Split from host forum - Chuck Anzalone

Got a question for Chuck...

Is this you?




Yup that was me and it's old news....16 years ago! If you think you know me by reading that paragraph then you're sadly mistaken. The fact of the matter is that I was screwed over by the military "justice" system. I was given clemency and released in 94 and I've been home ever since.

This isn't the first time that the subject has come up and there are many martial artists in the Greater Buffalo area that have joined forces to try and box me out of the martial arts scene. Too bad for them that the real reason is that they are jealous of the world class BJJ program that I offer. I'm not going anywhere so get over it. I know who the main antagonists are and I'm sure whoever put you up to your post is one of them.

Some people would like to use my past against me but I use it to help reach "at risk" and "disadvantaged" youth. Martial arts is about personal growth and development and I continue to move forward. Dogs don't chase parked cars.

BTW, I see you have a link to WMAA on your website. Hi Tim ;-)


Chuck offers the finest and most technical BJJ in the Buffalo area. Tim is trying to protect his pathetic grappling program by resorting to slander. Tim needs to realize that he doesn’t even have BJJ at his school, his head instructor is most likley a fat, middle aged, ex- high school wrestler who has watched a few UFC’s.

Chuck possesses a true gift for teaching BJJ, he was taught by the greatest grandmaster ever, also he is highly motivated and he will stop at nothing to spread BJJ.

Tim, please remember that your grappling program is worthless and your attempts to impede Chucks goals will be in vain.
I thought they shot traitors? Guess Hollywood isn't always right.


Went to WMAA site, looked under schools for Buffalo, found Horizon in West Seneca, googled the names under instructors. Picked up phone and asked questions. Got the name Primo Luchiano.

Googled him.

Found this:


2nd Degree Black Belt - Modern Arnis
1st Degree Black Belt - Ju Jitsu
Blue Belt - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under 3 Time World BJJ Champion Roberto Attala
Blue Belt - Combat Sambo under John Lehman

Doesn't look like a "fat, middle aged, ex- high school wrestler" to me. But, then again, I've never served time either, so, what would I know?

Slander, for you clusters who don't know deals in untruths. But then again, you don't know the correct definition of "Slander" either, now do you?

Let me help you:

1. Law. Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.quote]

The term you are looking for is "Libel", defined below:


Tort consisting of a false, malicious, unprivileged publication aiming to defame a living person or to mar the memory of one dead. Printed or written material, signs or pictures that tend to expose a person to public scorn, hatred, contempt or ridicule may be considered libelous.

According to that link, Chuckie Cheese there was convicted, not just accused. If that is incorrect, you might want to have your lawyer "Call the Marines!"

On 3 May 1991, Anzalone was found guilty of attempted espionage. He was also convicted of adultery with the wife of another Marine stationed in the Persian Gulf, and of possession and use of marijuana. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

So, to say that he was convicted of crimes against this country, is not slander nor is it libel as it is true. Might suck that being stupid when younger keeps haunting you, but that's life.

I don't care if you're God, I wouldn't train under you. It's not anyone's fault but your own this keeps coming up. Shouldn't have been stupid and tried selling out your country and violating your oath.
Page 117: http://www.fas.org/sgp/library/spies.pdf

Page 2 / 34: https://dssaots.dss.mil/psapdf/ra/RecentEspionageCases.pdf

You claim you were released in 94 and given clemency.
Any proof?

Definition: Clemency

Leniency or mercy. A power given to a public official, such as a governor or the president, to in some way lower or moderate the harshness of punishment imposed upon a prisoner.

Clemency is considered to be an act of grace. It is based on the policy of fairness, justice, and forgiveness. It is not a right but rather a privilege, and one who is granted clemency does not have the crime forgotten, as in amnesty, but is forgiven and treated more leniently for the criminal acts.
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The fact of the matter is that I was screwed over by the military "justice" system. I was given clemency and released in 94 and I've been home ever since.

This isn't the first time that the subject has come up and there are many martial artists in the Greater Buffalo area that have joined forces to try and box me out of the martial arts scene. Too bad for them that the real reason is that they are jealous of the world class BJJ program that I offer.

I have no horse in this race, but I can tell you that when I see someone say that they were framed for something they were convicted of in a court of law, and when they claim that there is some sort of conspiracy against them because people are jealous, I immediately put them in the fraud file.

And it does not help when a flunkie shows up to parrot what they say. I remember the whole Bruce Calkin thing.

As for this "Tim" thing. Hardheadedjarhead has neither slandered anyone nor is his name Tim AFAIK.

If you had said, "yeah I did it, I was wrong and I learned my lesson" I might have given you a break. But as it is, not only are you someone who tried to betray your country, but you seem to be lying about a lot of things and attacking those that point out your faults. Why should I believe the word of someone who won't accept that he did wrong to others? Why would I even believe that Spongie is someone other than yourself? If you betrayed your country, setting up another account is fairly mild by comparison.

And it all comes down to integrity. I see none in you. If you want people to accept you, you have to become worthy of being accepted. You betrayed your country. I don't think there is anything you would not betray if it suited your purpose and that is why people are rejecting you and not because they are jealous.

But I think you know that.

The debate has been split from the original thread in a hosted forum. You are now in "THE GREAT DEBATE" - a subsection of MartialTalk.

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G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Assistant Administrator
Proof of Clemency? I was sentenced to 15 years but I was released in 94. SecNav granted me clemency "without comment". I offer no other proof than that. If you think I'm lying then go on a mission to expose the "lie".

So now I'm a fraud in BJJ because I won't "take responsiblity" for being screwed over by the military injustice system? You're welcome to drop in on a class and spar with me whenever you want. I will never admit to something I didn't do.

The "facts" you think protect you from libel and slander are a slippery slope. Keep citing them and see if you don't hear from my lawyer. The paragraph you use to judge me is rife with error and false information. For one, it says that I'm part Mohawk but in truth I am not one drop Mohawk or any other Indian for that matter.

I know you have a problem with me Tim so why not just come out and say it yourself. Quit hiding behind your anonymity and using people like Steve Scott, the Vice President of your World Modern Arnis Association.
You call me up and act like my friend and even buy me lunch and then spread gossip about me behind my back. So much for honor and integrity.
The same goes for your cohorts Ernie and Joe.

You guys keep talking about that which you know not and I'll keep building my BJJ program. The fact of the matter is that I have never been wanting for students and they continue to come on a daily basis. Thanks for the publicity. I couldn't afford to advertise as much as you guys have given me.

This is my last post on the matter. If you have a problem with me you know where to find me.
Who said you were a fraud in BJJ? I didn't. In fact, I never questioned your credentials in the arts. From what I've read, your martial art credentials aren't bad.

It's your personal integrity however that is the question here.
According to the main article, which is housed on a site owned and operated by the US Department of Defense, those are the facts. It's been over 10 years. Should it take that long to get corrections made?

The burden of proof is on you. A few links have been provided by a few of us. I couldn't find anything to contradict the information posted. So, the way it looks, it's the word of a "convicted but released early" criminal vs a posted statement on a DOD website.

As to the legal threats, it's not illegal to speak the truth. The truth is, as I stated previously. This site has a large number of active and inactive duty military, as well as law enforcement. All seem to have gotten through their tours of duty without having to deal with the military justice system. Wonder why.

As to this fixation you seem to have with this Hartman guy, I honestly don't get it. I haven't seen a comment from him on this or the original thread. Is this a Buffalo thing? All that snow and crap freezes the logic circuits in your brains or something? Because this isn't the first time I've seen someone yelling about him and he's nowhere in site. Reminds me of that scene from Wrath of Khan, with Kirk screaming after being beaten. LOL

PS: Can anyone tell me where the nucular wessles are? I need some uranium. LOL
Tim, please remember that your grappling program is worthless and your attempts to impede Chucks goals will be in vain.

My name is Steve.

I thought it worth asking if that were you, as you aren't the only Charles Anzalone in Buffalo, another one being a local writer.

While people can change, and I allow for that, I notice an inability or refusal to take responsibility for your actions.

You wrote "The fact of the matter is that I was screwed over by the military "justice" system."

Your ability in martial arts aside, you attempted to sell classified information to the Soviet Union. You disgraced the uniform you wore (the one that I and my father wore...which makes this a personal issue for me) and you betrayed your country.

I'm going to write that again: You betrayed your country.

You pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same. When you received your promotion to lance corporal and corporal you consented to the following order:

"This appointee will therefore carefully and diligently discharge the duties of the grade to which appointed by doing and performing all manner of things thereunto pertaining."

What part of that didn't you understand?

I'm familiar with the military justice system. I've sat on the board for a general court martial. I've presided over two summary courts martial and sent Marines to the brig. I've passed non-judicial punishment on a number of men.

Your condemnation of the system betrays not only a lack of responsibility, but a revealing--and appalling--stance of victimization. You pathetically finger-point and blame fix, listing competitive grappling programs and the military as unjustified tormentors. You seem to convey that this somehow mitigates your guilt.

Had you humbly admitted your wrong-doing and begged a second chance, that might have softened my response. You did not.

The criticism stands undiluted. You are a felon. You violated section three of Article three of the Constitution of the United States, and turned your back on your country and your comrades in arms.


The "facts" you think protect you from libel and slander are a slippery slope. Keep citing them and see if you don't hear from my lawyer.

I think you should be contacting your lawyer right now considering that you have opened yourself up to losing everything you own by your statements already.

Let me tell you that I first went for a BA in journalism in college, so I know the libel and slander laws a bit better than most. Listen well as I tell you the most important points in regards to the law.

Your best defense against a libel/slander lawsuit is to be telling the turth.

The onus is on the person making the accusations in a case of libel or slander.

So it is not Hardheadedjarhead's responsibility to prove that he is not Tim Hartman and not engaged in a crusade against you. The onus is on you to prove the accusations you have made against Hartman in this forum.

And I am pretty sure that the owner of this site will be pleased to show that Hardheadedjarhead is not posting from the location whereever Tim Hartman lives. But they don't even have to do that.

You have made the accusation. It is up to you to prove it. Everything nasty said about you here has been backed up with outside sources. You were found guilty of treason in a military court of law and people have proven it. You have no legal foot to stand on in suing anyone here. But unless you can prove what you said about Tim Hartman then he can come in, get a lawyer and sue you for most of what you own. If I knew how to contact him, I would be doing so myself. I am sure somebody will after I post this.

The advice your lawyer will probably give you is to settle for whatever you can without going to trial. Because unless you can prove that Tim Hartman had any hand in this, you will lose and lose badly in a court of law.And again, you will have to prove what you accuse and they do not have to do anything to win their case and take whatever you own. You will probably have to shell out about a year's worth of income in lawyer's fees and such, but that will be cheap compared to what you can lose in a court of law.

Again, if someone knows Tim Hartman, I think that they should let him know what he is being accused of here. If I were Hartman I would get my lawyer to make some easy money for me. Because this is about an open and shut case as you can find. Easy money at Chuck's expense.

Conrgrats Chuck, you just made yourself an easy target of a lawsuit by your own words and actions. No one else can be credited or faulted for your legal consequences.
Where did this thread come from? I have a non-sequitor feeling from the lack of context.
This was split off from the WNYMA Hosted forum, an announcement concerning a BJJ program at a local (wny) school.

Thanks for the advise but I've met better "prison lawyers". I never said HardHeadedJarhead was Tim Hartman. Everybody knows HHJ is Steve Scott and he is the VP of Tim's WMAA. In short, he's Tim's buddy and in this case, his puppet.

In my opinion, Tim Hartman put Steve up to the post in an effort to undermine my announcement of my upcoming BJJ class. IMO, Tim has made previous attempts to sabotage my BJJ program but is never man enough to be up front about it because he knows that his true motive is jealousy and envy, not any true concern about my past or my character. IMO, Tim prefers to operate from the shadows and watch his witch hunt in secret like the coward that he is.

Now, about Tim suing me for libel or slander. You should save your threats for someone who doesn't know any better Don. I've slept through more than you could ever throw at me. I know a little about the law myself (imagine that), and I know I'm entitled to my opinion. The laws governing libel and slander do not pertain to someone expressing their personal opinion. Furthermore, the person claiming to be libeled or slandered would need to prove that the libel or slander harmed them.

You keep saying that Tim is nowhere in sight but the fact is that I have seen him viewing this thread on several occasions and even before it was moved here. It's a neat feature called "Currently active users viewing this thread" and Tim Hartman has read every word. I'm sure the owners of this site can verify that if they were so inclined. If I recall correctly, Tim is a co-founder to the site though isn't he?

While we're on the subject of libel and slander...
You were found guilty of treason in a military court of law and people have proven it.

Being such an educated man, you should know that legally defined treason and espionage are not one and the same but are in fact two distinct and seperate crimes. I was neither charged nor convicted of treason and I can prove it. Perhaps you should tread a little lighter lest you find yourself on the receiving end of a cease and desist order.

I know better than anyone that there will always be people who won't accept me and I have no problem with that. I respect everyone here who openly admits their dislike for me and doesn't hide behind anonymity or other people (unlike Tim Hartman). I'm not running in a popularity contest and can accept that some people hate me.

For those of you who feel I'm not accepting responsiblity for my actions, I offer no apologies or explanations. In fact, do me a favor and hold your breath while you wait for me to admit to something I'm not guilty of. I didn't admit to it during the initial 2 years of solitary confinement nor the subsequent 2 years in general population at Leavenworth and I damn sure won't admit to it now. That didn't keep the Secretary of the Navy from granting me clemency and releasing me though now did it? I guess he must have had a good night the prior evening. I NEVER betrayed my country or my oath.

For those of you who think I'm the only one to ever be screwed over by the military "justice" system, here are a couple of websites for you www.militaryinjustice.com and www.militarycorruption.com

They say the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. Well here is a NEWSFLASH for you.....I didn't get out of prison yesterday. I have been free among you for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12....12 years!!!!!!
If I were a bad person I would revert to some type of behavior that would surley land me back in prison where I would belong. Instead, I have picked up the pieces of my life and moved forward. I endured and survived an experience that would have broken those of you who are so quick to condemn me.

I have received the best BJJ training in the world and I use it to help everyone, especially those less fortunate than myself. You all keep throwing stones and awarding yourselves titles and ranks, as for me I will continue to move forward and build the best BJJ program in WNY.

Bob, feel free to close out my account. I will no longer post on this forum period. I leave you all with this final thought and it is HardHeadedJarhead's signature....."The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."
-Bertrand Russell

I was neither charged nor convicted of treason and I can prove it. Perhaps you should tread a little lighter lest you find yourself on the receiving end of a cease and desist order.

Oh, so the big man likes to threaten others with lawsuits. I am so scared. :uhyeah: Especially since I know that the legal term you were convicted of is not what I have to use in my speech. For me, commiting espionage against the country you are a citizen of is treason. I should have used a better term, but your threatening lawsuits really shows what sort of person you are.

This is of course different from you having to prove that Tim Hartman was behind anything if it comes down to it. The onus is of course on you to prove your accusations, and the first few posts attacking him were not laid out as opinions, but as if they were facts.

I NEVER betrayed my country or my oath.

You tried, but were caught in a sting operation. So I think a lot of people are treating you like they would a traitor. Just because you did not succeed in selling out America does not make you pure in our eyes. You say time has passed, but your attitude towards the matter shows that you still seem to be the same person who tried to make money off of compromising the security of America and are not repentent. That is not something some of us will forget nor forgive no matter how much time has passed.
For the record, not only am I posting this on Martial Talk but I am sending a copy direct to Chuck, since he has been banned. I haven’t responded until now due to our yearly Christmas party and training camp which is posted on my website, just in case you were wondering, Chuck.

First of all, anyone who has been a member of Martial Talk for any time knows that I don’t need anyone to speak for me. On many occasions, I have told people to take a flying leap and then physically show up where these guys hang out. Whatever I say on the internet, I am happy to say face to face. I did not ask Steve to post anything on the net. He has been my friend for nearly twenty years and we have continuously asked each other’s opinions on different topics, including this one. All Steve posted was the question if you were the same person he saw on a different web site, and then you and Spongie began your little tirade. As far as me trying to undermine Chuck’s program, I find that ridiculous. Just recently Chuck called me inquiring if I had any space to rent him. I obviously turned him down, considering that I already had a grappling program. But I made several recommendations for people that he could contact. Prior to finding out about his military background, I had even taken Chuck out to lunch. As far as these accusations of jealousy, I don’t even teach grappling. Our school has had a grappling program for over ten years. It is a secondary program, not a primary one. So I am not sure where Chuck is coming from with this.

My concern is that Chuck did get convicted of espionage, a crime that could have led into events similar to 9/11. The problem I had with him moving into Bill Adam’s school up until about twelve hours ago is that Bill WAS a member of the same local school owner’s association that I belong to. Bill had come to my school recently asking about Chuck and I told him which websites to go to, as my students told me when they found out. As a local school owner, it is very important what perception the public has of us. Allowing Chuck in his school may give people the impression that Bill condoned his actions. This same perception may be transferred to the fellow members of the association. I have made mistakes in my life and I am more than willing to pay for them. But I am not willing to pay for someone else’s mistakes. If Chuck wants to believe that I had Steve post this information on the net, then that is his right. But it doesn’t make sense doing that prior to having the chance to talk to Bill about it. Had I wanted to screw with Chuck, I have had this information for quite some time now, and I could have done it at any time. Furthermore, this is not any attack on Chuck’s ability. I have never seen him go but I have heard good things about his ability, so I am assuming that he has talent. As a martial artist who is supposed to be a leader in the community. I question his moral compass.

Once again I don’t need to hide behind a computer to say this. And furthermore, if Chuck had a problem, instead of airing it on the internet, maybe he should have called me since he does have my phone number. My opinion on the whole thing, well, that is a little biased, seeing that my family have both military and law enforcement backgrounds. The crimes that he was convicted of were not directed at any one person, but the nation that I am a member of.
From here:
On 3 May 1991, Anzalone was found guilty of attempted espionage.

I stopped listening after I read this (at a DoD web site). Until I hear that it's overturned on appeal or that he has been pardoned by the president, the case is closed as far as I'm concerned.

Anyone who has met Mr. Scott (hardheadjarhead) would not be surprised to see that he is concerned about the image of the USMC (for those who may not know, jarhead is a nickname for a Marine), nor that he speaks his mind.