Sr. Grandmaster
So here I am...after getting stuck by the cactus I purchased a couple of times, deep in thought about the general state of things, namely the assorted jerks and dorks that cross out paths on a daily basis. I am trying to asses the best way to load the truck so the doughnuts won't be squished...
When I am being called out to:
Voice: "Hello, Ma'am"
me (looking around in bewilderment): Huh? (I am sure I looked intelligent enough to pass for human...)
Voice - actually a lady getting into her car across from mine:"Jesus loves you"
Me (still not looking any smarter): Huh?
Lady: "Jesus loves you"
Me: Oh, thank you (somehow avoiding the sarcastic comeback always somewhere in the back of my mind, you know, like 'I know he does, but I am sure a bunch of people think I am an a-hole')
Lady (as she gets in the car): Have a Happy (or was it blessed?) Easter
Me (still puzzled): Thank you, same to you
As she pulls out of the parking lot, I turn around and stab a splinter from the Easter basket in the ring finger of my right hand, unsuccessfully trying to pull it out...
So now I am pondering.
The odd interruption of my daily rut.
When I am being called out to:
Voice: "Hello, Ma'am"
me (looking around in bewilderment): Huh? (I am sure I looked intelligent enough to pass for human...)
Voice - actually a lady getting into her car across from mine:"Jesus loves you"
Me (still not looking any smarter): Huh?
Lady: "Jesus loves you"
Me: Oh, thank you (somehow avoiding the sarcastic comeback always somewhere in the back of my mind, you know, like 'I know he does, but I am sure a bunch of people think I am an a-hole')
Lady (as she gets in the car): Have a Happy (or was it blessed?) Easter
Me (still puzzled): Thank you, same to you
As she pulls out of the parking lot, I turn around and stab a splinter from the Easter basket in the ring finger of my right hand, unsuccessfully trying to pull it out...
So now I am pondering.
The odd interruption of my daily rut.