Here is some more on the manmade global warming hysteria...It is called "Climate Gate 2":
Breaking the story of Professor Curry’s accusation, the MoS reports professor Curry as being “horrified” by her colleague, Professor Muller’s, public statements suggested BEST had ended what were “good reasons for doubt until now”. As chair of the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of
Technologyand the second named co-author of the BEST projects four research papers, Professor Curry told the MoS, “This is nowhere near what the climate models were predicting. Whatever is going on here, it doesn’t look like it is being dominated by CO2.” Curry added, “Of course this isn’t the end of scepticism. To say that is the biggest mistake he [Professor Muller] has made.”
Professor Curry’s accusations have been borne out by an assessment made by the UK’s Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF). Using BEST’s own data, the GWPF has published a very different take on the data backed with their own graph, also published in the Mail on Sunday article. Far from depicting data in the form of a hockey-stick mark II, it effectively depicts a plain old ‘stick’—and one that again confirms the flat-lining of global temperatures since the ‘90s, even as levels of CO2 continued to rise.
In assessing the BEST data or themselves, however, the GWPF’s Dr David Whitehouse concludes, “The globaltemperaturestandstill of the past decade is obvious in the HadCrut3 data, which is a combination of land and sea surface data. BEST is only land data from nearly 40,000
weatherstations.” When Dr Whitehouse plotted a graph using all of the relevant land and sea data using BEST’s own archives however, it revealed “a statistically straight line of zero gradient. Indeed most of the variations within it can be attributed to ENSO [El Nino Southern Oscillation] and la Nina effects.”
Dr Whitehouse adds, “t is impossible to reconcile this with Professor Muller’s statement. Could it really be the case that Professor Muller has not looked at the data in an appropriate way to see the last ten years clearly? Indeed, BEST seems to have worked really hard to obscure it.” Dr Whitehouse goes on to explain in greater detail just the data was utilized or “stretched” to “accentuate the increase”, an illusory rise in temperatures.