Drag'n said:Light contact? Full contact? No contact?
Protective gear? What type?
Strikes to face/ head OK? Low kicks? Throws? Joint locks? Submission?
How long? How often?
How important do you think it is?
1) Under Goldendragon's perimeters, we spar actually between moderate and full as I believe there is another category there. Its not a sting nor is it always controlled at % of power. It depends who you are sparring. We go light on the head but heavy on the torso. My old chest gear, I felt much more than my new one, amen to new technology.
2) Chestgear, cage headgear, forearm, shin & instep, gloves
3) Strikes to face, head. No low kicks, throws, joint locks, submission
4) 3-5 min. rounds, 6-10 matches/period, once a week or none, spurts of 2 a week for a while
5) Very important, would like to have it more often. But a lot of people need time in forms, specific skill workout, muscle workout, etc.