Good Bouncer Stories

Every once in awhile a bouncer has to show some mercy...First night of the Thanksgiving break was always a major fight night, even the owner got his hands dirty..Well anyway this guy tries to stop me from bouncing his buddy's out so I trip the buddy so one of the others could scoop him up and slam this guy into a padded wall..

Out of the corner of my eye I see a very pretty girl watching us...I tell this guy I'm gonna loosen my grip, push me away and call me any name you want but leave, if you try to hit me I drop you infront of her...Well I loosen my grip and he pushed off me and starts calling me every name in the book, but he grabs her hand and walks..He came back a few night later and apologized for his actions..
Every once in awhile a bouncer has to show some mercy...First night of the Thanksgiving break was always a major fight night, even the owner got his hands dirty..Well anyway this guy tries to stop me from bouncing his buddy's out so I trip the buddy so one of the others could scoop him up and slam this guy into a padded wall..

Out of the corner of my eye I see a very pretty girl watching us...I tell this guy I'm gonna loosen my grip, push me away and call me any name you want but leave, if you try to hit me I drop you infront of her...Well I loosen my grip and he pushed off me and starts calling me every name in the book, but he grabs her hand and walks..He came back a few night later and apologized for his actions..

Right on! Nice way to de-escalate the situation and some solid thinking.

Oh god... Mardi Gras and St. Patrick's Day are right around the corner. The bar I work for just extended their closing time from 1am to 3am...

Bringing the mouth guard and leaving the glasses at home this year...
Right on! Nice way to de-escalate the situation and some solid thinking.

Oh god... Mardi Gras and St. Patrick's Day are right around the corner. The bar I work for just extended their closing time from 1am to 3am...

Bringing the mouth guard and leaving the glasses at home this year...

Don't forget the perspex knuckle dusters!
Right on! Nice way to de-escalate the situation and some solid thinking.

Oh god... Mardi Gras and St. Patrick's Day are right around the corner. The bar I work for just extended their closing time from 1am to 3am...

Bringing the mouth guard and leaving the glasses at home this year...

You couldn't pay me enough to work on St Stupids Day, prolly the greatest amateur drinking night next to New Years Eve..When I worked at the Transit Authority they were getting of the trains at 6:30 AM drunk outta there minds, and it only got WORSE as the day continued..

Don't forget the perspex knuckle dusters!
Hell on that day break out the sap gloves..
We escorted this big guy out of the bar one night. Not a big deal until a went to check the employee parking lot. He was peeing on an employees car...mine.

I did not get mad, had worse done to my car. I told him to get lost. He decided that since he was bigger than me, he can take me. He bull rushed me which I countered and stopped him. As I was trying to take control of him, I had to give him a quick knee to the bladder. As he was going down, he said he "soiled" himself. Thought he was joking until I got a whiff.

I made him sit in it (he was wearing terry cloth shorts of all things), while the police where called. The cops looked and smelled him and said to me, "what are we supposed to do with him?" I said, "arrest him." Which the cops said, "He's not getting in my car!" So they escorted him of the property while keeping a safe distance and downwind.
I had this older guy come up to me early in the evening at a bar that I was bouncing at, and just shook my hand out of nowhere....I say older, but I mean older than me...somewhere in his late 50's...not that that's old... He leaned in to talk to me over the music that was playing, and I could already smell the alcohol before he got close enough for me to hear him.

"Dude, I just wanna shake your hand, and make sure we're cool with eachother. 'Cause you're a big dude, and I sure don't wanna piss you off, man. I bet you can stomp a mudhold in my ***..."

This is what he shook my hand for...all I could think to say at the time was, "Yeah, I don't see why we can't be cool."

So later in the evening, he lost a game of pool and threw a bottle across the floor, where it shattered. One of the pieces of glass flew into a woman's arm at a nearby table and cut her pretty bad.

The bartender came around with a towel and got her to go to the bathroom to wash her arm off while I escorted the guy to the which point, he takes a swing at a random guy we're walking past.

The random guy just lets it go, thankfully, but I grabbed the "older" guy by the back of his collar and told him to get a move on out the door.

Out of nowhere, this guy's son comes up and pushed me...his son is, I would say, roughly my age, around 26 or 27 ish, and not very big...maybe 160lbs and 5'7". So I grabbed his son with my other hand on the back of his collar and proceeded to throw both of them out of the door.

The father, the same guy who shook my hand for being a "big dude", comes running back at me...he's no bigger than his I moved out of the way and let him trip over the threshold of the door...he smacked his face on the floor, which, understandably, didn't sit well with him..or his son.

His son tried to do the same thing, but was wise to me trying to move out of the way. So he tried to swing at me, and as swung, I moved out of his range, and he fell off ballance on top of his dad, who was still trying to get up off the floor.

So both of them get back up and charge me again at the same time...I'm standing just outside the door, and they are coming from just inside the door...and they both bump eachother at the door frame and fall again.

They both took their time getting up...I guess they knocked the wind out of by the time they were getting ready to regroup for another "attack", the police showed up, and cuffed the father first.

So, all's well that ends well, right?

The son tried to swing on the cops for cuffing his dad, which of course lands him in the backseat of the copcar. He is in one car, his father in the car ahead of him, and the police were talking to me and a couple of other people who were witnesses.

So, out of nowhere, we all hear the sound of glass busting...not breaking, but busting...the son had kicked out the rear windshield of the the officers pulled him out and put him in leg restraints.

And this still isn't the best part....

So they pull the father out to change cars for some reason, and the husband of the woman who's arm he cut has pulled up...out of nowhere, the husband just calmly walks up to the guy, who is still in cuffs with 2 officers standing just on the other side of him, and punches him square in the teeth, knocking out 3 of the guys' front they had to arrest him too.

All in all, it was a pretty fun night.
I've never worked as a bouncer but I've got one. 2 years ago on my b-day my buds and I are in Manhattan in a hotel bar watching the Packers/Cowboys game. My buds and I are Packers supporters (The Giants were not playing so you go with Brett) and these obnoxious drunks who must have been staying at the hotel were Cowboys fans.

So we are at our table watching the game, a couple of us have our laptops out working and these guys keep commign over to hassle us. at one point I'm comming back from the bathroom and the guy intercapts me before I get to the table, he's drunkenly talking crap about me, the Packers and NY in general, then he starts pokeing at my chest to make his point. I try to be nice abotu it, after all we are all here to have a drink and watch the game.

So he gets mad because I am not meeting his anger with anger (maybe) and he throws a punch. I saw the shoulder move so before the punch was off I was low and deflectied it with and upward block, spun so my back faced him and threw him over my shoulder onto the floor.

He got up and slinked back to his table and the bouncer is sitting over by the bar laughing!
I think I knew my days as a bouncer were coming to a close when we had theis MAJOR fight..The locals called us outside to assist them as their backup had not arrived..One of the visiting Supervisors even got involved and then somehow his .45 slipped from its holster and clattered on the ground..I saw about 20 people dive for it..Thankfully he got there first...
Every once in awhile a bouncer has to show some mercy...First night of the Thanksgiving break was always a major fight night, even the owner got his hands dirty..Well anyway this guy tries to stop me from bouncing his buddy's out so I trip the buddy so one of the others could scoop him up and slam this guy into a padded wall..

Out of the corner of my eye I see a very pretty girl watching us...I tell this guy I'm gonna loosen my grip, push me away and call me any name you want but leave, if you try to hit me I drop you infront of her...Well I loosen my grip and he pushed off me and starts calling me every name in the book, but he grabs her hand and walks..He came back a few night later and apologized for his actions..

Yep. One of my old "mental leverage" tactics was to let a guy know that -- if he didn't leave -- I was going to have to work him over and toss him out in front of his girlfriend, and that women never forget something like that...that she would always remember the night they were out together, and he got tooled for being a drunken putz. Didn't work every time, but often enough to keep in the toolbox.

I think I knew my days as a bouncer were coming to a close when we had theis MAJOR fight..The locals called us outside to assist them as their backup had not arrived..One of the visiting Supervisors even got involved and then somehow his .45 slipped from its holster and clattered on the ground..I saw about 20 people dive for it..Thankfully he got there first...

Similar "time to wind down" realization when one summer had me bouncing cops out of my gentleman's bar, each on different nights, each from different branches of law enforcement, each trying to get to their off-duty weapon so they could dispatch me...for throwing them out cuz they were crocked, belligerent, and assaulting my waitresses and dancers.
I bounced in the early 70's and then in the 80's as a club owner I managed a security detail that ranged from 6 to a dozen guys depending on the size of the crowd and the bands that were playing that night.

One night in the 70's the band "Canned Heat" had been scheduled to play. The band showed up late for the set drunk on their asses and put on a lousy show. Afterwards they demanded the whole fee despite their lousy preformance. The club owner offered them half the fee and told them to hit the road. The band leader a big burly fat guy since deceased threatened to have the musicians union shut the club down upon which the club owner replied that he had his own band and would play country western music 7 days a week.

My greatest joy came when I asked the fat leader a question. "Do you remember a few years ago when you all came out with an album where you said that the midwest was an area that you passed over when going from coast to coast? The leader gruffy nodded his head and said "yes" after which I replied "Well this is it, welcome to the midwest baby!" The fat guy blew up and yelled that he was not here to be insulted by some AH. The hair on my bouncer buddy to the right stood up on his neck on the mention of the word AH. I remember patting him on the shoulder and saying "There, there, Larry don't get excited these guys are just leaving." Leave they did and with a fraction of the money they would have received had they done their bit as agreed. We never heard a word from the musician's union.
Ive only dabbled in door work, I just dont have the patience for drunken morons to be very good at it.

My instructor has been a doorman (we dont use the word bouncer) for 40 years no exaggeration, and still is to this day (despite being 60+) Ive heard all sorts of crazy tales but the greatest was this little trick:

Guy walks up to Kevin (my master) and says something to the effect of "think your tough eh? I could take you anyday".

Kevin says "calm down mate, go back with your friends and chill out, no need for any trouble"

Drunk moron says "mate I could smash any of you bouncers blah blah, you wanna piece of this?"

Kevin thinks a moment then says "Okay, yeah I do actually"

Drunk guy says "should we step outside?"

Kevin motions 'after you' with his hand.

Guy walks outside.

Kevin closes the door after him and waves through the glass "seeya mate, have a nice night, seeya next week" ;)

Apparently the guy laughed as hed clearly been duped into leaving the bar without so much as a finger being lifted by security. Kevin said he came back the next week and apologized for his drunkenness.

Ive never got to use that tactic, but its been in my toolbox ever since waiting
Ive only dabbled in door work, I just dont have the patience for drunken morons to be very good at it.

My instructor has been a doorman (we dont use the word bouncer) for 40 years no exaggeration, and still is to this day (despite being 60+) Ive heard all sorts of crazy tales but the greatest was this little trick:

Guy walks up to Kevin (my master) and says something to the effect of "think your tough eh? I could take you anyday".

Kevin says "calm down mate, go back with your friends and chill out, no need for any trouble"

Drunk moron says "mate I could smash any of you bouncers blah blah, you wanna piece of this?"

Kevin thinks a moment then says "Okay, yeah I do actually"

Drunk guy says "should we step outside?"

Kevin motions 'after you' with his hand.

Guy walks outside.

Kevin closes the door after him and waves through the glass "seeya mate, have a nice night, seeya next week" ;)

Apparently the guy laughed as hed clearly been duped into leaving the bar without so much as a finger being lifted by security. Kevin said he came back the next week and apologized for his drunkenness.

Ive never got to use that tactic, but its been in my toolbox ever since waiting

Great story.When the powers that be told me to stop hiring the big bruisers you normally associate with a bouncer because it intimidated customers I contacted every MA I knew and asked if they were looking for work, a lot of them did. That boss wasnt happy but I explained that non of them were over 6 ft. At one club I worked at they called us Floorwalkers and not Bouncers.
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So while attending a recent geek fest (GEN CON for those in the know), I saw one of the guests of the Con as he was talking to a woman. They had walked up to where I was standing outside a booth. (* For those that need to know, it was Will Wheaton from Star Trek TNG *). His handler and Body guard assigned to him from the con started slowly taking baby steps to get between Will and myself. I could not reach Will with out moving a little. As the "handler" got close to me, I just said outloud, if you need me to move, just ask. He looked at me in a funny and confused way. I then told him I used to do security work and if I am too much of a threat just ask me to move as that should be your first line of interaction and see if the threat will comply or not. He smiled at me then and stepped back. I continued to stand where I was and Will continued his conversation.

I did gather the attention of some of the people in the booth who were also guests. They are from the internet show The Guild.

One (* For those that have to know - Vork *) looked up at me was concerned he was in trouble because fo my comments about security and asking people to move. I just smiled and nodded my head at him. They rest of the cast that was present finished their shopping and then all left.

But before they left Will have finished his conversation. I smiled at him and told him I enjoyed his Seminar (* Talk *) he gave the day before. I then pointed at my friends who at that point also realized who was all standing around us, and stated we all enjoyed. Will smiled and said thanks. Not sure how to handle, the possibility of a "FAN" asking him a million questions. But I was done. I told him I liked what he said and that was all I needed to say. He left with the rest and they all had smiles for being able to just browse and shop.
Yeah, sometimes persons with any kind of star status can be a royal pain in the drain.
I worked at a strip club for years until last year when i had to quit due to my regular job's hours changing. It was business as usual and one day i had to work The saturday before Easter Sunday (so technically i was working easter sunday) and there were a lot of people that was someones birthday party i guess because there was a grup of about 11 or 12 guys (i really cant remember it was awhile go) and for some reason everyone was really dressed nightly like in suits almost as if they were out of a law office. Me and the one bouncer i was working with were luaghing and kept calling them the offices of boobs and ginas. Anyways one guy was REALLY drunk and we had told him a few times to stop trying to get on stage......well of course he didnt listen and he ketp trying. One girl (her name was Gina stage name was Molly) must have been his favorite becuase as soon as she got up there he went NUTS. you could hear him over the music and everyone else. Gina was dancing for about 5 minutes before this guy just lunges at the stage. Gina screamed and me and the other bouncer at the door ran grabbed the guy and pulled him off. He didnt like that and next thing we know he swings. I caught his wrist and smashed his elbow (mother mantis move for anybody out tehre that trains in 7 Star Praying Mantis). He starts screaming and his buddies get in.....mother of god the fist fight that broke out....

anyways after the otehr bouncers came in and we finsih throwing these guys out we had to call the ambulance and ppolice because of three of them. The guy who i hit ended up breaking his shoulder and tearing a few muscles in his elbow which he tried to sue for but the judge informed us of his angry past and how he has been arrested before for "drunken voilence" so i got away but thats not even the funny part. Best part was one guy was power bombed into the hot tube by one of the other bouncers (we have a section that has a hot tub for "shower shows") and his guy was covered in water, with a broken wrist and sobbing like a baby....the alst guy had a broken nose...

interesting night but i was sad that i missed the power bomb... dont even know how he did it but everyone that saw it said it was like something out of a movie...

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