Sr. Grandmaster
According to most things Ive read we are still coming out of the last ice age. Thats not politics its science. How does Ice melt? Warmer air again science not politics. So then the earth naturally warms itself up. So we are currently coming out of the last ice age which would mean the earth is warmingJust to clarify some of the misconceptions that seem to be creeping in from those that are more politically motivated than scientifically engaged, the last ice age was less than 12,000 years ago.
So if the earth dose not warm all by itself with out help from our cars then how did we come out of the last few glacial periods?The world has not been warming for millions of years for Inter-glacials tend to be quite short, speaking in geological time, as Ice Age seems to be the default condition for Earth. Most guesstimates are that we have several thousand years to go before this inter-glacial is over but the influence we are having on the chaotic system that is climate could swing things either way i.e. we could either delay the onset of the next Ice Age or precipitate it through a 'snap inversion' (where the system trends in the opposite way than that that is expected).
So now its the cows farting that is causing this crisis. Thats great news Im all for eatting more Steak see you want me to go green by eatting a Tbone then call me Green. Or we need to kill off all livestock and become vegans.What has caused the worry of late is the rate of warming, which coincides with the flowering of human agricultural and industrial expansion - what many people forget is that we are more responsible for the release of methane from our livestock than we are for the release of CO2 from our cars.
Change the composition of the atmosphere and you change the composition of the biosphere - the danger is that it changes to the point where humans are stretched in their ability to adapt - it's happened before when we went down to as few as 10,000 individuals world wide, which is why we are all related to each other very closely.
In biological terms we are not very diversified, which makes us vulnerable to environmental change and our current focus on consumption rather than preparation is undermining the ability we have to manage the environment to suit us (which is what has made us so successful a creature).
So to stick to the 'I'm going to consume and pollute as much as I want' path is not very helpful to our survival.
So whats the answer then to this "problem"