Hey everybody, I'm really interested in learning Wing Chun but from what I can tell my options are extremely limited. I live about 30 to 40 minutes north of San Francisco, sometimes longer depending on traffic obviously. I'm a college student who works part time so time is highly limited, and with gas prices where they are I'd obviously like to have as short a commute as possible.
So far I've found these places:
Bay Mountain Martial Arts
East-West Wing Chun
This school is run by Jasan, student of John Kang, who learned Wing Chun for two years in Taiwan under Lo Man Kam. He is a cool guy and they have a nice place on Jackson St near the Laney campus.
US Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy
Does anybody go to any of these places or know anything about them? I'd prefer not to go to San Francisco for class because gas would start to get crazy and I would lose a lot out of my day with the commute. However, if it's my only real option then I'm willing to give it a shot. I've heard negative things about Bay Mountain Martial Arts and US Wing Chun Academy and not much at all about East-West Wing Chun. Bay Mountain is conveniently located so I'll probably check it out anyway. I'd greatly appreciate any input or advice.