Hi all
Well I will use this thread as my first ever post here at Matial Talk
The claim that most fights end up on the ground is absolutely true ... however we need to look at what they are claiming.
Are they claiming the traditional sense of most fights going to the ground like you would see at a UFC event. Where two prepared althletes have trained to take each other down and try to submit or ground and pound?
Are they talking of a bar brawl where an ambush happens and a victim is knocked out on his/her feet and falls to the ground and the attacker jumps on to further the damage along?
Are they talking about the "Gracie Challenge" where a master instructor brings an opponent onto a mat with rules of combat knowing full well they are taking it to the ground regardless of the damge they take?
Are they talking of the lone woman walking up her apartment steps to be surprised and pulled into the bushes onto her back with the attacker already between her legs?
So many variables about a fight (street, ambush or contest) how can one put an actual percentage on it?
My experience of owning a bar for nearly 15 years now and the many, many fights I broke up, started (yes I have done that

lol ), finished for others, pre-empted, I can count on one hand how many went to the ground. So my personal stats show a figure closer to only 5% went to ground ... for me. My opponent was on the ground the other 95%.
So again I have to agree that 95%+ fights do end up on the ground ... for someone.
Also as a side note - Remember your Kenpo/Kempo/Kajukenbo works very, very well on the ground. Panic and the perception of not knowing what to do is what causes failure. Stay focused, cause damage and get back up. Eyes, throat, balls, knees, livers are still there when on the ground also.
Edit for some spacing issues