I think this is a good article and worthwhile reading. Sleep is a very important part of our daily regime. Getting enough each night makes for better days each tomorrow. Read on.
I myself suffer from sleeplessness. A lot of it is now-a-days, a combination of stress, worry, wanting to be light enough to hear anything/everything in the house (something I gotta work on getting rid of that particular want... because I don't sleep with my hearing aids and without 'em... I'M DEAF!!) and a host of other reasons. I've pretty much cut out the caffine right before bedtime... or at least scaled it back to an hour before going to bed.Fourteen Reasons You're Not Sleeping
Allison Van Dusen, 07.16.08, 4:00 PM ET
Maria Hetem, the 47-year-old owner of a dog grooming salon based in Lebanon, N.J., noticed changes in the way she was sleeping over a decade ago but never thought to talk to a doctor about it.
Instead, she sought out medical advice pertaining to her frequent headaches but doctors were never able to determine the cause. Hetem attributed the fact that she never felt well rested and was frequently waking up at night to the growth of her business and her age.
Eventually, thanks to the suggestion of a friend, Hetem got a sleep test and found she had sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that disrupts breathing and can cause headaches. She guesses she's had the condition, which causes sleep deprivation, most of her adult life.
"You just start to think, 'This is normal,' until somebody points out that it isn't," she says.
In Pictures: 14 Reasons You're Not Sleeping
But still... I'll probably need to see a doctor here soon about it.
I wake up with heart-burn sometimes and sometimes just wake up for no reason at all.
What about you? What problems do you have sleeping... if any?