Pros V/S Cons

  • Thread starter Thread starter H@pkid0ist
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K I need a bit of brainstorming here. See this is the thing. My GM has been pestering me to open my own school for almost a year now. I really do want to but this is the thing. What I am contemplating doing to help cut costs down is find a large enough place where 3 schools can be opened in one building. The systems would bet taught seperatly and each school would have their own space. Like a big studio sectioned off into 3 large rooms with maybe sliding partitions. This way all 3 schools can operate on any schedual they want. Right now it would encompass my Hapkido Do Jang, a Sh!to Ryu Dojo, and I would like to get either a Kung Fu or a Judo or Ju Jitsu class. This way it would encompas a very wide aray of systems. We would for the most part stay seperate exept for maybe group stretching and periodic sparring. I would want to foster a family atmosphere between all 3 schools, having BBQs and celebrating Bdays. But for the most part the schools would stay seperate to avoid to much conflict of intrest.

My Q is . What do you guys see as potential Pros and Cons with this Idea. Also, any ideas to go along with this would be greatly appreciated. Thnxs in advance.
I voted yay but only on these conditions;

1, The arts practiced must compliment rather then conflict with each other

2, The students should be able train together on the downtime, which is when no classess are going on, very much like an open session

3, The student must have the option of training in any of the classes with one fee per month

I have often thought about doing this with Kenpo, Muay Thai and Modern Arnis as these arts do compliment each other. And maybe later, open up a grappling class with a qualified instructor.
Well the thing is, these would be seperat schools each responsible for their own Training, marketing, and students. Each buisness would be kept seperate, just with the oportunity to worout with one another on ocasion. If they were able to train in any system they wanted for one fee it wouldn't be three seperate schools, and it wouldn't really help reduce costs for each individual School and owner.
Don't forget about insurance. Each school should have there own. If someone gets injuried and that school doesn't have insurance, you could be looking at a lawsuit.
Bob :asian:
I say yay, though again I would agree that they should be different but complimentary arts, so that you can have students that can take classes in multiple arts without getting completely mixed up (as they would with kung fu and shito-ryu or hapkido). Having one fee for all the classes would certainly be easier (and I don't see how it wouldn't help reduce costs still), but you'd get into problems about dividing the money. If one school is bringing in all the students but you're dividing the cash three ways, it can cause problems.

What you ought to have with your art, which is sort of a middle ground between striking and grappling, is one purely grappling art and one purely striking art. Judo and the karate wouldn't be a bad choice. Depending on the type of jujutsu it wouldn't be bad either.

And then there comes to the next thing: if they take classes in all three schools, are they going to have a different belt for each school? If not, how will that work?

I say yay, though. I actually want to do the same thing someday.
Exactly, each school would be seperate, just sharing the same building with 3 diferent rooms. So all other buisness expences would also be the responsability of each school.
Originally posted by H@pkid0ist

...What I am contemplating doing to help cut costs down is find a large enough place where 3 schools can be opened in one building. The systems would bet taught seperatly and each school would have their own space...This way it would encompas a very wide aray of systems...But for the most part the schools would stay seperate to avoid to much conflict of intrest.

My Q is . What do you guys see as potential Pros and Cons with this Idea. Also, any ideas to go along with this would be greatly appreciated. Thnxs in advance.

Excellent idea. You are doing this primarily to split the rent, right? Everything else is separate?

I have a friend who did this for years. At one time 7 styles shared the 2 mats in that building. If I have it right they were:
1. Okinawan Goju
2. Aikido
3. Geomdo
4. Tae Kwon Do
5. Classical Jiu-Jitsu
6. Kajukenbo
7. Kobudo

I thought it was extra-interesting that there was such a diversity of styles. Apparently it is common for Goju students to take Kobudo and they did in fact have separate belts in each style. I'm sure that in each system the student wore the proper rank.

If you want to contact me directly, I will try to put you in touch with my friend who was involved in this.

They have since moved to a smaller location and there are only 3-4 styles present. Goju and Kobudo have the same instructor, but he is also ranked separately in each system. This was all new to me when I met this guy.

But I like it and I will look forward to helping you out if I can. Of course, you also need a Legal Plan like I advertise on the School Management forum. :D
Thank you.
I think its a great idea, and it could happen with the right planning. I do think that the 3 schools should be sepperate. I think seperate rooms would even be in order, with maybe a big room for events to take place. Students would come to their class and leave. I think it s a good idea, but the three would have to be kept very seperate. I mean, BBQ's and all are different, but for classes and such, seperate is the key, I think.

You should post this question in the school management forum.
There's a lot of school owners that post in that section, and don't
come at all to the gen m.a. forum. I bet you'll be happier with the
advice found in there, because most there have actually had or
currently have schools.


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