Geting Paid to teach

i do in fact know both ace and his teacher and i definitely know that if his teacher could pay him that he probably would have,but there are way more bills than ace could possibly imagine. if i were his teacher i would be some pissed that he didn't have the decentcy to talk to me before going on the net. most wives don't have a clue what goes into the training or husbands(not trying to be male pig headed here ladies) in europe they are called kenpo widows. ace has had a pretty easy ride in my eyes,he got all kinds of priviledges before the teaching and after and like his instructor said he could learn more he just chose not to. not everyone should teach that is definitely true but as tjh stated they were grappling twice a week because that was what ace wanted so tjh let him have time to train his two students who wanted this training during school hours. the last guy that had a seperate class in jkd had to pay to teach his students during the school hours so if i were ace i would seriously consider talking to your teacher and consider yourself lucky he gave you the opportunities he did,inside and outside of the school.
ps i like ace i just think he should have kept this private between him and his instructor,either way sacrifices must be made his wife deals with it,or the alternative. not to sound mean but i have trained since i was 8yrs old and i am now 30 and i told my wife,but girlfriend at the time girls come and go but kenpo was always there.:asian:
Wow This has cought a Few eye's.

My Students over the Winter
Jeff Denz
Bill Pegg
Steve Pegg
Lee Krol
Tom Canseco
Randy Zak
Joe ?
Josh,Mike &Josh(BJJ Blue Belt)

At this point i am now strating to set up else were
i wish my instructer all the best.
Per haps i may have acted with out thinking
but as there was said there are 2 storries
i don't have to get into details.

That only leads to more Blah Blah Blah

To tjh we had are conversation on this
matter. I wish no ill feelings towards U
Im now just re-starting my Circle.
Are all of those people currently training with you now? Were all of those people training with you at one time?

You don't even seem to remember the name of two of the students.

Originally posted by Cthulhu
Are all of those people currently training with you now? Were all of those people training with you at one time?

We could argue these points all we want. As I said there are more than one point of view on this topic. Ace is my one of my Black Belts and is ALWAYS welcome in my school. That being said, I think that this thread is done.
TJH :asian: