I've been a member of this forum for a long time. I'm a member of a few others as well, however, MT is where I devote the majority of my time. I've had the chance to interact with many great people, some of which I've had the pleasure to meet in person, and others to speak with on the phone. I've had some fantastic debates with people on here, and while disagreements do happen, obviously, as its often hard to get the point someone is trying to make while reading vs hearing, its still all good, and theres no hard feelings.
IMHO, we're very fortunate to have many members here, who are willing to share their vast experience with us. We have many high ranking members in Kenpo, Arnis and other FMAs, X-Kans, ie Bujinkan, Genbukan, Jinenkan, etc. We have students who've trained or do train with or under those Masters, again, who're willing to share their knowledge with us.
Those are, IMO, just a few of the pros. However, there is always a con or 2...or 3 or more..lol, but I suppose thats to be expected. Many times you'll get people who just get that stubborn streak in them, and refuse to listen to what more skilled or knowledgeable folks have to say. They get set in their ways, they tend to misunderstand things that're said to them, they basically make a fool out of themselves. You'll get people who would rather take the advice of a dvd rather than a live teacher.
Now, one could say, "Well, aren't you giving advice over the internet, which is the same as a dvd?" I would say no. Why? Its is hard, as I said above, to read and understand what the other person is trying to say. Many times, in the Kenpo section, we have discussions on various techniques, however, everyone is already on the same page. So much like when I refer to a dvd of GM Remy Presas. I've been training in Arnis long enough to know whats going on, so I'm not learning from the tape. I have a live teacher. I refer to it, as many times, I'll watch GM Presas, how he's doing something, and then make comparisons, ask questions, etc, with my teachers.
Anyways....this thread was more of a rant than anything.
Just thought I'd toss my opinions out. If someone else would like to add theirs in, it would be welcome. 

IMHO, we're very fortunate to have many members here, who are willing to share their vast experience with us. We have many high ranking members in Kenpo, Arnis and other FMAs, X-Kans, ie Bujinkan, Genbukan, Jinenkan, etc. We have students who've trained or do train with or under those Masters, again, who're willing to share their knowledge with us.
Those are, IMO, just a few of the pros. However, there is always a con or 2...or 3 or more..lol, but I suppose thats to be expected. Many times you'll get people who just get that stubborn streak in them, and refuse to listen to what more skilled or knowledgeable folks have to say. They get set in their ways, they tend to misunderstand things that're said to them, they basically make a fool out of themselves. You'll get people who would rather take the advice of a dvd rather than a live teacher.
Now, one could say, "Well, aren't you giving advice over the internet, which is the same as a dvd?" I would say no. Why? Its is hard, as I said above, to read and understand what the other person is trying to say. Many times, in the Kenpo section, we have discussions on various techniques, however, everyone is already on the same page. So much like when I refer to a dvd of GM Remy Presas. I've been training in Arnis long enough to know whats going on, so I'm not learning from the tape. I have a live teacher. I refer to it, as many times, I'll watch GM Presas, how he's doing something, and then make comparisons, ask questions, etc, with my teachers.
Anyways....this thread was more of a rant than anything.