Drac, I've been an advid learner/student of the DKI since 99-2000' when I was first introduced to his knowledge. I had heard of him before but never put alot of emphasis behind what he had to give.
I was invited to one of the many workshops w/ him and MSTR Presas and boy that was it, I was hooked. ALL my years of karate training that I had discarded had finally came together in that one afternoon seminar. I was so mislead and undertaught in all I was learning in all the years. I felt like I was able to pick up the pieces and start to walk from a crawl that I was on since the early years. I was like many and HATED KATA with a passion until I actually understood them and what they were for. I come from a TOURNAMENT type karate school and we only practiced, learned kata for that purpose only.
Once Bunkai became a major part of my study I then was like MAN its all right here.. today many students are lucky to have this training upfront and personal I however was not until I had many years and a black belt into the system. As for me I owe alot to DILLMAN for opening my eyes and giving me a new found love for what I thought had died out.
If any ever have the chance to train or meet Mstr Will Higgenbotham from Indy, he is a great MA as well. Im certain if anyone follows Dillman they know of him and understand.