Funny Dreams--MA related and unrelated


Master Black Belt
I was lying awake in bed last night trying to think about a new thread I could start and I started thinking about all the weird dreams I've had through out the years.

Here are a few that IÂ’ve had in the 3 years since starting Aikido---

1. We have a low ceiling in our dojo with uncovered light bulbs hanging even lower. We're always told to watch the lights during bokken practice. One time, I dreamt that I accidentally hit an (non-existent) electrical box and killed the lights in the whole building! My sensei didnÂ’t look very happy!

2. I dreamt I arrived at class but I couldn't get my shoes off for some reason and class was starting without me! :( By the time I finally did get my shoes off, I had to put them back on because I realized I left my Gi in the car! :eek: (That's a little like those school dreams about coming to class and you realize you forgot to get dressed)

3. Both times when I had a testing coming up, I had a lot of dreams of my sensei coming to me and saying with a sigh, "Robyn, you have to practice more!" I woke up and I did!;)

4. I had just ordered my hakama and I was very excited to receive it! That night I had a very funny dream about riding somewhere in a car and seeing on the sidewalk, everyone in my dojo who wears a hakama. However, instead of wearing the hakama like usual, they were all wearing Scottish Kilts!!! Somehow the Kilt was suddenly going to be a part of our traditional Aikido wear. I woke up in momentary horror because I thought I'd never be able to wear my new hakama now and I didn't want to wear a kilt but then I laughed because it was so funny seeing my sensei and the other men wearing them!!! Nice legs, guys! :rofl: :rofl:

5. A more serious dream was that I dreamed that my brother was getting violent again but I used Aikido on him and held him down until he got his senses back. And in my dream, all my fellow students suddenly appeared and congratulated me! :D But then my sensei was suddenly in front of me saying how proud he was of me! I woke up with such an incredibly happy feeling!

That last one really happened in real life, by the way. Including my sensei saying that he was proud of me but it obviously meant so much to me that dreamt it all happening again but in a different way. I suppose that could be an example of how a sensei can either lift you up or tear you down. (My sensei has never ruthlessly torn me down.) :asian:

Unrelated weird dreams that have nothing to do with Martial Arts--------

1. When I was really little, I dreamt I was Alice from "Alice in Wonderland" and I had the "Alice" dress on and everything but "Wonderland" was Wal-Mart! The Big Bad Wolf was chasing me too. (I said in the silly childhood fear thread that I used to be terrified of The Big Bad Wolf.)

2. I also had a dream many years ago that I was being chased around my house by 2 large polar bears. It was one of those dreams where I was running in slow motion! Ack!

So how about it? Let's share some interesting dreams and they don't have to be nightmares either. :uhohh:

Robyn :asian:
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
. . .
4. I had just ordered my hakama and I was very excited to receive it! That night I had a very funny dream about riding somewhere in a car and seeing on the sidewalk, everyone in my dojo who wears a hakama. However, instead of wearing the hakama like usual, they were all wearing Scottish Kilts!!! Somehow the Kilt was suddenly going to be a part of our traditional Aikido wear. I woke up in momentary horror because I thought I'd never be able to wear my new hakama now and I didn't want to wear a kilt but then I laughed because it was so funny seeing my sensei and the other men wearing them!!! Nice legs, guys! :rofl: :rofl:
. . .
Robyn :asian:


Check out here for those Kilts :D

If you contact them and tell them a friend from the Michigan Renaisance festival saw them, they can trace your name and see if you have any patterns associated with your name.

This is the one I like associated with my name.


  • $macphersonhunting.webp
    6.8 KB · Views: 195
The more white the more formal, is what I was told.

Here is the Dress or formal Pattern:


  • $macphersondress.webp
    10 KB · Views: 188
Very interesting! I do like kilts, by the way. (In fact, I have some Scottish blood in me). I just would never want to wear a kilt in the dojo! ;)

Robyn :enguard:
I agree, my dreams would get me booted off this forum.:drinkbeer :ladysman: :: :drink2tha

Who hasn't had the "my pants fall off after a good throw" dream? Probably because we've heard about or seen it to much. Personally, I've had a variation on the classic "I forgot my Gi" dream, where I end up having to train naked. :idunno:

I don't know what's more embarrasing about that part of the dream - the fact that I'm naked, or the fact that nobody notices. :D
I have this dream every so often and it began well after I started training in Martial Arts. I will dream that I get in a fight and can't throw a punch or at least not very well. I make contact with the punch but it has no affect on the person that I a fighting. It is always very disconcerting so I have to go out into my garage and smack the heavy bag a couple of times just to prove to myself that I can hit hard.

Another one that I had was even more disconcerting. Mainly because it as so vivid. I am being chased by about 20 guys and I am trying desperately to get away but they keep closing in on me. I decide to stop running because it is obvious that they are going to catch me. I Turn around and and they all surround me at which time I pull out my knife. I decide that the best action to take is to attack one of them first in hopes that the rest will get scared and run. I blits the guy that is closest to me and slash his face. It was like slow motion and i can remember every detail. To this day I can still feel the blade rip into the skin and then into bone. It was so realistic feeling (or at least I think it was realistic becaus I have never actually done that to someone so I don't really know what it feels like, thank god).

Mike Miller UKF

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