Ok, so in another thread, http://www.martialtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?97849-32-Classes-From-White-to-Yellow, I posted a 32 class curriculum for taking a student from their very first class to their Yellow Belt test based on the kenpo curriculum that I teach. Here's how I described that curriculum.
Now I've written a similar 32 class curriculum for taking a student from Yellow Belt to Orange Belt. While the first level of the curriculum was designed to teach the student how to use their own bodies, the second level of the curriculum is designed to teach the student how to train safely and interact with a training partner. In this level they'll explore how to interact with a partner for safe training, how to sense their opponent's position and movements, and how to make controlled contact to the body. There's also some very basic ground fighting taught in a static fashion to introduce them to the basics of being on the ground.
So, here's 32 classes to teach the students my Orange Belt curriculum. This is formulated with the idea that I would have a group of orange belts all training at the same pace and never missing class. Of course, that's a completely unrealistic scenario so I'd have to make changes almost immediately. But in an ideal world, here's what the curriculum would look like. Bear in mind, this is still a work in progress and is more like a flexible idea than a rigid teaching schedule. If you see any drills or activities you like you are of course welcome to them.
Orange Belt Curriculum
Knowledge Factors
Class 1
Deceptive Gift (dishonorable handshakes, striking with the off hand, stress and shock, penetrating through the opponent's stance with checks)
White Dot Focus/Black Zone Awareness:Black Dot Focus/White Zone Awareness (|knowledge factor|)
Dynamic Drills
Practicing Dishonorable Handshakes – Body (crush/sucker punch/pulling into holds)
Holding and Hitting – Body (engage using grabs/handshake/holds, striking with the off hand, switching hands and grapples)
Extending the Opponent's Limbs – Partner (opponent keeps arms loosely anchored in to the body, grab at the hand/wrist/forearm and attempt to extend the arm away from the opponent's body, dynamic increasing intensity)
Holding and Checking – Partner (engage using grabs/handshake/holds, opponent strikes with both hands, use position/pinning checks to defend/control opponent's strikes, continuous)
Penetrating through the Opponent's Position with Strikes – Line Drill (advancing with knees and elbows against a partner holding a shield, use strikes to push opponent back, alternating)
Class 2
Training with a Partner
Sensing the Opponent's Position – Partner (eyes closed, making contact with the enemy using open hands and grabs, opponent changes levels and positions, maintain contact and sense movements)
Watching for Tells – Pads (single hand and foot strikes, pad holder watches for tells and alerts striker, striker makes corrections)
Hand and Foot Combinations – Shields (circling/pressing/escaping, striking with hands and feet)
Mirroring Movements and Striking – Partner (circle walking and executing hand and foot techniques out of contact range, h/p, watching and mirroring the partner's motions)
Working with a Partner
Pummeling Drill with Eyes Closed – Partner (maintaining inside/outside position, circling, taking the back)
Flash Drill – Pads (circling partner flashes pads hi/mid/low, student strikes with single hand and foot techniques)
Hand and Foot Combinations – Line Drill (advancing/retreating with strikes, partner defending, down the floor then alternating)
Long Range Defenses – Partner (sparring style, slow speed touch contact, h/p, circling with long range hand and foot techniques to body, {evasion/checking/jamming/blocking})
Class 3
Basics Practice
Hand Basics – Shield (open and closed hand strikes, elbows, advancing with strikes)
Foot Basics – Shield (kicks and knees, retreating with strikes)
All Weapons Basics – Shield (hand and foot combinations, circling with strikes)
Begging Palms (rocking horse effect, rotating hips, straight pulling wrist escapes, double forward palm strikes)
Elbow Set – Air (inward/outward/rearward/upward/downward/obscure)
Dynamic Drills
Rocking Horse Effect – Body (static drill, explore using strikes and manipulations to cause “rocking horse effect”)
Striking with Rotational Energy – Bag (static, using the neutral to forward bow stance transition to generate power for single and double hand strikes)
Double Wrist Grab Escapes – Partner (pulling double straight wrist grab escape, inside out double cross wrist grab escape, alternating)
Class 4
Stance Practice
Stance Formation – In Place (practice proper height/width/depth for neutral bow/forward bow/close kneel/cat stances)
Stance Transitions – In Place (practice transitioning between neutral bow and cat/neutral bow and forward bow/forward bow and close kneel)
Stance Walking – Line Drill (practicing advancing and retreating with push drag/step drag/drag step/step through foot maneuvers in a neutral bow, maintaining proper height/width/depth after each foot maneuver)
Hidden Elbows (compound striking, body slams, groin grabs, obscure elbows, “rubber band” effect [muscle tension])
Dynamic Drills
Body Slams – Shields (advancing and retreating, simultaneous striking with the shoulder/arm/hip/leg/foot)
Finding the Groin – Partner (opponent attacks from behind with grab/hold, {find the groin with strikes/grabs}, static/dynamic)
Elbow Strikes – Pads (inward/outward/rearward/upward/downward/obscure)
Compound Striking – Shields (static, vertical elbow/hammerfist combination, horizontal punch/elbow combination)
Class 5
Foot Maneuver Training
Step Drag – Line Drill (advancing/retreating)
Drag Step – Line Drill (advancing/retreating)
Push Drag – Line Drill (advancing/retreating)
Step Through – Line Drill (advancing/retreating)
Twins of Fury (stop kicking, combining upper body defense with lower body offense, knees and groin as major targets, stepping back and kicking forward)
Dynamic Drills
Retreating with Kicks – Line Drill (retreating with foot maneuvers and front kicks/side kicks to 12)
Blocking and Kicking – Partner (circling, slow speed touch contact, opponent attacks with punch/push, {block/low line kick counter}, continuous)
Striking the Knees and Groin – Body (static, circle the opponent using hand and foot techniques to strike the knees and groin from all directions)
Practicing Stop Kicks – Line Drill (opponent advances with foot maneuvers no striking, {retreat with foot maneuver/low line kick counter}, down the floor then alternate)
Class 6
Kicking Set 1 – Air (front/wheel/side/rear, kicking combinations)
Basics Practice
Elbow Strikes – Pads (inward/outward/rearward/upward/downward/obscure)
Kicks – Bag (front/wheel/side/rear, kicking combinations)
Jabs/Crosses – Pads (partner circling with pads high, jabs/crosses returning to neutral guard position between striking)
Knee Strikes – Body (static, moving the opponent with forward thrusting/upward lifting knee strikes)
Line Drills
Advancing with Elbow Strikes – Shield (advancing through the opponent, striking/pressing the shield with elbows)
Retreating with Kicks – Shield (kicking and landing back retreating)
Advancing with Jabs/Crosses – Pads (advancing with foot maneuvers and jabs/crosses to high pads)
Stepping Through with Knee Strikes – Body (controlling the opponent in clinch position, driving opponent down floor with control and striking)
Class 7
Breakfall Practice
Practicing Proper Form – In Place (sitting/squatting/crouching/standing, 5 repetitions each)
Falling out of a Push – Partner (opponent pushes student to the ground, {back breakfall}, rise and alternate)
Fallen Fury (breakfall, kicking from the ground [each hip/back/hands and knees], mule kick, step through to stand up)
Dynamic Drills
Kicking from the Ground – Shields (static, kicks from each hip/back/hands and knees)
Practicing Stand Ups – In Place (static, hands and knees rising, hand spin stand up, street fighter stand up, step through stand up)
Defending from the Ground – Partner (opponent circles and aggresses. {keep legs between opponent and head, controlled kicks and presses, escape to stand up)
Class 8
Pattern Practice
Elbow Set – Air (form/accuracy/speed/power)
Kicking Set 1 – Air (form/accuracy/speed/power)
Elbow Set – Pads (each strike 5 times increasing intensity)
Kicking Set 1 – Pads (each kick 5 times increasing intensity)
Technique Practice
Yellow Techniques – Air (running list, each technique twice)
Yellow Techniques – Body (running list, alternating, each techniques twice)
Orange Techniques – Air (first four, each technique twice)
Orange Techniques – Body (first four, each technique twice)
Class 9
Pad Drills
Blocks from a Fighting Stance – Pads (dynamic, opponent strikes with pads, {defend with hard blocking technique})
Boxing Maneuvering – Pads (partner holds pads/attacks with pads, {hook/cross/jab/uppercut/bob and weave/cover})
Kickboxing Strikes – Pads (dynamic, partner holding pads hi/mid horizontal/mid facing down, jab/cross/knee/wheel kick/roundhouse kick against the pads})
Advancing with Strikes – Pads (line drill, partner holds pads hi and retreats, {advance with hand strikes to the pads})
Body Work
Body Conditioning – Partner (static, horse stance/fighting stance, partner circles with controlled strikes to torso, practice sensing/shifting/tensing/breathing to absorb impact)
Manipulating the Opponent In Place – Partner (static, practice engaging with grabs/holds and repositioning the opponent's body)
Manipulating the Opponent Around – Partner (static, practice engaging with grabs/holds and repositioning the opponent around the room)
Swarming and Circling – Partner (static, practice engaging with grabs/holds and moving around and behind the opponent)
Class 10
Basics Practice
Practicing the Reverse Punch – Bag (pivoting and setting in the stance, weapon formulation at different heights)
Practicing the Front Thrust Kick – Bag (thrusting the hip and developing stability in the base leg, proper foot and ankle alignment)
Attacking Fist(reverse punch, defenses to the outside, contouring, holding and kicking)
Complimentary Angles (|knowledge factor|, 90 degrees for energy transferance, angle at which weapon best fits target)
Dynamic Drills
Moving to the Outside Position – Partner (dynamic, open faced, circling opponent throws jab, {lead hand block and move to outside position/cross counter})
Contouring the Arms and Torso – Body (static, maintaining contact move from head to arms to torso and back, eyes open/eyes closed)
Holding and Kicking – Body (static, grab/hold opponent and strike with controlled stomps/knees/kicks)
Flowing from Strikes to Grapples – Body (static, punch/grab, punch/arm bar, punch/bearhug)
Class 11
Short Form 1 (retreat and defend, double factor blocking)
Pulsing Method (|method of execution|, torquing/tensing at the point of contact)
Dynamic Drills
Circle of Double Factors – Air (horse stance, upward/outward/downward double factor blocks clockwise/counter clockwise)
Retreating from Punch Attacks – Line Drill (partner advancing with straight punches, {retreat with step through foot maneuvers and inward/outward/upward blocks})
Retreating from Kick Attacks – Line Drill (partner advancing with front thrust kicks, {retreat with step through foot maneuvers and downward blocks})
Blocks as Strikes on the Pads – Line Drill (partner advancing with straight punches holding pads, {retreat with hard blocks against the pads, strike and pulse})
Class 12
Shield Drills
Hand Techniques – Shields (circling/pressing/retreating with close/long range strikes, striking with the forearm)
Foot Techniques – Shields (circling/pressing/retreating with close long range kicks, high/low kicking combinations without setting down the foot)
Body Slams – Shields (advancing and retreating, simultaneous striking with the shoulder/arm/hip/leg/foot, striking and pressing the opponent with the body)
Full Body Techniques – Line Drill (advancing with hand/foot/body techniques pressing/striking the partner holding a shield the length of the floor, alternating)
Contact Drills
Defining Touch Contact – Body (static, circle with controlled touch contact strikes to limbs and torso)
Defining Light Contact – Partner (dynamic, covering and absorbing light contact strikes from a partner to the torso)
Defining Medium Contact – Shields (static, circling with medium contact strikes that move the opponent, breathing and tensing when striking and getting struck)
Defining Heavy Contact – Bag (palm strikes and rear kicks, proper form, hitting and penetrating through the target with heavy contact strikes)
Class 13
Short Form 1 (straight cross footwork pattern, coversteps and reverse pivots)
3 Ways to Add Power (|knowledge factor|, Back Up Mass, Opposing Force, Marriage of Gravity)
Dynamic Drills
Facing Four Directions – In Place (neutral bow guard up, step through advancing/retreating, coversteps, pivot steps, facing 12,9,6,3)
Striking Four Directions – In Place (neutral bow guard up, facing four directions, striking with hands and feet)
Meeting on the Cross Footwork Pattern – Partner (static, facing a partner outside contact range in a fighting stance, step together directly towards each other to contact range/step away along a 90 degree angle to face each other on a new line/repeat, one step at a time)
Striking and Defending on the Cross – Partner (h/p, face/step together with strike/block/retreat along 90 degree angle to new line/repeat)
Escaping with Reverse Pivot Steps – Partner (h/p, dynamic, partner approaches in a fighting stance, {fighting stance, angle change/retreat with a reverse pivot step}, give chase and repeat)
Class 14
Pattern Review
Short Form 1 (right and left side, kime, breathing)
Raining Claw (body blows, momentum checking, creating obscure zones, push drags with strikes)
Obscure Zones (|knowledge factor|, any zone which can be sensed but not seen)
Dynamic Drills
Striking to the Body – Partner (fighting stance, partner covering and absorbing strikes, circle with light contact punches to the body)
Hard Blocking to Affect the Posture – Partner (h/p, static, slow speed, partner strikes high/mid/low with hands, {hard blocking defense that penetrates through the opponent's limb causing a significant change in his posture}, repeat from that position, one step continuous)
Creating the Obscure Zone – Partner (h/p, fighting stance, dynamic, slow speed, chase the opponent reaching out to cover their eyes with your hands, opponent does not defend but moves and changes positions, [practice carefully around the eyes])
Body Momentum and Back Up Mass – Shields (striking with foot maneuvers, step drag/drag step/push drag/step through foot maneuvers with hand strikes for power)
Class 15
Stand Up Grappling
Basic Grabs – Partner (dynamic, manipulating with one and two hand grabs)
Basic Pushes – Partner (dynamic, manipulating with straight and cross pushes and body slams)
Basic Holds – Partner (dynamic, manipulating with bearhugs and arm hold)
Basic Head Control – Partner (dynamic, manipulating with clinch position, side headlock)
Grapple Flow Drills
Competitive Grabbing – Partner (dynamic, grabbing and controlling, pressing/pulling, escaping, manipulating with grabs)
Push Hands – Partner (dynamic, in place fighting stance, using pushes to off balance the opponent)
Swarming and Circling – Partner (dynamic, practice engaging with grabs/holds and moving around and behind the opponent)
Controlling with the Head – Partner (h/p, dynamic, flowing with head control positions and manipulating the opponent, opponent attempts to maintain and control base but does not defend or escape head control techniques)
Class 16
Deflecting Hammer (striking the bladder, deflecting blocks, hands high/low/high, engaging with checks, bringing the target to the weapon, checking the counter)
Rate Yourself 1-10 (|knowledge factor|, where you were, are, want to be, could be)
Dynamic Drills
Practicing Deflecting Downward Blocks – Partner (opponent attacks with front kicks to groin/bladder/body, {step back/deflecting downward block}, reset/repeat other side, continuous)
Engaging with Checks – Partner (dynamic, partner moving in neutral bow guard up, chase with checks to the opponent's limbs, maintain contact and press)
Checking the Checks – Partner (beginning with simplest techniques attacker engages each of defender's checks with action [re-maneuvering or striking])
Exploring the Counters – Partner (beginning with simplest techniques explore each step of the self defense techniques for possible counters, practice engaging with counters at slow speed)
Class 17
Pattern Review
Short Form 1 (defensive maneuvers, hard blocking techniques)
Crossing Block (clinch position, downward cross block, anchoring to the clinch position, sloughing escape)
Dynamic Drills
Knee Strikes for Power – Pads (partner holds pads down at mid line,strike with lifting/bracing knee strikes and breathing)
Controlling with the Clinch Position – Body (manipulate with clinch position, {anchor and base})
Knee Strikes from Clinch Position – Body (controlling in the clinch position striking with knees to the head and body, {defend with cross block}
Escaping the Clinch Position – Partner (h/p, control with clinch position, {use sloughing/wedging to escape hold}, engage with clinch and alternate)
Class 18
Basics Practice
Strikes from a Horse Stance – Air (in place, punches/handswords/palm strikes, front/side/rear kicks)
Strikes from a Fighting Stance – Pads (circling, high/low pads, hand strikes high/foot strikes low)
Strikes from the Ground – Shields (shield holder circling, hand/foot strikes to the shields circling/rolling/scrambling on the ground)
Strikes in Sequence – Body (static, circling and striking the opponent in long combinations of successive hand and foot strikes changing ranges/positions/levels, focusing on targeting/angle of contact/weapon structure)
Category of Attack Defenses
Grabs – Partner (opponent grabs from any direction, {defend with grab escapes/defenses})
Pushes – Partner (opponent pushes high/low from 12, {base/block/counter with hands/feet})
Punches – Partner (opponent punches with straights/hooks from 12, {control inside position/counter to centerline})
Kicks – Partner (opponent attacks with front/side/rear kicks from 12, {retreat out of range, deflect/block/strike the kicking leg, counter to the body})
Class 19
Pattern Review
Short Form 1 (pivoting and defending)
Charging Ram (mid line shoulder tackle, pivoting off line, strike downs, kicking a downed opponent)
Dynamic Drills
Mid Line Shoulder Tackle – Body (practice controlled tackle to hold/takedown/lift)
Pivoting Off the Line of Attack – Partner (slow speed, partner advances linearly with straight strikes, {pivot off line and counter strike as opponent passes}, reface and repeat)
Practicing Strike Downs – Body (static practice of strike down/press down to bowed opponent from above)
Kicking a Downed Opponent – Partner (h/p, dynamic, circling and controlled kicking to a prone opponent, {circle/cover/jam with legs to defend against kicks})
Class 20
Energy Drills
Breath Control – In Place (inhaling/holding/exhaling/holding, breathing with strikes, tensing with inward hammerfists to own abdomen)
Sensing the Opponent's Position – Body (eyes closed, sensing changes in stance and position through grabs and holds)
Push Hands – Partner (fighting stance, both hands extended touching partner palm to palm, yielding and pressing, circling)
Slow Bearhug Manipulations – Partner (lift/press/drag/turn, walking and circling in the bearhug)
Striking 3 Levels of Contact – Body (dumb partner, static, touch/light/medium contact strikes to the limbs and upper torso, controlled drill)
Partner Drills
Striking and Covering with the Hands – Pads (partner holding pads high/executing wide strikes high with the pad, striking with palms and punches/covering and evading strikes, circling)
Kicks and Knees – Pads (partner holding pads low/stacked in front of them, kicking/knee strikes, circling)
One Strike Defense – Partner (attack with a punch, {step back and defend/counter}, step back and defend/counter, alternating slow speed)
Alternating Grapples – Partner (attack with grab/push/hold/headlock, {escape and counter with grapple}, escape and counter with grapple, alternating slow speed)
Class 21
Escaping the Mount (top/bottom positions, mount position, bucking, rolling mount escape)
Dynamic Drills
Learning the Mount – Partner (basic position, purpose, examples of striking/grabbing the bottom opponent)
In the Top Position of the Mount – Partner (balance and settling, moving up and down opponent's torso, pinning the hands over the head)
In the Bottom Position of the Mount – Partner (releasing the arms with clearing motions, grabbing the belt, bucking, moving forward and back under the opponent, lateral rolling)
Practicing the Rolling Mount Escape – Partner (mount, {escape}, reset and repeat)
Class 22
Grappling or Striking
Attacking with Grabs and Pushes – Partner (simulating escalation phase with vocal stimulus, attacker enters with grab/push, {base/escape/guard/command}, reset and repeat)
Attacking with Punches – Partner (simulating escalation phase with vocal stimulus, attacker enters with slow speed punch, {escape/defend/guard/command}, reset and repeat)
Defending against Holds – Partner (eyes closed, opponent attacks with arm hold/bearhug/headlock, {base/grab the grab/separate/guard/command}, reset and repeat)
Attacking with Kicks – Partner (simulating escalation phase with vocal stimulus, attacker enters with slow speed kick, {escape/defend/guard/command}, reset and repeat)
Grappling and Striking
Attacking with Punches off of Grab Entries – Partner (simulating transition from escalation to combat phase with vocal stimulus, attack enters with grab/follow up off hand striking to the body, {cover/base/escape/off angle/enter with bearhug arms pinned}, reset and repeat)
Pressing Pushes and Striking Pushes – Shields (static, practicing moving the opponent away striking with pushes/pressing with pushes, increasing intensity)
Attacking with Kicks from Holds – Partner (begin in arm hold/bearhug/headlock, attack with kicks/stomps/knee strikes while maintaining grapple position, static)
Striking From the Top Position – Partner (mount position, top position slow controlled strikes to head and body, bottom position cover and block)
Class 23
Passing the Guard (guard position, elbow wedge guard pass, swimming, side mount position)
Dynamic Drills
Learning the Guard – Partner (basic position, guard position, examples of defending from the bottom position)
In the Top Position of the Guard – Partner (crushing into opponent's lower abdomen, plank position pressing down and moving side to side, lateral movement on the knees, grabbing the belt)
In the Bottom Position of the Guard – Partner (lateral movement on the back, swinging the hips out to move from side to side, pressing away with the hips and knees, pulling the opponent into a bearhug, alternating pulling in and pushing away)
Practicing the Elbow Wedge Guard Pass – Partner (guard, {escape}, reset and repeat)
Class 24
Counter Drills
High Strike Counter – Partner (opponent attacks with punch or kick, {escape/defend/counter with high hand technique}, reset, alternating)
Low Strike Counter – Partner (opponent attacks with punch or kick, {escape/defend/counter with low foot technique}, reset, alternating)
Jamming Counter – Partner (opponent attacks with punch or kick, {escape/defend/counter with pressing position checks to opponent's limbs/shoulders/hips, press opponent away and maintain contact}, reset, alternating)
Grapple Counter – Partner (opponent attacks with punch or kick, {escape/defend/counter with grab or hold/control opponent with grapple}, reset, alternating)
Spontaneous Self Defense
Defending Against Grabs and Pushes – Partner (committed attacks, counter with striking)
Defending Against Punches and Kicks – Partner (defender eyes closed, strike with kiai/{open eyes on kiai}, slow speed, counter with grapples)
Defending Against Holds – Partner (dynamic holds, strike free and create space, controlled contact)
Defending Against Spontaneous Attacks – Partner (circling, take turns attacking, defend and counter, alternate)
Class 25
Escaping the Hammer (hammerlock, arm whip, negative body posture, pulling by the extended arm)
Checking on the Inside and Outside of the Arm (|knowledge factor|, placement and counters)
Dynamic Drills
Learning the Hammerlock – Body (basic straight hammerlock, applying the lock, submitting with shoulder pressure, off hand checking)
Walking with the Hammerlock – Partner (applying the straight hammerlock with off hand pressing check, walk opponent down the floor, increasing intensity)
Whipping and Dragging by the Extended Arm – Body (practice rolling/whipping/pulling the extended arm to change the opponent's position)
Alternating Hammerlock Techniques – Partner (attack with hammerlock, {step out of lock/turn/counter with hammerlock}, alternate)
Class 26
Checking the Storm (overhead club attacks, club evasion, shielding, chicken front kicks)
Heavy Clubs and Light Sticks (|knowledge factor|, differences/strengths/weaknesses/methods of execution)
Dynamic Drills
Overhead Attacks with the Club – Pads (striking down with energized arm/whipping arm)
Club Evasion – Partner (h/p, slow speed, chasing with vertical/horizontal club attacks, escaping with footwork, no contact)
Chicken Front Kicks – Shields (form, accuracy, speed, power)
Spontaneous Club Defense – Partner (attack with vertical/horizontal club attacks, {step back/counter with strikes/impact disarm}, reset and repeat)
Class 27
Striking Combinations
Hand/Hand – Air (palm/punch, bks/punch, punch/handsword)
Hand/Foot – Pads (circling partner holds one pad high/one pad low, jab/fk, bks/sk)
Foot/Foot – Shields (circling, one foot – fk/wk, sk/rk, wk/wk, two feet – fk/fk, fk/rhk, sk/rk)
Foot/Hand – Body (h/p, static, circling, attack with foot/hand combinations to a dumb opponent, light contact)
Striking Counters
Two Strike Defense – Partner (attack with a punch, {step back and defend/counter hand/counter foot}, step back and defend/counter hand/counter foot, alternating slow speed)
Striking from Cover Position – Partner (h/p, medium speed, partner attacks with light contact hands, {cover and evade/watch for opening/explode to centerline with strikes}/cover and evade, alternating)
Sticky Hands with Kicks – Partner (controlling inside/outside position, circling and changing levels, attacking with controlled low line kicks)
Striking Out of Grapples – Partner (engage with any control maneuver, {isolate grapple and strike away/engage with any control maneuver}, alternating)
Class 28
Pattern Review
Elbow Set – Air (3 repetitions, increasing intensity)
Kicking Set 1 – Air (3 repetitions, increasing intensity)
Short Form 1 – Air (3 repetitions, increasing intensity)
Technique Review
Yellow Techniques – Air (twice each with intensity and focus)
Yellow Techniques – Body (twice each with contact and timing)
Orange Techniques – Air (twice each with intensity and focus)
Orange Techniques – Body (twice each with contact and timing)
Class 29
Striking from the Ground
Punching and Kicking While Prone – Air (laying on the back practicing punches/palms/handswords/backnuckles and heel/side/front/wheel kicks in place)
Circling with Strikes While Prone – Shields (static drill, rotating 360 degrees on back with kicks and punches to a circling partner, both directions)
Jamming and Checking with the Legs – Body (slow speed, rotating on back, partner stepping in, extend and contact between the knee and ankle, partner steps back/circles/advances)
Dying Cockroach – Group Activity (control intensity, slow speed, one student on back, group circling with shields, prone student kicks and strikes to shields, group moves in and out)
Stand Up Grappling
Grabbing and Pushing – Partner (simulating escalation to engagement with vocal stimulus, practice grabbing and pushing/pulling with the grab, {grab the grab/base}, alternate)
Moving by the Head – Body (clinch position/side headlock, controlled manipulations, moving the body forward/back/around, flowing between the two positions, {clear the airway/base}, continuous)
Tackle Techniques – Partner (controlled dynamic drill, student practices controlled tackle to hold/takedown/lift while defender checks and pushes the tackler away while stepping off line)
Wrestling to the Hammerlock – Partner (controlled dynamic drill, crossed wrist grab, students practice flowing back and forth to the hammerlock position, increasing intensity with gradually increasing resistance, [practice caution around the joints, technique/form/angle/leverage])
Class 30
Striking and Grappling in Combination
Holding and Hitting – Partner (h/p, static drill, grab and strike with the off hand, {cover})
Sticky Hands with Off Hand Striking – Partner (h/p, slow to med, touch contact strikes to the body)
Knees and Elbows in the Clinch – Partner (h/p, slow to med, touch contact, strikes to the body/head, {cover/base}, continuous)
Striking from Inside a Bearhug – Partner (partner holds and maintains a bearhug practicing evasive movement and defensive head position, {practice controlled hammerfists/stomps}, continuous)
Back and Forth Drills
Advancing and Retreating with Linear Strikes – Line Drill (with a partner, short lines, hard blocks and evasion)
Covering to Counter – Partner (controlled strikes to the head and body, {cover/wait for opportunity/explode to centerline with linear strikes}, cover and alternate)
Close/Far to Arm Grapples – Partner (flowing with increasing resistance, students engage with sticky hands/pummeling and flow to grab/arm hold/shoulder lock/elbow trap/hammerlock, back and forth)
3 Hit Kenpo – Partner (static alternating, attack with a right step through punch, {defend/counter/counter/counter/pause}, defend/counter/counter/counter/pause, increasing intensity, both dumb uke)
Class 31
Partner Training
Striking the Pads – Circling (partner holds pads hi/mid/low/stacked and attacks with pads, kick/punch/knee/cover/evade)
Striking the Shields – Line Drill (partner advances and retreats with shields, advance and retreat with light to medium contact linear strikes)
Striking the Body – In Place (horse stance/fighting stance, circle with touch/light/medium contact strikes to body/limbs, {tense/breath/deflect/absorb)
Striking with a Partner – Circling (h/p, slow speed, hand/foot combinations one at a time, {evasion/hard blocking}, reset and repeat)
Defending from the Ground
Walking the Outline – Partner (circling a prone partner with strikes/stomps/kicks, static, face up/face down, prone partner slowly moves on ground circling/rising halfway/rolling, continue controlled striking)
Circling on the Ground – Partner (circling a prone opponent and advancing, {spinning face up to keep legs between head and opponent and jamming with the legs}, continuous)
Defending Against the Leg Grab – Partner (engaging with grabs to the ankle, {sloughing/striking/rolling away}, regrabbing, continuous, dynamic)
Dying Cockroach – Group Activity (control intensity, slow speed, one student on back, group circling, prone student kicks and strikes to legs and body and jams with legs, group moves in and out, prone student waits for opportunity and attempts to rise, continuous)
Class 32
Basics Practice
Striking from the Ground – Shields (static, hands and feet from prone/each hip/hands and knees)
Advancing with Linear Kicks and Punches – Line Drill (long lines, advancing with foot maneuvers and straight punches and kicks, {retreating with hard blocks}, down the floor and alternate)
Mount Escape to Guard Pass – Body (start in bottom position of mount, practice rolling mount escape to top position in guard/elbow wedge guard pass to side mount/step over to mount, alternate)
Simple Club Evasion – Partner (dynamic, slow speed, h/p, club strikes and thrusts, no contact evasion checking and guarding to the club side, continuous)
Curriculum Review
Striking Combinations (hand and foot combinations from a fighting stance)
Knowledge Factors (White Dot Focus/Black Zone Awareness:Black Dot Focus/White Zone Awareness, Complimentary Angle, Pulsing Method, Rate Yourself 1-10 (where you were, are, want to be, could be), 3 Ways to Add Power (Back Up Mass, Opposing Force, Marriage of Gravity), Obscure Zones, Checking on the Inside and Outside of the Arm, Heavy Clubs and Light Sticks)
Techniques in the Air (running lists)
Patterns in the Air (elbow, kicking 1, short 1)
So that's it. 32 classes, designed to last four months. I think that following my Yellow Belt Curriculum this would result in a pretty competent Orange Belt. Let me know what you think.
This isn't complete, it doesn't contain any stretching or calisthenics. It's just a list of curriculum, drills, and activities. But in an ideal teaching environment, I think this would result in a pretty strong yellow belt. I tried to cover a number of simple techniques and practices with a lot of variation and a clear progression through the most beginner material. This includes striking with the hands and feet, simple stand up grappling, and basic defenses against weapons. It deals with ground fighting but only in a very basic sense against a standing opponent. I won't teach actual two prone ground fighting until later in the curriculum.
This level of curriculum is about teaching the students how to move and control and feel their bodies. I've started on the next level of curriculum which is going to be focused on learning how to train with a partner.
Now I've written a similar 32 class curriculum for taking a student from Yellow Belt to Orange Belt. While the first level of the curriculum was designed to teach the student how to use their own bodies, the second level of the curriculum is designed to teach the student how to train safely and interact with a training partner. In this level they'll explore how to interact with a partner for safe training, how to sense their opponent's position and movements, and how to make controlled contact to the body. There's also some very basic ground fighting taught in a static fashion to introduce them to the basics of being on the ground.
I'm going to warn you now. This is long. It's just a rough outline but 32 classes adds up. I think it's easy enough to follow, but if anybody has any questions feel free to ask. And if you see anything you like, feel free to use it.
You probably won't recognize the technique names. Some you can probably guess. Others you won't know. If you need specifics ask. It should be generally clear from context.
So, here's 32 classes to teach the students my Orange Belt curriculum. This is formulated with the idea that I would have a group of orange belts all training at the same pace and never missing class. Of course, that's a completely unrealistic scenario so I'd have to make changes almost immediately. But in an ideal world, here's what the curriculum would look like. Bear in mind, this is still a work in progress and is more like a flexible idea than a rigid teaching schedule. If you see any drills or activities you like you are of course welcome to them.
Orange Belt Curriculum
- Deceptive Gift – right dishonorable handshake to right hand from 12
- Begging Palms – double wrist grab from 12
- Hidden Elbows – right close grab to top of left shoulder from 4:30
- Twins of Fury – high two handed push to upper torso from 12
- Fallen Fury – two handed push to the ground from 12
- Attacking Fist – right straight punch to the head from 12
- Raining Claw – right inverted horizontal punch to lower ribs from 12
- Deflecting Hammer – right step through front thrust kick to the groin from 12
- Crossing Block – upward knee strikes to the head from within the clinch position from 12
- Charging Ram – mid line tackle to the waist from 12
- Escaping the Mount – in bottom position facing opponent mounted over upper torso
- Passing the Guard – in top position facing opponent in closed guard around lower abdomen
- Escaping the Hammer – right hammerlock to right arm from 6
- Checking the Storm – right step through overhead downward heavy club attack to head from 12
- Elbow Set
- Kicking Set 1
- Short Form 1
Knowledge Factors
- White Dot Focus/Black Zone Awareness:Black Dot Focus/White Zone Awareness
- Complimentary Angle
- Pulsing Method
- Rate Yourself 1-10 (where you were, are, want to be, could be)
- 3 Ways to Add Power (Back Up Mass, Opposing Force, Marriage of Gravity)
- Obscure Zones
- Checking on the Inside and Outside of the Arm
- Heavy Clubs and Light Sticks
Class 1
Deceptive Gift (dishonorable handshakes, striking with the off hand, stress and shock, penetrating through the opponent's stance with checks)
White Dot Focus/Black Zone Awareness:Black Dot Focus/White Zone Awareness (|knowledge factor|)
Dynamic Drills
Practicing Dishonorable Handshakes – Body (crush/sucker punch/pulling into holds)
Holding and Hitting – Body (engage using grabs/handshake/holds, striking with the off hand, switching hands and grapples)
Extending the Opponent's Limbs – Partner (opponent keeps arms loosely anchored in to the body, grab at the hand/wrist/forearm and attempt to extend the arm away from the opponent's body, dynamic increasing intensity)
Holding and Checking – Partner (engage using grabs/handshake/holds, opponent strikes with both hands, use position/pinning checks to defend/control opponent's strikes, continuous)
Penetrating through the Opponent's Position with Strikes – Line Drill (advancing with knees and elbows against a partner holding a shield, use strikes to push opponent back, alternating)
Class 2
Training with a Partner
Sensing the Opponent's Position – Partner (eyes closed, making contact with the enemy using open hands and grabs, opponent changes levels and positions, maintain contact and sense movements)
Watching for Tells – Pads (single hand and foot strikes, pad holder watches for tells and alerts striker, striker makes corrections)
Hand and Foot Combinations – Shields (circling/pressing/escaping, striking with hands and feet)
Mirroring Movements and Striking – Partner (circle walking and executing hand and foot techniques out of contact range, h/p, watching and mirroring the partner's motions)
Working with a Partner
Pummeling Drill with Eyes Closed – Partner (maintaining inside/outside position, circling, taking the back)
Flash Drill – Pads (circling partner flashes pads hi/mid/low, student strikes with single hand and foot techniques)
Hand and Foot Combinations – Line Drill (advancing/retreating with strikes, partner defending, down the floor then alternating)
Long Range Defenses – Partner (sparring style, slow speed touch contact, h/p, circling with long range hand and foot techniques to body, {evasion/checking/jamming/blocking})
Class 3
Basics Practice
Hand Basics – Shield (open and closed hand strikes, elbows, advancing with strikes)
Foot Basics – Shield (kicks and knees, retreating with strikes)
All Weapons Basics – Shield (hand and foot combinations, circling with strikes)
Begging Palms (rocking horse effect, rotating hips, straight pulling wrist escapes, double forward palm strikes)
Elbow Set – Air (inward/outward/rearward/upward/downward/obscure)
Dynamic Drills
Rocking Horse Effect – Body (static drill, explore using strikes and manipulations to cause “rocking horse effect”)
Striking with Rotational Energy – Bag (static, using the neutral to forward bow stance transition to generate power for single and double hand strikes)
Double Wrist Grab Escapes – Partner (pulling double straight wrist grab escape, inside out double cross wrist grab escape, alternating)
Class 4
Stance Practice
Stance Formation – In Place (practice proper height/width/depth for neutral bow/forward bow/close kneel/cat stances)
Stance Transitions – In Place (practice transitioning between neutral bow and cat/neutral bow and forward bow/forward bow and close kneel)
Stance Walking – Line Drill (practicing advancing and retreating with push drag/step drag/drag step/step through foot maneuvers in a neutral bow, maintaining proper height/width/depth after each foot maneuver)
Hidden Elbows (compound striking, body slams, groin grabs, obscure elbows, “rubber band” effect [muscle tension])
Dynamic Drills
Body Slams – Shields (advancing and retreating, simultaneous striking with the shoulder/arm/hip/leg/foot)
Finding the Groin – Partner (opponent attacks from behind with grab/hold, {find the groin with strikes/grabs}, static/dynamic)
Elbow Strikes – Pads (inward/outward/rearward/upward/downward/obscure)
Compound Striking – Shields (static, vertical elbow/hammerfist combination, horizontal punch/elbow combination)
Class 5
Foot Maneuver Training
Step Drag – Line Drill (advancing/retreating)
Drag Step – Line Drill (advancing/retreating)
Push Drag – Line Drill (advancing/retreating)
Step Through – Line Drill (advancing/retreating)
Twins of Fury (stop kicking, combining upper body defense with lower body offense, knees and groin as major targets, stepping back and kicking forward)
Dynamic Drills
Retreating with Kicks – Line Drill (retreating with foot maneuvers and front kicks/side kicks to 12)
Blocking and Kicking – Partner (circling, slow speed touch contact, opponent attacks with punch/push, {block/low line kick counter}, continuous)
Striking the Knees and Groin – Body (static, circle the opponent using hand and foot techniques to strike the knees and groin from all directions)
Practicing Stop Kicks – Line Drill (opponent advances with foot maneuvers no striking, {retreat with foot maneuver/low line kick counter}, down the floor then alternate)
Class 6
Kicking Set 1 – Air (front/wheel/side/rear, kicking combinations)
Basics Practice
Elbow Strikes – Pads (inward/outward/rearward/upward/downward/obscure)
Kicks – Bag (front/wheel/side/rear, kicking combinations)
Jabs/Crosses – Pads (partner circling with pads high, jabs/crosses returning to neutral guard position between striking)
Knee Strikes – Body (static, moving the opponent with forward thrusting/upward lifting knee strikes)
Line Drills
Advancing with Elbow Strikes – Shield (advancing through the opponent, striking/pressing the shield with elbows)
Retreating with Kicks – Shield (kicking and landing back retreating)
Advancing with Jabs/Crosses – Pads (advancing with foot maneuvers and jabs/crosses to high pads)
Stepping Through with Knee Strikes – Body (controlling the opponent in clinch position, driving opponent down floor with control and striking)
Class 7
Breakfall Practice
Practicing Proper Form – In Place (sitting/squatting/crouching/standing, 5 repetitions each)
Falling out of a Push – Partner (opponent pushes student to the ground, {back breakfall}, rise and alternate)
Fallen Fury (breakfall, kicking from the ground [each hip/back/hands and knees], mule kick, step through to stand up)
Dynamic Drills
Kicking from the Ground – Shields (static, kicks from each hip/back/hands and knees)
Practicing Stand Ups – In Place (static, hands and knees rising, hand spin stand up, street fighter stand up, step through stand up)
Defending from the Ground – Partner (opponent circles and aggresses. {keep legs between opponent and head, controlled kicks and presses, escape to stand up)
Class 8
Pattern Practice
Elbow Set – Air (form/accuracy/speed/power)
Kicking Set 1 – Air (form/accuracy/speed/power)
Elbow Set – Pads (each strike 5 times increasing intensity)
Kicking Set 1 – Pads (each kick 5 times increasing intensity)
Technique Practice
Yellow Techniques – Air (running list, each technique twice)
Yellow Techniques – Body (running list, alternating, each techniques twice)
Orange Techniques – Air (first four, each technique twice)
Orange Techniques – Body (first four, each technique twice)
Class 9
Pad Drills
Blocks from a Fighting Stance – Pads (dynamic, opponent strikes with pads, {defend with hard blocking technique})
Boxing Maneuvering – Pads (partner holds pads/attacks with pads, {hook/cross/jab/uppercut/bob and weave/cover})
Kickboxing Strikes – Pads (dynamic, partner holding pads hi/mid horizontal/mid facing down, jab/cross/knee/wheel kick/roundhouse kick against the pads})
Advancing with Strikes – Pads (line drill, partner holds pads hi and retreats, {advance with hand strikes to the pads})
Body Work
Body Conditioning – Partner (static, horse stance/fighting stance, partner circles with controlled strikes to torso, practice sensing/shifting/tensing/breathing to absorb impact)
Manipulating the Opponent In Place – Partner (static, practice engaging with grabs/holds and repositioning the opponent's body)
Manipulating the Opponent Around – Partner (static, practice engaging with grabs/holds and repositioning the opponent around the room)
Swarming and Circling – Partner (static, practice engaging with grabs/holds and moving around and behind the opponent)
Class 10
Basics Practice
Practicing the Reverse Punch – Bag (pivoting and setting in the stance, weapon formulation at different heights)
Practicing the Front Thrust Kick – Bag (thrusting the hip and developing stability in the base leg, proper foot and ankle alignment)
Attacking Fist(reverse punch, defenses to the outside, contouring, holding and kicking)
Complimentary Angles (|knowledge factor|, 90 degrees for energy transferance, angle at which weapon best fits target)
Dynamic Drills
Moving to the Outside Position – Partner (dynamic, open faced, circling opponent throws jab, {lead hand block and move to outside position/cross counter})
Contouring the Arms and Torso – Body (static, maintaining contact move from head to arms to torso and back, eyes open/eyes closed)
Holding and Kicking – Body (static, grab/hold opponent and strike with controlled stomps/knees/kicks)
Flowing from Strikes to Grapples – Body (static, punch/grab, punch/arm bar, punch/bearhug)
Class 11
Short Form 1 (retreat and defend, double factor blocking)
Pulsing Method (|method of execution|, torquing/tensing at the point of contact)
Dynamic Drills
Circle of Double Factors – Air (horse stance, upward/outward/downward double factor blocks clockwise/counter clockwise)
Retreating from Punch Attacks – Line Drill (partner advancing with straight punches, {retreat with step through foot maneuvers and inward/outward/upward blocks})
Retreating from Kick Attacks – Line Drill (partner advancing with front thrust kicks, {retreat with step through foot maneuvers and downward blocks})
Blocks as Strikes on the Pads – Line Drill (partner advancing with straight punches holding pads, {retreat with hard blocks against the pads, strike and pulse})
Class 12
Shield Drills
Hand Techniques – Shields (circling/pressing/retreating with close/long range strikes, striking with the forearm)
Foot Techniques – Shields (circling/pressing/retreating with close long range kicks, high/low kicking combinations without setting down the foot)
Body Slams – Shields (advancing and retreating, simultaneous striking with the shoulder/arm/hip/leg/foot, striking and pressing the opponent with the body)
Full Body Techniques – Line Drill (advancing with hand/foot/body techniques pressing/striking the partner holding a shield the length of the floor, alternating)
Contact Drills
Defining Touch Contact – Body (static, circle with controlled touch contact strikes to limbs and torso)
Defining Light Contact – Partner (dynamic, covering and absorbing light contact strikes from a partner to the torso)
Defining Medium Contact – Shields (static, circling with medium contact strikes that move the opponent, breathing and tensing when striking and getting struck)
Defining Heavy Contact – Bag (palm strikes and rear kicks, proper form, hitting and penetrating through the target with heavy contact strikes)
Class 13
Short Form 1 (straight cross footwork pattern, coversteps and reverse pivots)
3 Ways to Add Power (|knowledge factor|, Back Up Mass, Opposing Force, Marriage of Gravity)
Dynamic Drills
Facing Four Directions – In Place (neutral bow guard up, step through advancing/retreating, coversteps, pivot steps, facing 12,9,6,3)
Striking Four Directions – In Place (neutral bow guard up, facing four directions, striking with hands and feet)
Meeting on the Cross Footwork Pattern – Partner (static, facing a partner outside contact range in a fighting stance, step together directly towards each other to contact range/step away along a 90 degree angle to face each other on a new line/repeat, one step at a time)
Striking and Defending on the Cross – Partner (h/p, face/step together with strike/block/retreat along 90 degree angle to new line/repeat)
Escaping with Reverse Pivot Steps – Partner (h/p, dynamic, partner approaches in a fighting stance, {fighting stance, angle change/retreat with a reverse pivot step}, give chase and repeat)
Class 14
Pattern Review
Short Form 1 (right and left side, kime, breathing)
Raining Claw (body blows, momentum checking, creating obscure zones, push drags with strikes)
Obscure Zones (|knowledge factor|, any zone which can be sensed but not seen)
Dynamic Drills
Striking to the Body – Partner (fighting stance, partner covering and absorbing strikes, circle with light contact punches to the body)
Hard Blocking to Affect the Posture – Partner (h/p, static, slow speed, partner strikes high/mid/low with hands, {hard blocking defense that penetrates through the opponent's limb causing a significant change in his posture}, repeat from that position, one step continuous)
Creating the Obscure Zone – Partner (h/p, fighting stance, dynamic, slow speed, chase the opponent reaching out to cover their eyes with your hands, opponent does not defend but moves and changes positions, [practice carefully around the eyes])
Body Momentum and Back Up Mass – Shields (striking with foot maneuvers, step drag/drag step/push drag/step through foot maneuvers with hand strikes for power)
Class 15
Stand Up Grappling
Basic Grabs – Partner (dynamic, manipulating with one and two hand grabs)
Basic Pushes – Partner (dynamic, manipulating with straight and cross pushes and body slams)
Basic Holds – Partner (dynamic, manipulating with bearhugs and arm hold)
Basic Head Control – Partner (dynamic, manipulating with clinch position, side headlock)
Grapple Flow Drills
Competitive Grabbing – Partner (dynamic, grabbing and controlling, pressing/pulling, escaping, manipulating with grabs)
Push Hands – Partner (dynamic, in place fighting stance, using pushes to off balance the opponent)
Swarming and Circling – Partner (dynamic, practice engaging with grabs/holds and moving around and behind the opponent)
Controlling with the Head – Partner (h/p, dynamic, flowing with head control positions and manipulating the opponent, opponent attempts to maintain and control base but does not defend or escape head control techniques)
Class 16
Deflecting Hammer (striking the bladder, deflecting blocks, hands high/low/high, engaging with checks, bringing the target to the weapon, checking the counter)
Rate Yourself 1-10 (|knowledge factor|, where you were, are, want to be, could be)
Dynamic Drills
Practicing Deflecting Downward Blocks – Partner (opponent attacks with front kicks to groin/bladder/body, {step back/deflecting downward block}, reset/repeat other side, continuous)
Engaging with Checks – Partner (dynamic, partner moving in neutral bow guard up, chase with checks to the opponent's limbs, maintain contact and press)
Checking the Checks – Partner (beginning with simplest techniques attacker engages each of defender's checks with action [re-maneuvering or striking])
Exploring the Counters – Partner (beginning with simplest techniques explore each step of the self defense techniques for possible counters, practice engaging with counters at slow speed)
Class 17
Pattern Review
Short Form 1 (defensive maneuvers, hard blocking techniques)
Crossing Block (clinch position, downward cross block, anchoring to the clinch position, sloughing escape)
Dynamic Drills
Knee Strikes for Power – Pads (partner holds pads down at mid line,strike with lifting/bracing knee strikes and breathing)
Controlling with the Clinch Position – Body (manipulate with clinch position, {anchor and base})
Knee Strikes from Clinch Position – Body (controlling in the clinch position striking with knees to the head and body, {defend with cross block}
Escaping the Clinch Position – Partner (h/p, control with clinch position, {use sloughing/wedging to escape hold}, engage with clinch and alternate)
Class 18
Basics Practice
Strikes from a Horse Stance – Air (in place, punches/handswords/palm strikes, front/side/rear kicks)
Strikes from a Fighting Stance – Pads (circling, high/low pads, hand strikes high/foot strikes low)
Strikes from the Ground – Shields (shield holder circling, hand/foot strikes to the shields circling/rolling/scrambling on the ground)
Strikes in Sequence – Body (static, circling and striking the opponent in long combinations of successive hand and foot strikes changing ranges/positions/levels, focusing on targeting/angle of contact/weapon structure)
Category of Attack Defenses
Grabs – Partner (opponent grabs from any direction, {defend with grab escapes/defenses})
Pushes – Partner (opponent pushes high/low from 12, {base/block/counter with hands/feet})
Punches – Partner (opponent punches with straights/hooks from 12, {control inside position/counter to centerline})
Kicks – Partner (opponent attacks with front/side/rear kicks from 12, {retreat out of range, deflect/block/strike the kicking leg, counter to the body})
Class 19
Pattern Review
Short Form 1 (pivoting and defending)
Charging Ram (mid line shoulder tackle, pivoting off line, strike downs, kicking a downed opponent)
Dynamic Drills
Mid Line Shoulder Tackle – Body (practice controlled tackle to hold/takedown/lift)
Pivoting Off the Line of Attack – Partner (slow speed, partner advances linearly with straight strikes, {pivot off line and counter strike as opponent passes}, reface and repeat)
Practicing Strike Downs – Body (static practice of strike down/press down to bowed opponent from above)
Kicking a Downed Opponent – Partner (h/p, dynamic, circling and controlled kicking to a prone opponent, {circle/cover/jam with legs to defend against kicks})
Class 20
Energy Drills
Breath Control – In Place (inhaling/holding/exhaling/holding, breathing with strikes, tensing with inward hammerfists to own abdomen)
Sensing the Opponent's Position – Body (eyes closed, sensing changes in stance and position through grabs and holds)
Push Hands – Partner (fighting stance, both hands extended touching partner palm to palm, yielding and pressing, circling)
Slow Bearhug Manipulations – Partner (lift/press/drag/turn, walking and circling in the bearhug)
Striking 3 Levels of Contact – Body (dumb partner, static, touch/light/medium contact strikes to the limbs and upper torso, controlled drill)
Partner Drills
Striking and Covering with the Hands – Pads (partner holding pads high/executing wide strikes high with the pad, striking with palms and punches/covering and evading strikes, circling)
Kicks and Knees – Pads (partner holding pads low/stacked in front of them, kicking/knee strikes, circling)
One Strike Defense – Partner (attack with a punch, {step back and defend/counter}, step back and defend/counter, alternating slow speed)
Alternating Grapples – Partner (attack with grab/push/hold/headlock, {escape and counter with grapple}, escape and counter with grapple, alternating slow speed)
Class 21
Escaping the Mount (top/bottom positions, mount position, bucking, rolling mount escape)
Dynamic Drills
Learning the Mount – Partner (basic position, purpose, examples of striking/grabbing the bottom opponent)
In the Top Position of the Mount – Partner (balance and settling, moving up and down opponent's torso, pinning the hands over the head)
In the Bottom Position of the Mount – Partner (releasing the arms with clearing motions, grabbing the belt, bucking, moving forward and back under the opponent, lateral rolling)
Practicing the Rolling Mount Escape – Partner (mount, {escape}, reset and repeat)
Class 22
Grappling or Striking
Attacking with Grabs and Pushes – Partner (simulating escalation phase with vocal stimulus, attacker enters with grab/push, {base/escape/guard/command}, reset and repeat)
Attacking with Punches – Partner (simulating escalation phase with vocal stimulus, attacker enters with slow speed punch, {escape/defend/guard/command}, reset and repeat)
Defending against Holds – Partner (eyes closed, opponent attacks with arm hold/bearhug/headlock, {base/grab the grab/separate/guard/command}, reset and repeat)
Attacking with Kicks – Partner (simulating escalation phase with vocal stimulus, attacker enters with slow speed kick, {escape/defend/guard/command}, reset and repeat)
Grappling and Striking
Attacking with Punches off of Grab Entries – Partner (simulating transition from escalation to combat phase with vocal stimulus, attack enters with grab/follow up off hand striking to the body, {cover/base/escape/off angle/enter with bearhug arms pinned}, reset and repeat)
Pressing Pushes and Striking Pushes – Shields (static, practicing moving the opponent away striking with pushes/pressing with pushes, increasing intensity)
Attacking with Kicks from Holds – Partner (begin in arm hold/bearhug/headlock, attack with kicks/stomps/knee strikes while maintaining grapple position, static)
Striking From the Top Position – Partner (mount position, top position slow controlled strikes to head and body, bottom position cover and block)
Class 23
Passing the Guard (guard position, elbow wedge guard pass, swimming, side mount position)
Dynamic Drills
Learning the Guard – Partner (basic position, guard position, examples of defending from the bottom position)
In the Top Position of the Guard – Partner (crushing into opponent's lower abdomen, plank position pressing down and moving side to side, lateral movement on the knees, grabbing the belt)
In the Bottom Position of the Guard – Partner (lateral movement on the back, swinging the hips out to move from side to side, pressing away with the hips and knees, pulling the opponent into a bearhug, alternating pulling in and pushing away)
Practicing the Elbow Wedge Guard Pass – Partner (guard, {escape}, reset and repeat)
Class 24
Counter Drills
High Strike Counter – Partner (opponent attacks with punch or kick, {escape/defend/counter with high hand technique}, reset, alternating)
Low Strike Counter – Partner (opponent attacks with punch or kick, {escape/defend/counter with low foot technique}, reset, alternating)
Jamming Counter – Partner (opponent attacks with punch or kick, {escape/defend/counter with pressing position checks to opponent's limbs/shoulders/hips, press opponent away and maintain contact}, reset, alternating)
Grapple Counter – Partner (opponent attacks with punch or kick, {escape/defend/counter with grab or hold/control opponent with grapple}, reset, alternating)
Spontaneous Self Defense
Defending Against Grabs and Pushes – Partner (committed attacks, counter with striking)
Defending Against Punches and Kicks – Partner (defender eyes closed, strike with kiai/{open eyes on kiai}, slow speed, counter with grapples)
Defending Against Holds – Partner (dynamic holds, strike free and create space, controlled contact)
Defending Against Spontaneous Attacks – Partner (circling, take turns attacking, defend and counter, alternate)
Class 25
Escaping the Hammer (hammerlock, arm whip, negative body posture, pulling by the extended arm)
Checking on the Inside and Outside of the Arm (|knowledge factor|, placement and counters)
Dynamic Drills
Learning the Hammerlock – Body (basic straight hammerlock, applying the lock, submitting with shoulder pressure, off hand checking)
Walking with the Hammerlock – Partner (applying the straight hammerlock with off hand pressing check, walk opponent down the floor, increasing intensity)
Whipping and Dragging by the Extended Arm – Body (practice rolling/whipping/pulling the extended arm to change the opponent's position)
Alternating Hammerlock Techniques – Partner (attack with hammerlock, {step out of lock/turn/counter with hammerlock}, alternate)
Class 26
Checking the Storm (overhead club attacks, club evasion, shielding, chicken front kicks)
Heavy Clubs and Light Sticks (|knowledge factor|, differences/strengths/weaknesses/methods of execution)
Dynamic Drills
Overhead Attacks with the Club – Pads (striking down with energized arm/whipping arm)
Club Evasion – Partner (h/p, slow speed, chasing with vertical/horizontal club attacks, escaping with footwork, no contact)
Chicken Front Kicks – Shields (form, accuracy, speed, power)
Spontaneous Club Defense – Partner (attack with vertical/horizontal club attacks, {step back/counter with strikes/impact disarm}, reset and repeat)
Class 27
Striking Combinations
Hand/Hand – Air (palm/punch, bks/punch, punch/handsword)
Hand/Foot – Pads (circling partner holds one pad high/one pad low, jab/fk, bks/sk)
Foot/Foot – Shields (circling, one foot – fk/wk, sk/rk, wk/wk, two feet – fk/fk, fk/rhk, sk/rk)
Foot/Hand – Body (h/p, static, circling, attack with foot/hand combinations to a dumb opponent, light contact)
Striking Counters
Two Strike Defense – Partner (attack with a punch, {step back and defend/counter hand/counter foot}, step back and defend/counter hand/counter foot, alternating slow speed)
Striking from Cover Position – Partner (h/p, medium speed, partner attacks with light contact hands, {cover and evade/watch for opening/explode to centerline with strikes}/cover and evade, alternating)
Sticky Hands with Kicks – Partner (controlling inside/outside position, circling and changing levels, attacking with controlled low line kicks)
Striking Out of Grapples – Partner (engage with any control maneuver, {isolate grapple and strike away/engage with any control maneuver}, alternating)
Class 28
Pattern Review
Elbow Set – Air (3 repetitions, increasing intensity)
Kicking Set 1 – Air (3 repetitions, increasing intensity)
Short Form 1 – Air (3 repetitions, increasing intensity)
Technique Review
Yellow Techniques – Air (twice each with intensity and focus)
Yellow Techniques – Body (twice each with contact and timing)
Orange Techniques – Air (twice each with intensity and focus)
Orange Techniques – Body (twice each with contact and timing)
Class 29
Striking from the Ground
Punching and Kicking While Prone – Air (laying on the back practicing punches/palms/handswords/backnuckles and heel/side/front/wheel kicks in place)
Circling with Strikes While Prone – Shields (static drill, rotating 360 degrees on back with kicks and punches to a circling partner, both directions)
Jamming and Checking with the Legs – Body (slow speed, rotating on back, partner stepping in, extend and contact between the knee and ankle, partner steps back/circles/advances)
Dying Cockroach – Group Activity (control intensity, slow speed, one student on back, group circling with shields, prone student kicks and strikes to shields, group moves in and out)
Stand Up Grappling
Grabbing and Pushing – Partner (simulating escalation to engagement with vocal stimulus, practice grabbing and pushing/pulling with the grab, {grab the grab/base}, alternate)
Moving by the Head – Body (clinch position/side headlock, controlled manipulations, moving the body forward/back/around, flowing between the two positions, {clear the airway/base}, continuous)
Tackle Techniques – Partner (controlled dynamic drill, student practices controlled tackle to hold/takedown/lift while defender checks and pushes the tackler away while stepping off line)
Wrestling to the Hammerlock – Partner (controlled dynamic drill, crossed wrist grab, students practice flowing back and forth to the hammerlock position, increasing intensity with gradually increasing resistance, [practice caution around the joints, technique/form/angle/leverage])
Class 30
Striking and Grappling in Combination
Holding and Hitting – Partner (h/p, static drill, grab and strike with the off hand, {cover})
Sticky Hands with Off Hand Striking – Partner (h/p, slow to med, touch contact strikes to the body)
Knees and Elbows in the Clinch – Partner (h/p, slow to med, touch contact, strikes to the body/head, {cover/base}, continuous)
Striking from Inside a Bearhug – Partner (partner holds and maintains a bearhug practicing evasive movement and defensive head position, {practice controlled hammerfists/stomps}, continuous)
Back and Forth Drills
Advancing and Retreating with Linear Strikes – Line Drill (with a partner, short lines, hard blocks and evasion)
Covering to Counter – Partner (controlled strikes to the head and body, {cover/wait for opportunity/explode to centerline with linear strikes}, cover and alternate)
Close/Far to Arm Grapples – Partner (flowing with increasing resistance, students engage with sticky hands/pummeling and flow to grab/arm hold/shoulder lock/elbow trap/hammerlock, back and forth)
3 Hit Kenpo – Partner (static alternating, attack with a right step through punch, {defend/counter/counter/counter/pause}, defend/counter/counter/counter/pause, increasing intensity, both dumb uke)
Class 31
Partner Training
Striking the Pads – Circling (partner holds pads hi/mid/low/stacked and attacks with pads, kick/punch/knee/cover/evade)
Striking the Shields – Line Drill (partner advances and retreats with shields, advance and retreat with light to medium contact linear strikes)
Striking the Body – In Place (horse stance/fighting stance, circle with touch/light/medium contact strikes to body/limbs, {tense/breath/deflect/absorb)
Striking with a Partner – Circling (h/p, slow speed, hand/foot combinations one at a time, {evasion/hard blocking}, reset and repeat)
Defending from the Ground
Walking the Outline – Partner (circling a prone partner with strikes/stomps/kicks, static, face up/face down, prone partner slowly moves on ground circling/rising halfway/rolling, continue controlled striking)
Circling on the Ground – Partner (circling a prone opponent and advancing, {spinning face up to keep legs between head and opponent and jamming with the legs}, continuous)
Defending Against the Leg Grab – Partner (engaging with grabs to the ankle, {sloughing/striking/rolling away}, regrabbing, continuous, dynamic)
Dying Cockroach – Group Activity (control intensity, slow speed, one student on back, group circling, prone student kicks and strikes to legs and body and jams with legs, group moves in and out, prone student waits for opportunity and attempts to rise, continuous)
Class 32
Basics Practice
Striking from the Ground – Shields (static, hands and feet from prone/each hip/hands and knees)
Advancing with Linear Kicks and Punches – Line Drill (long lines, advancing with foot maneuvers and straight punches and kicks, {retreating with hard blocks}, down the floor and alternate)
Mount Escape to Guard Pass – Body (start in bottom position of mount, practice rolling mount escape to top position in guard/elbow wedge guard pass to side mount/step over to mount, alternate)
Simple Club Evasion – Partner (dynamic, slow speed, h/p, club strikes and thrusts, no contact evasion checking and guarding to the club side, continuous)
Curriculum Review
Striking Combinations (hand and foot combinations from a fighting stance)
Knowledge Factors (White Dot Focus/Black Zone Awareness:Black Dot Focus/White Zone Awareness, Complimentary Angle, Pulsing Method, Rate Yourself 1-10 (where you were, are, want to be, could be), 3 Ways to Add Power (Back Up Mass, Opposing Force, Marriage of Gravity), Obscure Zones, Checking on the Inside and Outside of the Arm, Heavy Clubs and Light Sticks)
Techniques in the Air (running lists)
Patterns in the Air (elbow, kicking 1, short 1)
So that's it. 32 classes, designed to last four months. I think that following my Yellow Belt Curriculum this would result in a pretty competent Orange Belt. Let me know what you think.