Friend Who Smokes

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Originally posted by Rich Parsons
And No Gou I have never been paid to have sex on camera so that question can be removed from your mind.

Well there is a re-occuring nightmare I can put to rest.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Nightingale8472 has some good points that I agree with.

*snicker* Hmmm, reply seriously or humorously on that?
I agree, she sure does. I posted somebody else's view on the
subject, not mine. I did think in order to discuss the points
presented I'd have to "take the side" of the author, and I
prepared myself for that. But I don't buy everything she
said in the article either.

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

But here is why they cannot go sit in a room by themselves and smoke. We will ignore the secretary or the janitor who has to go in the room. My point is that while they are on smoke break everyone else is covering for them. I work in an engineering office and about 3:00 PM everyday a bunch of used to go down and get a pop and maybe an ice-cream bar and take a quick break. Many of the managers coming back from their smoke breaks were up set to find us gone. The clock watchers and there is at least one in every group had figured that the smokers got an extra hour off each day that was paid. We just wanted to go take a quick energy break and we caught flak and heat. Not Fair.

You're right, that's absolute b.s. I've made it clear that I'm a
smoker, and don't want to be. I'm VERY fair about my breaks
I get 2 fifteen minute breaks just like anyone else. At times
the clock watchers accused me and others of taking longer
breaks than everyone else, so I started punching a clock. When
the argument came up again, I presented 6 months of evidence
to the contrary. The clock watcher then said "well not everyone
takes their designated breaks". Not my fault. But I digress ...
I despise people that don't pull their own weight on the job, and
I try not to be one of them.

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Now, I am sure Nightingale quoted medical insurance increase in cost to cover smokers, and she probably also included not only health insurance but also life insurance. Ever have a family member die of cancer, try to get life insurance that does not cost an arm or a leg. You would be better off being an orphan. All medical and life insurance goes up to deal with this issue, we all pay to cover the increased costs of smokers.

Again, you're right. We also pay more for retail items because of
shoplifting, and people scamming the store. But there's no
militant self policing group out there for that, is there?

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

So am I a liberal or a conservative Kirk? just curious as how I come across?

Actually I didn't even think about it. I kinda assumed you were
similar to myself who just likes to chat about such topics. If I
said the sky was blue, you'd say it wasn't, just to have a nice
fun debate. But I'll take a shot in the dark and say you're a
moderate that leans slightly to the left.

Full respects!
Originally posted by Kirk

Again, you're right. We also pay more for retail items because of
shoplifting, and people scamming the store. But there's no
militant self policing group out there for that, is there?

There doesn't need to be... Shoplifting is already against the law, so just call the cops and they'll deal with it.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

There doesn't need to be... Shoplifting is already against the law, so just call the cops and they'll deal with it.

Yet we're still paying more because of shoplifting.
and we've already taken measures to correct it as much as we can... prosecuting any shoplifter caught shoplifting, security tags, cameras... sounds pretty "militant" to me.

smoking, however, we can take more measures to correct the financial impact it has on our community... we just haven't completely done so. things that could be done:

higher health care insurance premiums for smokers and their children (so the rest of us aren't paying more for someone else who wants to take more of a risk...same thing goes for heavy drinkers)

smoke free bars and restaurants and public buildings to minimize second hand smoke problems for waitresses and bartenders

no smoking within 15 feet of a public building so people don't have to walk through clouds to enter and leave (designated smoking areas might be a good idea, covered areas with ashtrays and places to sit, nice places)

cigarette tax money going ONLY to fund smoking related things (lung problem research, cigarette education, etc)
Originally posted by Kirk

*snicker* Hmmm, reply seriously or humorously on that?
I agree, she sure does. I posted somebody else's view on the
subject, not mine. I did think in order to discuss the points
presented I'd have to "take the side" of the author, and I
prepared myself for that. But I don't buy everything she
said in the article either.

You're right, that's absolute b.s. I've made it clear that I'm a
smoker, and don't want to be. I'm VERY fair about my breaks
I get 2 fifteen minute breaks just like anyone else. At times
the clock watchers accused me and others of taking longer
breaks than everyone else, so I started punching a clock. When
the argument came up again, I presented 6 months of evidence
to the contrary. The clock watcher then said "well not everyone
takes their designated breaks". Not my fault. But I digress ...
I despise people that don't pull their own weight on the job, and
I try not to be one of them.

Again, you're right. We also pay more for retail items because of
shoplifting, and people scamming the store. But there's no
militant self policing group out there for that, is there?

Actually I didn't even think about it. I kinda assumed you were
similar to myself who just likes to chat about such topics. If I
said the sky was blue, you'd say it wasn't, just to have a nice
fun debate. But I'll take a shot in the dark and say you're a
moderate that leans slightly to the left.

Full respects!


Very good replies, once again I wish you the best in quitting.

As for the moderate who leans to the left, that is not bad.
I have no idea what I am, other than a guy who likes debates.

And besides the sky is not blue it is the absence of blue that our eyes are perceiving. :D

Best Regards


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