Good place to learn Wing Chun in northern California?

I only know of folks closer to oakland, or one of my sihings has a garage kwoon in modesto. How far are you willing to travel?

oakland is about as far west i would like to travel. modesto may be a little far for me to go two three days a week. i visited eastwest-wingchun but want to see others before settling in. Can you recommend another in that area? thanks for the reply.
i am about a 30 minute drive from oakland (east of oakland)
oakland is about as far west i would like to travel. modesto may be a little far for me to go two three days a week. i visited eastwest-wingchun but want to see others before settling in. Can you recommend another in that area? thanks for the reply.
i am about a 30 minute drive from oakland (east of oakland)

Sorry man, I've only found one other school out that way via google, and I don't know any of their guys.