The following will probably sound a bit weird to most, but I have been thinking about this for a while. A while ago I wrote a few short storys for the hell of it. One was cantered on science fiction and set in the future. I postulated that the martial arts in some three hundred years would evolve into something hybrid in nature. Now in most sci-fi scenarios mankind usually finds a way to destroy most things that breathe. Now, I believe that it is safe to assume that the new age of technology will speed up human need to learn and evolve, but I wonder what the next few hundred years will mean for the martial arts. They have become quite ubiquitous and I would wager that a great many will view them as great get fit tools, as opposed to the journey of life, or however the practitioner defines it. So what for the future? The classic martial art as it is, or something new yet to emerge. Any thoughts.