Future Of The Martial Art


The Dark Often Prevails
Supporting Member
The following will probably sound a bit weird to most, but I have been thinking about this for a while. A while ago I wrote a few short story’s for the hell of it. One was cantered on science fiction and set in the future. I postulated that the martial arts in some three hundred years would evolve into something hybrid in nature. Now in most sci-fi scenarios mankind usually finds a way to destroy most things that breathe. Now, I believe that it is safe to assume that the new age of technology will speed up human need to learn and evolve, but I wonder what the next few hundred years will mean for the martial arts. They have become quite ubiquitous and I would wager that a great many will view them as great get fit tools, as opposed to the journey of life, or however the practitioner defines it. So what for the future? The classic martial art as it is, or something new yet to emerge. Any thoughts.
You will get a bit of both. For the hybrids to work people have to specialise otherwise after a while nobody has to adapt to anything different.

And people will continue to do their styles for the love of it regardless of what the popular consensus says.

You need diversity.

Bartitsu is an example of people reviving eclectic styles.
Aren't most all the many arts, styles, systems, etc. already hybrids in some fashion.(some are partials)
There aren't any 'pure' martial arts and that will continue.
Funny...I had an idea for a future martial arts scenario as well, although it didn't lean toward sci-fi.

At any rate, have you seen the commercial with the kid sitting around the house, and he calls his grandma from the bedroom to ask for a grape soda? I think as that generation gets older, it will just get worse. Some people will still do martial arts for the love of it, although it will never be a "way of life" for us like it is for monks in China. Well, unless you become a teacher of course.

Am I saying we should cave in and ALLOW this to happen? No, we should definitely fight the good fight. All I am saying is that, as time goes on, the "activities" I see kids engage in...aren't all that active.
We may have to start thinking about the targets we strike to on our opponents if we meet aliens within the next few hundred years. They may have different pressure points and vulnerable areas. We may have to consider things like the quadruple leg takedown, how to block and counter attack someone with 4 arms or tentacles, the compound eye poke and to figure out where the aliens groin might be located. :)
Those that do wish to follow the ascetic way, will keep things pure. I can't see that the Kung Fu practiced by monks has been changed from the original form. I am leaning towards the idea that hybridization could reach a point of reversal. From that perhaps something new.
There is a somewhat scary thing called Transhumanism. I don't know much about it, I think it implies human modification through chip and bio implants. The proponents of this have some good intentions but of course there is a dark side with any tool.

We could probably get to mind and intention reading with the use of this stuff. I know the subject is already discussed on this forum by traditional practice. Imagine chip and bio enhancement.

I have had a short story in my mind for some time about a near future, not far future, martial art situation. I need to kick myself in the posterior and see if it works on paper. Future technology combined with martial arts is intriguing.
I think it depends upon what the future holds for humans and what human kind has gone through as to what shape the martial arts will be in then.

If mankind has been involved with a lot of wars than it will be more leaning towards military and civilian type self preservation modes of fighting. You might have some that want to preserve them in a format that we might see as a "Do" or "way" art (as in way of life), but I think it will be more about self preservation and protecting the society than living an ascetic disciplined life.

However if mankind has become a more peaceful society then we might have a few that lean towards the martial arts for exercise, spiritual or holistic live styles etc. etc. and on the flip side of the cooin (so to speak) have the MAs emerge as a combative sport and with that element I think it will blend more and more and arts as we know and refer to them today i.e. karate, kung fu, BJJ, jujitsu etc. etc. will be lost.

I think this is the natural progression as the arts have become more well known, more available, with better documentation, more visibility, more inclusion into sports etc. etc. many styles are dying off and what was once taboo (cross training) is now the norm. One of the things that martial arts business coaches say I believe is very true. Normal people don't care about your rank, about your martial heritage, about your style etc. etc. they care about are you going to help meet their needs. So instead of people conforming to the "historical" mold of keeping a style pure and transmitting it as pure to your students, now people adapt the style to fit the needs of the masses whether it be through competition, military or civilian or LEO needs, or exercising like Turbo Kick, or whatever. The future will be the same.

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