You mean these guys helped clear our guys of this scandal...
Yeah, the guy who cleared investigated Sandusky investigated Mann...yeah, you read that right...
Yeah, this is the same as the birth certificate thing...yeah, right...:lol:
I have read elsewhere that the British investigation was just as unthorough as the American investigation...
Yeah, the guy who cleared investigated Sandusky investigated Mann...yeah, you read that right...
Spanier's "investigation" of Jerry Sandusky was so thoroughly inept that it got him fired. When it was completed, Spanier stated that he had "complete confidence in how they have handled the allegations against Sandusky," and he was fired very shortly thereafter. The recent Freeh report indicates that the investigation was conducted for the purpose of finding nothing. In other words, it was a cover-up.
It wasn't the only time Spanier rigged an inept investigation for the purpose of finding nothing. In 2010, his investigators found that Penn State climatologist Michael Mann had done nothing wrong when he invented his "hockey stick trick," to "hide the decline" and lend false credibility to climate change theory. The difference between the Mann investigation and the Sandusky investigation is that one covered up a sex offender and the other covered up a fraud.
The Climategate "Investigation"
The methodology, however, was equally bad. The "Climategate" investigation was conducted by five Penn State employees. It is available here. The five internal investigators were given a list of four specific allegations of academic fraud, and they proceeded to dismiss the three most significant allegations outright, without investigating them at all. The next step was to read 376 e-mails written by Mann and dismiss 329 of them. After this, they conducted a two-hour interview with Michael Mann, in which he (shocker!) denied doing anything wrong.
The next step was to interview two outside climatologists, noted within the report itself for their personal support of Mann himself and his science, named Dr. Gerald North from Texas A&M and Dr. Donald Kennedy from Stanford University. Naturally, these two friends supported Mann. Next, they interviewed Dr. Richard Lindzen at MIT, who accused them of ignoring the most important allegations. They ignored him and moved on. The report actually states this. "We did not respond to him."
After this, the investigators deemed that Michael Mann hadn't done anything wrong. They did not investigate three quarters of the allegations against him, and they did not interview anyone with an opposing viewpoint. President Spanier then stated, "I know they have taken the time and spent hundreds of hours studying documents and interviewing people and looking at issues from all sides." This statement is blatantly untrue, as the report itself indicates. It also sounds disturbingly similar to Spanier's statement about the Sandusky cover-up -- "I have complete confidence in how they handled the allegations against Sandusky" -- which got him fired.
Global warming advocate Michael Mann was cleared by the Penn State committee charged with investigating his conduct. In light of all the revelations in the ClimateGate e-mails, this raises the question of what kind of investigation was conducted. Penn State's official report reveals it to have been a very shallow one. The report even admits to ignoring a respected scientist when he told them their conclusions were wrong. Consider the documents that the Penn State committee's report (PDF) says were used:
Documents available to the Investigatory Committee:While Mann's famous hockey stick curve was exposed as false by both the National Academy of Sciences report and the Wegman committee report (PDF), the Penn State committee consulted neither. How could Penn State investigate whether the errors in Mann's work were honest mistakes or misconduct if they don't even know what those mistakes were? They can't.
· 376 files containing emails stolen from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia and originally reviewed by the Inquiry Committee
· Documents collected by the Inquiry Committee
· Documents provided by Dr. Mann at both the Inquiry and Investigation phases
· Penn State University's RA-IO Inquiry Report
· House of Commons Report HC387-I, March 31,2010
· National Academy of Science letter titled, "Climate Change and the Integrity of Science" that was published in Science magazine on May 7, 2010 Information on the peer review process for the National Science Foundation (NSF)
· Department of Energy's Guide to Financial Assistance
· Information on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's peer review process
· Information regarding the percentage of NSF proposals funded
· Dr. Michael Mann's curriculum vitae
Here is the schedule of interviews as listed in the committee's report:
April 12, 2010: Dr. William Easterling, Dean, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvania State UniversityObserve what is missing: Penn State did not interview either McIntyre or McKitrick who are the two people most familiar with Mann's faulty science and with Mann's efforts to hide and disguise his mistakes.
April 14, 2010: Dr. Michael Mann, Professor, Department of Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University
April 20, 2010: Dr. William Curry, Senior Scientist, Geology and Geophysics Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
April 20, 2010: Dr. Jerry McManus, Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University
May 5, 2010: Dr. Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan Professor, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
During their "investigation" of Michael Mann, a Penn State committee interviewed M.I.T. Professor Richard Lindzen who holds the Alfred P. Sloan char in M.I.T.'s Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts. The committee's report (PDF) summarizes Prof. Lindzen's astonishment at how they were "investigating":
When told that the first three allegations against Dr. Mann were dismissed at the inquiry stage of the RA-lO process, Dr. Lindzen's response was: "It's thoroughly amazing. I mean these are issues that he explicitly stated in the emails. I'm wondering what's going on?" . . . .So they could have asked Prof. Lindzen what they should have been investigating but they didn't. They ignored him. Lindzen concluded, quite reasonably it seems, that the investigation was just a "whitewash." I predicted as much last year.
The Investigatory Committee members did not respond to Dr. Lindzen's statement. Instead, Dr. Lindzen's attention was directed to the fourth allegation, and it was explained to him that this is the allegation which the Investigatory Committee is charged to address. [Emph. added]
Yeah, this is the same as the birth certificate thing...yeah, right...:lol:
I have read elsewhere that the British investigation was just as unthorough as the American investigation...