I trained in a system that was Kyokushin in pretty much all but it’s name. The level of contact in my current dojo overall is significantly less, but there’s a few of us who’ll mix it up from time to time. You just have to gauge who you’re partnered with.
Had it not been for my previous training and wrestling, which also reinforces the mentality of working through quite a bit of pain, I honestly don’t know how effective my training would be. Most people who haven’t done hard contact don’t truly understand getting hit. Take just about anyone on their first hard contact sparring session and watch them - it’s like the world is going to end when they get that first side kick buried into their stomach, that first solid roundhouse kick right across their thigh, or that first punch hard at their chest or ribs. They usually at the very least buckle over go into a fetal position. If not, they’re typically on the floor. Get hit like that a few times and it’s not a big deal anymore, even though it still hurts like hell. And you realize that you’ve actually got to keep your hands up and block; up until then most people have a false sense of confidence and think they can take a punch far better than they actually can.
Once you’ve truly learned that lesson, you can ease up a bit.