Friend Who Smokes

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When I get into the smoker/non-smoker discussion, I remember three things:

1. A pathetic discussion I overheard in my doctor's office one day a few years ago where a 20-something patient was (while hacking up his lungs) discussing his fears of getting lung cancer from his 4 pack a day habit. He has there to be treated for a severe asthma attack, brought on by his smoking.

2. The fact that all of my grandparents died before I left high-school. 1 from emphysema and three from lung cancer. They all smoked like factory chimneys, and none of them made it past 70. My memory of my maternal grandmother gasping and wheezing her last breaths under an oxy tent as she tried to talk to her 5 yo grandson (me) are still quite vivid.

3. My own trips to the hospital for emergency treatment of severe asthma, sometimes brought on by my parents' cigarettes (before they understood they were killing me), and other trips where every breath was a battle.

Smoking, quite frankly, is for inconsiderate, weak-minded, simpering morons who not only are intent on committing slow, horribly painful suicide, but who also have consciously decided to inflict their own suffering on those around them.

Needless to say, I don't think much of smoking.
Y'know, smokers aren't asking for your empathy, but hatred for
them, when you've never been a smoker is just plain bigotry.
Unless you know how difficult the actual fight of breaking a habit
is, your opinions don't mean squat. They're just as bad as some-
one who's never been on a mat in their lives, trying to tell you
facts about martial artists. Similar to how so many religious
leaders down martial arts practices altogether, because of taking
one microscopic facet out of context, and passing judgement on
it as a whole.

I fell into smoking as a teenager, through good old fashioned
peer pressure, and my own stupidity. Fighting the addiction has
been a long, arduous fight, which I'm still losing. I use to smoke
2 packs a day, of "hard" cigarettes (Marlboro 100's), and now
I'm down to half a pack a day, of very light cigarettes (Marlboro
Ultra Lights). I've quit cold turkey before, using will power alone
to fight an addiction that many say is stronger than one to heroin.
That fight lasted 6 months, and + 70 pounds. It's a hard fight
that I'm working on, but regardless, I'm a piece of crap waste of
skin to most of you people. Yet many, I would bet would have
empathy for the alcoholic, the drug addict, the sexaholic, the
healthy yet homeless that don't want to work. Otherwise I'd see
posts here right along with this one. Many of you have
unhealthy habits yourselves, yet won't bring them up, or
will, as any addict would, deny those addictions yourselves. So
you don't face the judgement, name calling, and bigotry that you
enjoy inflicting so much.

I don't light up in anyone's car, or around any children, or near
anyone that objects to my smoking in their presence. I don't
smoke inside any building or vehicle, including my own house
or car. I know it's bad for me, and WILL shorten my life. I'm
trying. But people that like to name call and pass judgement
on smokers without knowing the full facts of what's going on
in their lives, will never be a group

Just not, lest ye be judged.

Originally posted by Kirk

Y'know, smokers aren't asking for your empathy, but hatred for
them, when you've never been a smoker is just plain bigotry.
Unless you know how difficult the actual fight of breaking a habit
is, your opinions don't mean squat.


you are sooo right :) - I'm fighting that battle right now too and it's hard, maybe impossible. I've cut down a lot but haven't changed brands - from 2 -3 packs a day to a little more than half a pack Kool 100's. good luck to you ;)

Originally posted by Pakhet


you are sooo right :) - I'm fighting that battle right now too and it's hard, maybe impossible. I've cut down a lot but haven't changed brands - from 2 -3 packs a day to a little more than half a pack Kool 100's. good luck to you ;)


Good luck to you too, and thank you!
Originally posted by Kirk
Y'know, smokers aren't asking for your empathy, but hatred for
them, when you've never been a smoker is just plain bigotry.
Unless you know how difficult the actual fight of breaking a habit
is, your opinions don't mean squat.

I've never been a heroin addict either, but I've seen the effects of it and I think I can decide for myself if my opinion means anything. That being said, it just ain't good to be smoking. Yet many smokers will try and justify the habit. I defy any smoker to come up with a healthy reason to be smoking. The only one I can come up with is the study that looked at the effects of nicotine and schizophrenia. It may actually be beneficial. However, the sad by product of how it's ingested is a problem.

I don't think I ever said I hated smokers. I hate very few people and smokers just don't rank up that high for me to hate. I don't like it, but I don't harp on those who do. As long as they aren't in my face with it. Which you say you aren't so why would I be worried?

Originally posted by Kirk
I fell into smoking as a teenager, through good old fashioned
peer pressure, and my own stupidity.

Oh. Here I thought that all smokers had a gun held to their head and were made to start.

Seriously though, I hear that a lot. Many smokers defer and shift blame/responsibilty for their addiction. (Which I admit that you are taking partial responsibility for) Yes I have heard the "stronger than heroin" argument. People do manage to kick heroin though.

Originally posted by Kirk
Fighting the addiction has been a long, arduous fight, which I'm still losing. It's a hard fight that I'm working on

Good. I think that there are a whole bunch of people around that love you a lot and like having you in their lives. (Not me though. I hate you) I think you're selfish for shortening your life and taking the wonderful thing that is YOU away from these people who love you so much. However, you're working hard at it and that is a good sign. Don't give up. Life is all about redemption.

Originally posted by Kirk
I'm a piece of crap waste of
skin to most of you people.

I have no sympathy for those who wish to engage in self injurious behavior. You are the master of your own design.

Originally posted by Kirk
Yet many, I would bet would have
empathy for the alcoholic, the drug addict, the sexaholic, the
healthy yet homeless that don't want to work.

I have no sympathy for those who wish to engage in self injurious behavior. You are the master of your own design.

Originally posted by Kirk
Many of you have
unhealthy habits yourselves, So you don't face the judgement.

Yep. And I am responsible for the consequences of those habits. I accept them. I look at how they affect others and take appropriate steps for them. I judge myself. No other jury will ever be that harsh as the one who judges themself.

Kirk. You smoke. It's unhealthy. Accept it. I am not going to ride you on it. No one here really has ridden you on it. You sound sensitive to it. You're working on it. People will support you. But most of us won't play the fiddle as you lament about it. You started. You stop. it's not up to use to do it for you. The blame sits squarely on your shoulders.

As an aside...

*slap*'re it!
First- recent clinical evidence indicates that nicotine addiction is stronger that heroin or cocaine.

Second- no amount of logical arguments or threats or emotional pleading will cure an addiction. The fact is an addicition is a life long circumstance. Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. The only question is are you drunk or sober. Nicotine addiction- are you now smoking or are you smoke free. Considering how strong the addiction is, smokers can use our support when they try to quit.

Third- understand that while many people started to smoke because of peer pressure or whatever, the tobacco companies worked for years to make tobacco more addictive. People in these forums get REAL UPSET when someone wins at a tournament because the judging was rigged. Big *****- what harm was caused- you lost a match. The deck has been stcked BIG TIME against everyone who smokes. The cost- LOST LIVES, Families without a member. Puts things in perspective-HUH!

Originally posted by Kirk

Y'know, smokers aren't asking for your empathy, but hatred for
them, when you've never been a smoker is just plain bigotry.
Unless you know how difficult the actual fight of breaking a habit
is, your opinions don't mean squat. They're just as bad as some-
one who's never been on a mat in their lives, trying to tell you
facts about martial artists. Similar to how so many religious
leaders down martial arts practices altogether, because of taking
one microscopic facet out of context, and passing judgement on
it as a whole.

I fell into smoking as a teenager, through good old fashioned
peer pressure, and my own stupidity. Fighting the addiction has
been a long, arduous fight, which I'm still losing. I use to smoke
2 packs a day, of "hard" cigarettes (Marlboro 100's), and now
I'm down to half a pack a day, of very light cigarettes (Marlboro
Ultra Lights). I've quit cold turkey before, using will power alone
to fight an addiction that many say is stronger than one to heroin.
That fight lasted 6 months, and + 70 pounds. It's a hard fight
that I'm working on, but regardless, I'm a piece of crap waste of
skin to most of you people. Yet many, I would bet would have
empathy for the alcoholic, the drug addict, the sexaholic, the
healthy yet homeless that don't want to work. Otherwise I'd see
posts here right along with this one. Many of you have
unhealthy habits yourselves, yet won't bring them up, or
will, as any addict would, deny those addictions yourselves. So
you don't face the judgement, name calling, and bigotry that you
enjoy inflicting so much.

I don't light up in anyone's car, or around any children, or near
anyone that objects to my smoking in their presence. I don't
smoke inside any building or vehicle, including my own house
or car. I know it's bad for me, and WILL shorten my life. I'm
trying. But people that like to name call and pass judgement
on smokers without knowing the full facts of what's going on
in their lives, will never be a group

Just not, lest ye be judged.


Well, I had a long diatribe written out, but I deleted it because I'd rather not continue on a subject that tends to get me a little too riled up. I will say, however, that my lack of addiction doesn't invalidate my personal experiences, whatever you may believe, and that my strong opinions of the habit do not constitute bigotry, nor do smokers constitute a downtrodden minority against whom bigotry is committed.

[edit] And it turns out that Gou pretty much said the same things I had written anyway, while I was writing. It sounded much more caustic when I did it, so I'm glad someone else got to it first.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Yep. And I am responsible for the consequences of those habits. I accept them. I look at how they affect others and take appropriate steps for them. I judge myself. No other jury will ever be that harsh as the one who judges themself.

So you accept your addiction to sasquatch porn and beer ?

:D :D :D :D
Originally posted by qizmoduis

Well, I had a long diatribe written out, but I deleted it because I'd rather not continue on a subject that tends to get me a little too riled up. I will say, however, that my lack of addiction doesn't invalidate my personal experiences, whatever you may believe, and that my strong opinions of the habit do not constitute bigotry, nor do smokers constitute a downtrodden minority against whom bigotry is committed.

Okay, then I'll use the term ignorance instead. Unless you've
been there, you know squat. Your opinion on this matter means
absolutely nothing to me, so say what you want, because you
From what I understand, MY favorite habit can lead to a longer life. My wife apparently thinks that's a liability.:rofl:
Originally posted by qizmoduis
[edit] And it turns out that Gou pretty much said the same things I had written anyway, while I was writing. It sounded much more caustic when I did it, so I'm glad someone else got to it first.

Yeah, if anyone is going to be an @sshole around here it's me.
Originally posted by Abbax8

First- recent clinical evidence indicates that nicotine addiction is stronger that heroin or cocaine.

Second- no amount of logical arguments or threats or emotional pleading will cure an addiction. The fact is an addicition is a life long circumstance. Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. The only question is are you drunk or sober. Nicotine addiction- are you now smoking or are you smoke free. Considering how strong the addiction is, smokers can use our support when they try to quit.

Third- understand that while many people started to smoke because of peer pressure or whatever, the tobacco companies worked for years to make tobacco more addictive. People in these forums get REAL UPSET when someone wins at a tournament because the judging was rigged. Big *****- what harm was caused- you lost a match. The deck has been stcked BIG TIME against everyone who smokes. The cost- LOST LIVES, Families without a member. Puts things in perspective-HUH!


Ok, Call me stupid, but which studies show your first point. I am not challeneging the comment only looking to get some data to read myself.
Originally posted by Kirk

Okay, then I'll use the term ignorance instead. Unless you've
been there, you know squat. Your opinion on this matter means
absolutely nothing to me, so say what you want, because you


I have never smoked. Except second hand.

As soon as I got out of a house of smokers I was healthier with no more sinus infections.

Now, do I understand the addiction of the cigarette? Nope, never been there. Do, support my friends who try to quit I sure do. Do I listen to those that whine it is too hard to quit? No I do not. An Addiction is an addiction be it Nicotine heroin or adrenaline, or prescription pain killers. The person must choose to quit, it must be them. Their addiction is not the fault of someone else, no matter how easy it was made to get the 'drug'. Or how addicting the drug actually is, or made more addicting to keep the customer coming back. The 'user' must decide it all by themselves that they have a problem and that they want to deal with it.

As for Opinions you can not care for mine just as much I can not care for yours or anyone else's.

OR I could care.

Now for an example to the smoker who insists on smoking around me in a public area or right out side a door way. Smoke, which contains Cyanide enters the blood stream through the lungs. Once in the Blood it prohibits oxygen from attaching to red blood cells. This means that the body and the brain does not get the oxygen it needs. Part of the rush smokers feel. So, tell me what is the difference between a person blowing smoke at me and me slowly strangling them? Both inhibit the proper flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.

Yet, I do not have the right to strangle others, and it is getting harder for rude smokers to be accepted in public.

Why this last comment, for it is always the few bad ones that make it seem so much worse for everyone else. The non-smoking people see the rude smokers who smoke in elevators or right out side of doors of buildings in front of the signs that say no smoking that you have to walk right through. The General public does not see the rest of the people trying to quit, struggling not to reach for the next one. Just trying to state that there are other ways people see things.

To those that have Quit I salute you, and praise you every day you do not go back.

To those that are trying to quit I hope you make it and I support and applaud you choice to quit.

As for the addiction, it is like fear and pain it is all personal and for some people it is harder than it is for others. So, I think not being a smoker, my opinion still does count.

Just my Opinion Take it with some salt.

Every member of my family smokes...alot. I'm the only -sane- one. I had to suffer thru a 1,000 mile drive, sufficating in the back as the 4 of them needed their 'cancer' fix. I have to smell like an ashtray as everything I own is permiated with the permanent smell of their addiction. Every morning I got to fill my lungs with the 'wonderful' arroma of burning tobaco for all but 2 years out of the last 32. Half way through dinner, whoevers done first has to light up...cant wait 5 minutes so I can enjoy the taste of the actual food I'm eating.

At least in the summer I can open the the winter its much worse. Of course, I get the complaints about how much I spent on the air cleaner ($100)..and how much it costs to run 24/7 in the winter. (less than their 2 pack a day habit I'm sure)

Did I mention that the crap thats in their 'addiction' causes my eyes to heal alot slower than they should....that I have seen my endurance drop after dealing with my family on holidays...of course, I'm the rude one when I eat and run...or come to the table in a gas-mask so I can breath. They were of course very insulted when I kept sipping my soda and spraying the mist in the air...gee, spits bad, but suffication is

I saw a great device in MAD magazine a while was a reverse-diving kept the smoke in, where they, and only they can enjoy it.

I watched 1 of my favorite aunts die from cancer caused by her addiction.... I watched an uncle go from it too. My grandmother went slowly and painfully from lung cancer caused by her grandfather continues to smoke 2 packs a mother is at least a 1 pack a day, and my sister, I have no clue, but last I saw was right up there too. My grandfather gets up, coughs, hacks up a nice brown chunk of crap, and lights up. I counted 5 in 15 minutes 1 day...of course the sign to light up is me sitting down for breakfast. I like jerky smoked, not pancakes.

If you want to smoke, go right ahead. Just don't do it by me, and don't ask me to pay your health bills. YOU smoke because you want to. I didn't grab you, shove you in a lock, and cram cancer sticks in your mouth until you just would -die- without your fix. You put it in your mouth and did it yourself. You like that crap so much, why dont you just keep it in?

Just don't poison me or mine because you need your fix.

As for me, I will keep glaring at the rude jerks who smoke in the doorway (cuz its soo cold outside...awwwww) F-U. I want to breath, so either quit, or go freeze since you want it so bad.

I have no sympathy for people who willingly poison themselves...just as I have no sympathy for the drug addict who OD's, the hung over teens after an allnight wild party, or the promiscuois gal who gets knocked up because she didn't use protection or the promiscous person who gets VD for the same reason.

Take responsibility for your own life and actions, and stop hiding behind excuses. You are fat because you choose to become smoke because you choose to smoke....etc.


This world would be alot better if people would stop making excuses and act responsibly...
I said I was in a 12 step program!

Porno isn't easy to leave behind.
Rich Parsons - An Addiction is an addiction be it Nicotine heroin or adrenaline, or prescription pain killers.

Is it possible to become addicted to adrenaline or the rush that it causes ?

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