Ghosts and Such

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score

This actually has a self-defense tie-in...

“In the hypervigilance model, as you become scared, you become more on edge. You begin to monitor you own environment and your own physiology,” he said. “In those circumstances, if you hear a sound like a creaking door, it only heightens your own sense of vigilance. The spiral goes on and you might easily have a panic attack.
“From an evolutionary perspective, all this is sensible, because it is comparable to a situation in the "normal world" where you might come under attack. But in these oppressive surroundings, the seemingly inexplicable becomes very worrying and you begin to look for other explanations.”

So - an evolutionary advantage turned on its head and used against us! Or not?
Well when it comes to ghosts one must understand that they cannot, absolutely cannot harm us either way... scare us but only because we allow ourselves to be frightened. But part of that fear is from the idea that they can hurt us.
Now, there are spirits which are different from ghosts. They do have the capability of physically harming us (scratches, bites, throwing items) but understanding that and knowing how to deal with them (it takes faith... a lot of faith) can minimize the fear.

As far as the SD real life application... those are legitimate threats to our persons. Real human beings out to hurt other real human beings and having every capability to do so.
Heightened awareness of the surroundings and environments are a given. It's been discussed many times here on Martial Talk before.

With Ghosts... I've had personal experiences and sightings and even encounters and have yet to be harmed by them. They're incorporeal, can't touch you and you can't touch them ... now you might feel "cold", which was one of my experiences and I'd contribute that to the sensation of their spirit which got left behind or lost or they refused to go.
But I have spiritual beliefs which aren't shared by several members of this forum and I will respectfully not include them to stave off an argument which will degenerate this what could be a very interesting thread.
Not sure about the existence of ghosts but (many years ago) I did once work 2nd shift security in a building that was close to 100 years old that was allegedly haunted and I was doing my rounds one night and all sorts of strange things were going on… strange sounds, things falling off of shelves even a door or 2 closing. A couple of times something fell and I turned to look and banged my head. Basically it was annoying me and I got angry and said…OK Fine if you are a ghost know this…one day I am going to die…and when I do I will find you and beat the hell out of you….. the noises stopped and whenever I was in the elevator lobby to go to a floor for a year after that the door opened before I could press the button.

So apparently, if they exist, they can be threatened :D
I have not had any experiences with ghost but I have had freaky dreams and I sometimes think the dead enters the dreams and pretends to be the persons in your dreams so they feel as if they are part of the living.

My wife has said she had encounters with the dead. Her father,seeing a dead friend of mine(who I did not tell about how she died but my wife knew)
In the day and age of photoshop, I trust these photos even less than I did before.