timing for back spinning kicks


Green Belt
I practised TKD for many years as a kid, at a dojo which I would now lable a McDojo.
I developed a certain level of skill in various techniques and forms, but as we never really did any freesparring, my ability to use the techniques against a skilled opponent was somewhat limited.
These days most of my training is very Muay Thai influenced, so I do alot of contact freesparring.
Lately I've been experimenting with some of my old TKD tech's.Particularly
spinning back hook kicks. Although my kick is very fast, my timing is off. I still find I'm missing alot.
Can any of you give me some tips on when to throw the spinning back hook? What tech's is it usually used as a counter for? How do you reduce telegraphing it?
I'm especially interested in hearing from anyone who has experience sparring with kickboxers.
Drag'n said:
I practised TKD for many years as a kid, at a dojo which I would now lable a McDojo.
I developed a certain level of skill in various techniques and forms, but as we never really did any freesparring, my ability to use the techniques against a skilled opponent was somewhat limited.
These days most of my training is very Muay Thai influenced, so I do alot of contact freesparring.
Lately I've been experimenting with some of my old TKD tech's.Particularly
spinning back hook kicks. Although my kick is very fast, my timing is off. I still find I'm missing alot.
Can any of you give me some tips on when to throw the spinning back hook? What tech's is it usually used as a counter for? How do you reduce telegraphing it?
I'm especially interested in hearing from anyone who has experience sparring with kickboxers.

I don't think I would do it too much against kickboxers. If they like to kick low at your forward leg generally you would be more vulnerable. A spinning heel/hook is after other moves, fakes etc. and has to be really fast. If you haven't done it for a long time, practice alot. We don't do the wheel kick which does telegraph. The snap hook which comes up inside does not as much especially when it is fast. That kick is done with the head and upper body is open during free sparring. When the opponent lowers his guard to protect his knee etc. or is doing a low kick that misses is one example. TW
In terms of working on timing, if you have a hanging bag, you can practice this by swinging the bag and hitting it on the return swing. If you have a partner, he/she could hold onto a kicking paddle and move in on you at various speeds so that you can work your timing. We use this kick for head-hunting-if you miss though, you are dead in the water on the recovery phase of the kick. Of course, if you connect, it is a home run....

As far as when to throw it and what is is countering, I'd suggest you review this recent thread: http://www.martialtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20259 Although we were discussing back kicks, both kicks are used in same circumstances though I agree with TW, the hook kick is much more dangerous as it leaves one exposed.

Good Luck!

I agree with Miles and TW. Although spinning kicks are great exercises in balance and timing, there really aren't many situations when you'd want to risk doing a 360-spin in a kickboxing match or in self-defense. I think all spinning kicks are for more practical when done with a half-spin, for surprising and taking out someone who's coming up behind you.

If you want to try out the spinning hook kick on an opponent in front of you, just for yucks, I'd say it's best done in close. But your oppoenent had better be off-balance, or they'll probably just kick your supporting leg out from underneath you. Setting it up is the key.
For kick boxing I'd only use this kick as a finishing kick. Try left jab/whip. The timing is just as the jab touches your target, hit em with the kick.
Thanks for the tips,
True its not a very safe kick to use against kickboxers, and I don't try it very often.I'd never do one in self defence! But sometimes kickboxers who aren't used to receiving one can get caught off guard by it.
There is an upcomming kickboxer here in Japan at the moment who uses them quite frequently and has scored a few knock downs with the technique. Once against one of my seniors, causing him to get an 8 count in the closing seconds of the last round ,and loose the fight.
After that my instructor asked me to start throwing spinning kicks sometimes in sparring, to help our fighters get used to defending against them.
I'll try out some of your suggestions next time in the dojo.
You people are forgetting a spin hook kick can be changed to a jump spin hook kick meaning you wont be able to kick your opponents leg from under him
ZEPP said:
If you want to try out the spinning hook kick on an opponent in front of you, just for yucks, I'd say it's best done in close. But your oppoenent had better be off-balance, or they'll probably just kick your supporting leg out from underneath you. Setting it up is the key.
TKD USA said:
You people are forgetting a spin hook kick can be changed to a jump spin hook kick meaning you wont be able to kick your opponents leg from under him
TKD USA, I think you misread Zepp's post-he was saying the opponent could kick your legs out from under you while you are attempting the spin hook kick...

I think that all TKD USA was saying that you can avoid getting your legs kicked out from under you by doing a jumping version of the kick instead. He wasn't disputing what Zepp said.

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