I'm really craving some actual data here. There's a lot of conjecture, but based upon what i've read about sexual assault, I don't see it borne out that serial murders are more or less of a threat than elsewhere in the country, which is to say that they ahppen but not very often at all. Rape and sexual assault, conversely, are VERY serious concerns given that... what was the statistic... IIRC 4 out of 10 women were sexually assualted within their first year at college.
To be clear, I'm not saying that learning to be a lethal badass is a bad idea for anyone. Knock yourself out. What I am suggesting for discussion, and this is just my opinion, is that the "all attacks are presumed lethal" could be a red herring that distracts from actual, practical, self defense strategies. Or said the other way around, focusing on what an ACTUAL attack is likely to look like is going to be more effectrive than trying a one size fits all, shotgun approach.
In the article referenced above, the women received a total of 2 hours of training in a system called Wen-Do. I looked them up. this is a woman's self defense system created, taught and taken by women. Nowhere on their philosophy page does it talk about being lethal or responding to lethal force;
Philosophy Rather they use words like "dominate" and "control." They say that they are, among other things, "build[ing] on participants' prior knowledge and increase their self-confidence by teaching a variety of awareness, avoidance and verbal self-defence strategies, and simple, practical physical techniques that are designed to be effective even against a larger and stronger attacker." Not killing assailants and letting the chips fall where they may.