Brian said: (damn the quote function
I would say that the only person who said physical personal protection skills are optional in this thread is you.
I think we have brought you around that you need physical skill sets. We (I mean collectively) throughout the thread have all advocated awareness, avoidance, de-escalation techniques, etc. Everyone here from Elder999, jks9199, myself, k-man, drop bear, etc. all know and value those skill sets. They are essential and everyone I have met that understands this spends quite a bit of time on them. However, if they fail and you need physical personal protection skill sets
you need them now.(regardless of statistics, what ifs, etc.) Violence can and does happen and not to acknowledge this is like putting your head in the sand. (ie. like an ostrich) Realistically taking a 2 to 3 hour course may not give you the physical skill sets that you need or the where withal to implement them when you need them. (
though it is better than nothing)
Physical martial skill sets require instruction and ongoing practice.
They are perishable skills! I am sure though that you already realize this from BJJ training. (or you should)
I, personally am a balanced martial practitioner. I like many others on the thread spend time on the mental aspect as well as the physical aspect and because of this my spiritual side is also nourished.
I seek appropriate balance in all my training.
Nor do I advocate that everyone take my path because it is a hard, demanding road. Though those that train with me will learn awareness, avoidance, de-escalation skills, etc.
Now, I get it you train for fun, being in shape, etc. That is cool and a great reason to train.
I personally train, because like you I like enjoy it and it keeps me in shape, etc. However, the foremost reason I train is for skills that 'god forbid" I ever have to use them again will be there for me. In other words I train to be effective in a moment of violence. Being in shape, having good comrades, having fun just happens naturally!
I would advise you to also do some reading on personal protection to broaden your horizon.
Check out:
Facing Violence by Rory Miller
Self-Defense: What you need to know, when you need it by Marc MacYoung
I can list more good reading but that is a start!
Understand that both of these men also teach physical skill sets to their students so that they have them if they need them! Rory practices a form of karate and is an in-fighting specialist. Marc and his wife teach Dango Jiro of which they are the founder's.