Full Nelson WWE wrestler caught on tape in parking lot scuffle

Brian King

Master of Arts
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MT Mentor
Mar 17, 2003
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Bellevue, Washington USA
Full Nelson WWE wrestler caught on tape in parking lot scuffle


A parking lot scuffle caught on tape. Tough to see the ‘action’ but I think it is educational for a couple of reasons. I noticed the mob separated and created space when the WWE wrestler decided he had enough. This shows that in my opinion the individuals in the mob were angry but were under control of the mob mentality and were brave and vocal as long as they had the anonymity of the mob, but the moment that one was singled out they all subconsciously realized that they themselves were also in danger and all but one or three backed up a good three or four steps. Also educational in my opinion was the talking head attorneys giving the pro and cons. It gives further evidence of the need for avoidance, the need to be able to articulate yourself out of trouble and the need to be the first to call the police after an incident even if you must leave the scene of that incident.
Also educational if you happen to be in the security field is how it is your fault LOL

The clips cycle thru and there is also a good short interview with that Airline pilot that put his plane into the Hudson saving all those lives. Some lessons there for martial artists.

There is also an interesting clip on medicinal pot. Not really martial art related but interesting regardless.

Brian King

Moderators please feel free in moving this thread if there is a better area to post. I debated the security sub forum but decided there are more issues that might be discussed so posted in the general section.
I don't understand why he did not just get into the car and lock the doors and windows. He most likely could have drove off and avoided this whole thing.
I don't understand why he did not just get into the car and lock the doors and windows. He most likely could have drove off and avoided this whole thing.
They mentioned in the commentary that someone climbed onto the hood of the car to prevent him from leaving. Given the usual mentality of people who just don't get that wrestling is scripted, I wouldn't be surprised if the woman attacked him.
terryl965 wrote
"Was that Chris Jericho?"

I think that was the name used by the news reporters. I do not know for sure (I do not watch wrestling on TV)

JadecloudAlchemist wrote:
"I don't understand why he did not just get into the car and lock the doors and windows. He most likely could have drove off and avoided this whole thing."

I cannot speak for him but if what the reporters are saying is correct the mob surrounded his vehicle and was beating on the windshields. It is certainly one method of protection to stay inside the vehicle behind the metal and glass but once the vehicle stops moving or is not moving the protection it offers is limited. I myself hate being stuck while in a situation. I prefer mobility think WWI trench warfare vs 4th Gen warfare. I remember the video of the LA riots when the mob pulled that trucker out of his vehicle and beat him over the head with concrete blocks and bottles. If you are not willing to use the vehicle as a weapon inside or under it is often not the place to be in my opinion and experience. It gives the mob a stationary focus and beating on a vehicle is mentally easier(inanimate object) than beating on a human so allows the mob a method to ramp up and get to the point that they can beat on another human over coming that initial reluctance.

Brian King
I don't understand why he did not just get into the car and lock the doors and windows. He most likely could have drove off and avoided this whole thing.

They mentioned in the commentary that someone climbed onto the hood of the car to prevent him from leaving. Given the usual mentality of people who just don't get that wrestling is scripted, I wouldn't be surprised if the woman attacked him.

Some folks DO take wrestling (the fake kind) far too seriously. I had a roomie who insisted that it was real... :rolleyes:

Thoughts as watching this video...
He was surrounded by a mob and he SHOULD have locked himself in his car and waited until it was safe for him to drive off... i.e. the guy getting out of the way or at least calling the police and waiting for their arrival. That'd been the smart thing to do. He's NOT a professional fighter!! Actor yes but not a fighter. I'd doubt that he'd come out on top if it got into a "battle royale".
The security were moving far too slow and just being pushy-shovey ... but then again an angry mob can be quite intimidating ... especially if you're unarmed... which seem to be what these particular security were... the atypical concert/venue t-shirt muscled security guards with the words stenciled on their shirts.

He was partially in his car and could've made it all the way in and shut the door... which is what he SHOULD'VE done... but as I mentioned... ego... after all he does have that tuff guy persona to protect.
I don't understand why he did not just get into the car and lock the doors and windows. He most likely could have drove off and avoided this whole thing.

According to the news woman someone threw themself in front of his car so he couldn't drive off. Thats when they started beating on his car. If she spit on him like they said she might have done then she deserved to get hit.
According to the news woman someone threw themself in front of his car so he couldn't drive off. Thats when they started beating on his car. If she spit on him like they said she might have done then she deserved to get hit.
You may want to brush up on your legal knowledge. You could probably get away with pushing someone away from you if you thought they were going to spit on you, but you are not legally justified to swat them, even if they do.
Spitting on someone is considered assault. I worked in a prison and if an inmate spit on any of the c.o.'s it was an assault charge. If they had HIV it was considered attempted murder. Weather it is legal or not if someone spits on me I'm going to hit em'. Plain and simple. If I get arressted in the proccess then so be it but I won't tolerate being spit on.
You people advocating that he should have gotten into the car and waited it out are morons. It is very simple to break the windows, and this crowd was out of control, and becoming more nad more hostile. I think that woman should be sued, I think the people that were there should be charged with rioting, unlawful detainment, and harassment. These worthless people are the worst kind of "Fans" heckling someone is one thing, to surround his vehicle, not allow him to leave, close the gap between them and him, and start hurdling insults, vulgarities, and spit is quite another, I would not have faulted him for defending himself by grabbing a tire iron and start waylaying the crowd.
I am completely tired of hearing people argue that words are not assault, that closing the gap is not assault, that preventing someone to elave like this is not assault, that celebrities have to grin and bear it due to their status. Why the hell should anyone be detained because a group of worthless turds think they have the right to harass another person.
You people advocating that he should have gotten into the car and waited it out are morons. It is very simple to break the windows, and this crowd was out of control, and becoming more nad more hostile. I think that woman should be sued, I think the people that were there should be charged with rioting, unlawful detainment, and harassment. These worthless people are the worst kind of "Fans" heckling someone is one thing, to surround his vehicle, not allow him to leave, close the gap between them and him, and start hurdling insults, vulgarities, and spit is quite another, I would not have faulted him for defending himself by grabbing a tire iron and start waylaying the crowd.
I am completely tired of hearing people argue that words are not assault, that closing the gap is not assault, that preventing someone to elave like this is not assault, that celebrities have to grin and bear it due to their status. Why the hell should anyone be detained because a group of worthless turds think they have the right to harass another person.

Wow. That sounds like something that I would have posted. I see there is someone here with the same views I do. Thats a refreshing change.
Wow. That sounds like something that I would have posted. I see there is someone here with the same views I do. Thats a refreshing change.

BTW I am Gracie Barra Encinitas LOL
I guess more then a few things in common.
You people advocating that he should have gotten into the car and waited it out are morons

Hey can you express yourself in a manner without calling people names?

I think he should have tried to drive around the person that jumped in front of his car. Most of the people in the video show them next to the driver side he could have gone back into the car and drove off.

I personally do not think it is wise to go off and fight an angry mob of 10 in a street fight but hey if you feel thats the best approach then that is your opinion just don't go slinging mud at others for having theirs.
"Hey can you express yourself in a manner without calling people names?"

Yes, I second that. There will be varying opinions on the situation. Perhaps, instead of calling someone a moron, ask them why they feel sitting in the car to wait it out is better than leaving.
"Hey can you express yourself in a manner without calling people names?"

Yes, I second that. There will be varying opinions on the situation. Perhaps, instead of calling someone a moron, ask them why they feel sitting in the car to wait it out is better than leaving.

Listen its a dangerous and stupid suggestion. Its Naive, and dependant on others doing the right thing, when they have already started not doing the right thing, BTW a temptation of being in a vehicle, when people are mobbing it is to start it up and run people over, what do you think would have happened then?
Listen, I do not need to ask someone who has tasted a turd what it tastes like to know I do not want to try it. The same follows here.
I am perfectly in my rights of free speech, to express myself in the most direct and honest way I know how. I suggest instead of trying to be politically correct you might try the same.
I am perfectly in my rights of free speech, to express myself in the most direct and honest way I know how. I suggest instead of trying to be politically correct you might try the same.
Your free speech does not include the right to disregard the rules of this forum, as the nice moderator attempted to hint at...
I suggest you throttle back the attitude, or your stay here might be a brief one.
Somehow I dont think that attacking a mob is a great option either. You can start up your car and start rolling slowly. People will move out of the way.

He wasnt "defending himself against a mob". He was pissed off at one woman. A 250lb wrestler who makes his money being an intimidating bad guy (and making money off of getting people to believe it) vs. a woman who believes the hype? I fall in against the wrestler.
Your free speech does not include the right to disregard the rules of this forum, as the nice moderator attempted to hint at...
I suggest you throttle back the attitude, or your stay here might be a brief one.

Fair enough I should have used the term ignorant rather then moron to describe the understanding of the situation, rather then the nature of the poster.

Also 250 pounds? LOL you have obviously not met the guy... they say hes 220ish... I say hes 195 at best. Regardless, I am positive after that small video that things would have gotten much worst had he gotten in the vehicle and either waited or tried to drive off.
This whole situation is why you have security around you. They, were not doing their job, plain and simple.

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