai) cannot do this, doesn't mean it can't be done, you know. And if you refuse to believe in anything that's better than you are, you will never learn to be any better than you are.

I sense that you have closed minds - and it's sad in a way, because what I've spoken here is truth. I can indeed fling a man fifteen to twenty feet at a touch. If you can't do it, you should be interested in learning how. But of course, you disbelieve. So disbelieve. It doesn't matter to me at all - those around me don't disbelieve, heh. One day, perhaps, if you're lucky, you'll come upon an exponent of some art that develops power the same way, and will be convinced. If you're lucky enough to meet someone of the sort.

I'm getting the feeling that the martial arts have become diluted somehow in the west. Sorry, but if you can't believe that I can fling a guy 15 feet with a touch - if you haven't SEEN your own masters do it, then something is seriously lacking. Seriously. Your Sensei should be able to do it, certainly. Certainly. I did not expect your disbelief, because I did not realize that you had never seen anyone do this - I naturally expected that an accomplished member of your dojo was capable of this focussing of power coupled with simple body movement. It's so SIMPLE to do - it takes less effort than a strike or kick or throw - that's why I just can't understand that you've never seen it done. And if you want to deal with eight armed attackers, you HAVE to have this level of power. Anyway, I can't say any more, there would really be no point - you and I exist in different worlds, east and west. All I'll say here, is that the ki touch can be done by any of my Sensei, and they aren't young men either. I admit it took me 15 years before I could do it, but now that I can it's as natural as breathing.

hmm, and Bydand, now that you guys have mentioned your disbelief about the ki-touch, I have the feeling that you laughed at the very things on the site that I and my fellow students practise every day. I've said it there - what is written is practised by us. Be careful, man - I gain nothing by the 'back' pages of the site, they are there purely for information, and I've writting truth there - we really do practise every one of those techniques, and almost nothing there is impossible. For example, I talk of the 'iron skin' that can deflect blades - it's NOT a magic technique, but rather - oh what the heck, I'll say it right out - a type of flexible plate armor that's hidden under the clothes. There are other techniques like the 'invisibility evasion' that are not impossible at all, they just take lots and lots of practice to get JUST right, and one needs to work on speed as well. These things are not impossible man - we're doing it here every single day. And I'm not trying to convince you of anything - what have I to gain. but I am saddened by the fact that your mind is closed to the possibilities that might exist.
See, I don't know whether you can understand this, but what you guys see as untruths and lies might just be something that doesn't exist in your environment, or in the things you have seen. but it doesn't mean it can't exist. It is not me you hurt by your laughter, man, it is yourself. I speak not as an enemy, but as a friend.
OK. convince me. PM me and send a DVD or video with your "training" course. If you really are so non-money oriented this should not be a problem. I do have an open mind, send me your course and I will go through it with a desire to learn from you. Ki throws are BS from everyone I have ever seen, if you can really do this, I would be interested. It would be interesting to see how something so SIMPLE took 15 years to do.
To bydand

Hmm, I'm glad you indeed have an open mind.
I'll be glad to send you some videos, but they won't be part of the SD course - obviously these are advanced techniques, and as I've said on the site, I have to teach techniques there that are simple enough to do online.

See, I can send you a video of both the ki throw and the invisiblity evasion (evading an attacking enemy so you disappear from his line of sight)

The Ki throw is not simple to do - it is SIMPLE WHEN one KNOWS how to do it - I know that a martial artist will know what I'm talking about. It's not part of the SD curriculum, it would be impossible to teach online in a space of three months - that's why it took me 15 years to learn it. As in all arts we learn the basics first, then the more advanced arts.

To be honest, I would have had videos on the site already, but there are no video cameras in my immediate vincinity - it was hard enough to acquire a camera - yes, this might be weird to you, but I had to rent a camera from the valley to take the temple pics - the fortress ones we fortunately had. Anyway, I'll rent a video camera within the next few days and gladly tape the execution of these techniques for you - it won't be part of the course, but since you have a genuine interest, I'll gladly send it to you.

Okay, as to how it's done - co-ordination between certain muscle groups is built up to the extent that even a slight movement generates considerable power - it's a sort of twist - and then one focusses the ki simultaneously so that it passes through the opponents body. Somehow this results in a powerful throw - I was surprised the first time I did it - it just 'happened'. in the advanced stages of the martial arts, frequently a technique just won't come to you no matter how long you practise, then suddenly one day, when your mind is elsewhere, it just 'happens' - I'm sure you've experienced this for yourself. If you have a genuine interest in Ninjutsu I can see if we can over the next year fund your journey here - the ki touch is best learned under a master. However, i have the feeling that you'll pick up the invisibility evasion to a good extent from the video alone - I don't think the average person would pick it up, but with a martial artist, it's certainly possible. A martial artist MOVES in a different way - certain masters can actually recognize the style of a martial artist from the way he moves, but I'm not one of them.
To bydand

oh, and if you're learning genuine ninjutsu I'd say your chances of picking up the evasion are doubled, as despite all the considerable changes, our roots remain in the art, so your body will probably be attuned to the movements..

The renting might take a day or two - people have been asking me to put videos up, but I just haven't had the time yet to go down and rent a camera - as the only person in the ryu whose technologically literate and who can speak good english, I'm afraid I have to do most of the things myself - like making the site, though I used interpreters for some parts. Incidentally, it's the first time I ever tried making a site, I remade it ten times - worse, I think I've got it all wrong, because people in the west seem to find it a laugh, but neither I nor the other members of the Ryu, nor the Sensei can find the slightest thing humorous about it. It's wierd, must be an east-west thing. I always thought of myself as a child of the west, strangely enough, what with my irish-american mother, but now I'm really beginning to wonder. Perhaps I'm a child of the east after all.

You know, I like the fact that you ahve an open mind, and will gladly share all that I can with you. In return, as a person in the west, tell me honestly - should I withdraw the site? We really wanted to educate people about a rather distant strain of ninjutsu - it's like a tree taken as a sapling from one land and planted in another, which has now grown to it's full height. But even though I've put things as simply and straight-forwardly as I can everyone in the west seems to find it ridiculous. See, this means nothing to us - we thought it would be nice to tell people about some of the new techniques we'd developed over the last century. But we can just as easily remove it - we lose nothing at all. Do you think we should?

I have some questions about your Ryu.

1. Who is the Soke?

2. What is his address, email and telephone
(I have friends in Tibet that might be interested in conversation they are
conversant in the language)

3. What is the ryu-ha's lineage?

4. What is your real name?
(This way I can cross verify your stories and military/mercanary service)

5. Which military did you serve with both in a patriot and or mercanary manner.

6. What is the proof that you can give here on MartialTalk of your ryu-ha's existence?

These questions are not meant to make you feel defensive. I am curious because so far no ninjutsu lineage except Massaki Hatsumi's has been considered authentic. Many people would be curious if you could prove another authentic lineage.

As to your website. I would take it down. It does not look like a martial arts website but more like a comic book.

Thanks in advance for answering my questions. I do appreciate your responses.
Greetings Brian. I thank you for your interest. We do not have a lone Soke in the Ryu, but rather a group of equals who together decide the teachings and curriculum of the Ryu. Indeed, we no longer use the title Soke, as the masters are no longer of pure Japanese stock. My own personal teacher while in Tibet (I spent 5 years training in the South Asian jungles) was called Jangbu, which roughly translates as the learned or wise. As is common in Tibet, he has a day name also, but that is very common and unnecessary to list here. He was of course of mixed ancestry, Japanese and Tibetan.

Our masters have no address that they will give out, and CERTAINLY no email and telephone, but the latter is only because the Ryu has no such facility. We do not have these amenities in our Ryu, which is situated at a point that gives us access to the indian border. I type this from just across the indian border, which is passable if one knows where and how (indeed, ALL borders in asia are similarly passable). The masters know little of technology other than that which relates to the art itself. Those of us students who have travelled a lot know more, obviously.

However, IF your friends in Tibet are martial artists and interested in Ninjutsu specifically, and if you can vouch for their discretion, we would contact them by messenger with a letter if you will furnish at least one address. Thus both security and your curiosity about the Ryu might be satisfied. Even so, we will not reveal the Ryu's location, but through messages, the masters will answer questions your friends might have.

I am sorry that you recommend taking down the website. We wished to reveal ourselves to the world gradually, and all that I have written on the site (in the interior pages) has been exactly what the masters wished me to write. Perhaps we do not understand the west; indeed that must be it - but what we have seen here, mindless mockery of what is not understood, leaves much to be desired.

You are the first who has approached us honorably. With respect, I say that we are not interested in proving our lineage to the world at this time (note that I did not say we would not reveal this to you, privately) - nor in revealing our exact location. As you have approached us with genuine interest, please furnish me with your telephone number and rough location, and the first Ryu member to visit your country shall contact you and visit with you personally, and answer questions about the art. This Ryu member might also furnish you with the lineage of the Ryu (I must consult with the masters about this, but it is probable that they will agree, as you have approached us most honorably) - HOWEVER, this lineage will be for your personal knowledge alone, sir - you may research the lineage as you will undoubtedly wish to, but while revealing your reasons to the minimum possible people, and of course, with no public publication of it.

Thus you shall know of the Ryu. What is the world to us that we should choose to prove ourselves to it? The merest hint of our existence has met with such mockery as is difficult to understand, surely the teachers were not giggling as they directed what was to be on the site. We shall withdraw the site, and withdraw from the western mind, which even I, with a Japanese father and an Irish mother, now feel is impossible to comprehend.
Please understand that while my real name (the name that was given to me when I joined the Ryu, which I consider my real name) is given below, in each nation I have a different name. Indeed we change our appearance as well to blend in better. My only problem has been languages - undoubtedly as a result of reading too much english when young, I speak several eastern languages very haltingly.

Provide your contact details, and we WILL contact you, if only to return a debt of honor.

You see, we do not really need students - we have no shortage of possible students in Tibet and adjoining Nepal - sturdy mountain folk with an endurance and capability that would shame most plains dwellers.
It was through my suggestion alone that the masters agreed to attempt to reveal themselves to the west. I KNOW that when this response is reported to them they will withdraw this permission. Even with a Japanese father, I am the first person with any caucasian blood to be admitted to the Ryu.

I am uncertain as to what you mean by proof of the Ryu's existance. However, once our representative meets with you, we might consider inviting selected persons to journey to tibet (at our own cost if necessary) and see for themselves; From my small experience of the west, no other proof will satisfy the western mentality. It must see with it's own eyes and touch with it's hands. We MUST see you face to face before this, however, and KNOW you, then this can move forward.

Alternatively, if you seek proof for yourself, we might invite your friends in tibet to visit the Ryu if they will submit to certain precautions (I mean no disrespect here, and you understand my meaning). But we have no interest in 'proving' our existence to the vast majority, the disrespectful, and so 'winning' their respect. We are beyond such actions.

Until then we will withdraw our site, which is only of entertainment value to the west, it seems, and withdraw our face from them. If Hatsuumi's lineage is convincing, let the west follow him.
Indeed, it is as if the cosmos itself has shown us the way. We were merely testing the waters to see if they were hot or cold here - we will remain in our mountains from this time on. And we thank you for your insight, for we were MOST puzzled by the responses, and will remain gratefully yours.
Nyim Phuti.
How sad that you don't believe me - but I do it. And it's not 'no-touch' knockdown, it's a ki touch throw. Now, just because you (or your Sensai) cannot do this, doesn't mean it can't be done, you know. And if you refuse to believe in anything that's better than you are, you will never learn to be any better than you are.

I sense that you have closed minds - and it's sad in a way, because what I've spoken here is truth. I can indeed fling a man fifteen to twenty feet at a touch. If you can't do it, you should be interested in learning how. But of course, you disbelieve. So disbelieve. It doesn't matter to me at all - those around me don't disbelieve, heh. One day, perhaps, if you're lucky, you'll come upon an exponent of some art that develops power the same way, and will be convinced. If you're lucky enough to meet someone of the sort.

I'm getting the feeling that the martial arts have become diluted somehow in the west. Sorry, but if you can't believe that I can fling a guy 15 feet with a touch - if you haven't SEEN your own masters do it, then something is seriously lacking. Seriously. Your Sensei should be able to do it, certainly. Certainly. I did not expect your disbelief, because I did not realize that you had never seen anyone do this - I naturally expected that an accomplished member of your dojo was capable of this focussing of power coupled with simple body movement. It's so SIMPLE to do - it takes less effort than a strike or kick or throw - that's why I just can't understand that you've never seen it done. And if you want to deal with eight armed attackers, you HAVE to have this level of power. Anyway, I can't say any more, there would really be no point - you and I exist in different worlds, east and west. All I'll say here, is that the ki touch can be done by any of my Sensei, and they aren't young men either. I admit it took me 15 years before I could do it, but now that I can it's as natural as breathing.

First I don't have a sensei

and since you do not know me I will chalk it up to lack of knowledge as to what world I live in and my background on things Eastern.

But the insults are sure not making your case or selling your product. And since you posted this whole thing as a sales pitch for Online Ninja training you may want to use a different approach. And if you don't care what others think or are saying and you are only looking to talk to those that agree with you why bother posting this at all? But I am going off topic, sorry.

I have had a few people tell me they are high level Martial Artist and fewer still have claimed the abilities that you claim. And I have had them try it on me.

Also 3 (one of which is a TCM Doc trained in the old way) of my Sifus (all from the east and trained there by the way) have run into the same type of people making the same type of claim and had them try it on them. My 1st Sifu saw a Gentleman that was an alleged Qi master in China start things burning from a distance with his Qi and knock people down form a distance with his Qi. My 1st cannot explain the fire starting ability but when he asked this Qi master to knock him down form a distance the master said he was too tired and only his students were trained to take that much qi directed at them.

We all agree that the only thing these people were successful at was teaching their students to fall down and/or jump backwards. Because they could not demonstrate it on anyone but their students.

We are all very interested in the possibility and would truly like to see it done. But so far all that claimed have not been able to demonstrate it.

There is a high level Taoist and internal CMA person that does discuss the radiation of negative Qi and that it can cause others health problems and since he has been training about 80 years I believe what he says, but he does not claim the ability that you claim.

I have also had discussions about Qi (Ki) with highly trained TCM OMDs in China and in the West (also all trained in the East); all claim that as far as they are concerned those that claim this cannot do it. A leading professor in Qigong at a leading university in China is trying to develop equipment to measure internal Qi and the things that you are claiming and so far he has been unsuccessful in developing any instrument to measure it. However he has been extremely successful at proving those that claim this ability do not have it.

If you can actually do this I am certain the professors at Beijing University of TCM in the Qigong Department would be thrilled to hear form you. You should contact them and demonstrate it for them.

Now feel free to tell me I am lacking, my Sifus are lacking and I have a closed mind again, but I am done here.
First I don't have a sensei

and since you do not know me I will chalk it up to lack of knowledge as to what world I live in and my background on things Eastern.

Hmmm, And he has served in the military and also as a Mercenary and also on multiple continents and does not know the difference?

The Insults are bad, In My opinion.

If you can actually do this I am certain the professors at Beijing University of TCM in the Qigong Department would be thrilled to hear form you. You should contact them and demonstrate it for them.

Hmm, so for the person in question to actually prove something about himself, would not be beneficial to him. But it would be interesting if I could watch. ;)

Now feel free to tell me I am lacking, my Sifus are lacking and I have a closed mind again, but I am done here.

Hehehe, I was done a while ago, but you brought me back. :trollsign
I'll be frank. The web site looks like a Star Wars Jedi/Sith parody site to me, in "ninja-style". I assume it is meant as a joke.
I'll be frank. The web site looks like a Star Wars Jedi/Sith parody site to me, in "ninja-style". I assume it is meant as a joke.

One would hope. If not... well lets just say, if there are any "real or true" followers I would love to have their PR guy working on ads for me. Anybody that could convince people to wear their "Dragon armguards, or that facemask probably could make millions selling Cheerios as donut seeds.
you should wear a smaller version of those armguards under long shirtsleeves (we're talking everyday clothes here) in a fight on the street with a man with a knife, and see what a useful and unusual defence they make.

Perhaps the example above will help you understand us better. What we wear in the dojo is different from what we wear on the street. Including the armors.

You can imagine how surprised a knife fighter would be when you seemed to break his blade with your forearms (when actually it is the metal guards beneath your long sleeves that broke it). Actually a knife fighter would be surprised when you moved in with techniques he does not expect at all, because you have the advantage of hidden arm guards.

Different Ryu specialize in different techniques - for example, some ryu specialize in the use of small blades - our ryu specializes in the use of concealed armors. These concealed armors and weapons that we wear on the street are unlike the ones in the images on , which are actually those used for ceremonial purposes.
When we travel we tend to wear the clothes, take the names of and even as much as possible adopt the appearance of the people around us. Ninjutsu is a practical art. But a ninja always travels armed and armored. But seems unarmed and unarmored. This is the essence of the art - the use of concealed techniques and weapons that a foe is just not used to dealing with.

Time and again on the site I have stressed that what we do is not by the use of 'magic' but of science. And science lifts massive airliners into the air. I am not saying that our science is any different from that of the west - but science cunningly and correctly applied can have some incredible effects.

What you think of as impossible and ridiculous is neither - if you know the science behind it! - the knowledge of exactly how the body and mind work, the use of hidden weapons to make it seem like a person is all powerful with his bare hands. Of course I haven't given intricate details of the science behind the techniques on the site (that would literally be throwing pearls to the winds), but time and again I HAVE stressed that it IS science.

There are one or two techniques that do border on the paranormal, I agree - but let me ask you a question - sometimes, when you're walking on the street, perhaps lost in your thoughts, and someone looks at your from a few stories up, and you 'sense' that glance - well, how do you do it? How? Does western science have an answer to that? Be careful of being too sure. Even with all the technology today, there are at least 5 billion years left for the human race - this is the dawn age of man, and there is much that we do not know. This is no age to assume perfect knowledge (and thus, the ability to perfectly judge others). That would be the height of arrogance.

Those who are too sure of themselves never learn anything. Wisdom begins with the knowledge of ignorance, not with the assumption of wisdom.
Xue sheng has repeated his 'attack without touching' point when I have already stated several times in response to him that the opponent is indeed touched. Therefore he is undeserving of any further answer.
I know I said I was done here, and I promise I will go away soon, but something here intrigues me.

First a minor correction: Actually the life expectancy of the sun is another five billion years but in that period, approximately 4 billion years, it will likely become a red giant and incinerate the earth, but I am getting off post.

You continually refer to the East and now say you are in the East so if I may ask, physically where, roughly, in the East are you Japan, China, Korea, Tibet, etc.?

I ask because your e-mail and webpage appears to be US based
You continually refer to the East and now say you are in the East so if I may ask, physically where, roughly, in the East are you Japan, China, Korea, Tibet, etc.?

I ask because your e-mail and webpage appears to be US based

East Los Angeles, perhaps?
Now you REALLY make me laugh. No, seriously - this makes me laugh because it's SO damned way off the mark. Your allegations (or shall we say - attacks?) are becoming more baseless by the minute.

Again, I've answered this question before - I'm typing this from just past the indian border. The Ryu is in Tibet on the other side of the border. Therefore, I am in india. Borders in Asia are extremely passable if you know where to cross.

You know, just because we're in the east doesn't mean we have to talk 'me spekeee eengleesh' Nor does being an accomplished martial artist have to interfere with other branches of education.

I am a reasonably intelligent being, and I've made a study of american english specifically because (I really can't understand why as I type this) I admired america and it's ideals greatly in my younger years - so, yes I speak english well, and write it too. And so do a great many people in the east, actually.

Actually, your suggestion made me smile because it's always been a dream of mine to visit america, but I've never actually got there. - though I have lots of american friends online, and indeed meet many americans here who visit the Dalai Lama, or Yeshin Norbu, as we call him. As for the americans I know I've generally got on extremely well with most of them, and found them genuinely nice people.

As for the site, I'm willing to accept your criticisms of it, as I made it myself, and it's the first time I've ever done anything of the sort, so if you say I screwed up, I'm willing to accept that. As for the text, it is what the masters directed be there, translated as best I could. I respect them, and would take the scorn of an entire planet upon myself for them.
Now you REALLY make me laugh. No, seriously - this makes me laugh because it's SO damned way off the mark. Your allegations (or shall we say - attacks?) are becoming more baseless by the minute.

Again, I've answered this question before - I'm typing this from just past the indian border. The Ryu is in Tibet on the other side of the border. Therefore, I am in india. Borders in Asia are extremely passable if you know where to cross.

You know, just because we're in the east doesn't mean we have to talk 'me spekeee eengleesh' Nor does being an accomplished martial artist have to interfere with other branches of education.

I am a reasonably intelligent being, and I've made a study of american english specifically because (I really can't understand why as I type this) I admired america and it's ideals greatly in my younger years - so, yes I speak english well, and write it too. And so do a great many people in the east, actually.

Actually, your suggestion made me smile because it's always been a dream of mine to visit america, but I've never actually got there. - though I have lots of american friends online, and indeed meet many americans here who visit the Dalai Lama, or Yeshin Norbu, as we call him. As for the americans I know I've generally got on extremely well with most of them, and found them genuinely nice people.

As for the site, I'm willing to accept your criticisms of it, as I made it myself, and it's the first time I've ever done anything of the sort, so if you say I screwed up, I'm willing to accept that. As for the text, it is what the masters directed be there, translated as best I could. I respect them, and would take the scorn of an entire planet upon myself for them.

Xue Sheng didn't comment on your English speaking ability. He commented on the location of your website and email accounts, which appear to be based somewhere in the US.

Regarding your webside, for starters I'd suggest posting your name if you want ANYBODY to take you seriously. Taking a position on a website that it isn't important to state your name, when you are asking people to send you money, is foolish fantasy.
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