Fighting Future

MartialIntent said:
No doubt! Of course in that situation where folk age considerably more slowly, we're eventually gonna overcrowd the place. Therefore, before human genome research gets much further - someone ought to consider how we're gonna euthanise our burdensome 250 year-old citizens. Hmmm... Still, they won't stomp us - we'll have had 235 years of martial arts combat under our belts. Now, won't that be fun??


We are going to have to find some other places to occupy! The oceans? The moon? :0)
stickarts said:
We are going to have to find some other places to occupy! The oceans? The moon? :0)
Hehe, the first thing came to mind was...

Homer : Kids, everything is going to be okay. We are going to live under the sea.
Marge : Homer, we cannot live under the sea.
Homer : Not with THAT attitude.

Good one :D

Hello, The world has about 6 billion people! the next five years or more it will increase tremendously

They will all want a place to live, need water,food and expect there government to help with those things.

The strong will take....or the weaker will fight to take.....survival will make people and governments do things that may not seem the right thing to do.......

When the world gets more people the world will get heavier.....hopefully it does not sink from the sky? ...........Aloha
Sorry I didn't reply sooner. This is the first that I'm seeing of your reply.

MartialIntent said:
Thanks Mike - my question would be in that case, what will we actually be training for? Why will we be training at all with particular reference to combat? I mean, will there be any practical reason to train combat situations in martial arts of the future where presumably everyone in the street has a munitions factory in their pockets? Or will we simply be training combat because - as you say - we've got a need to train?

I'd have to say that we'd continue to train for the same reasons we train for today: SD, the spiritual aspect, weight loss, or just an activity to have after work. Personally, I dont see violent attacks, such as a mugging, rape, robbery, etc. coming to an end anytime soon, so why not be as prepared as we can possibly be. Will we be prepared for every situation? Probably not, but personally, I'd rather have as much training as I can, and not have to use it, than not have it, and wish I did.


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