Forms for Self Defence!

Corporal Hicks

Black Belt
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

Its my exam period (which is about now) as school is out so I cannot undertake any kind of training due to studying and revision purposes and therefore I've become unstuck. I wish to continue training, purely for self defence training as that is my focus but since I cannot take lessons and do not have equipment does anybody know any forms that focus on self defence.

It would just be nice to study some new forms if they have step by step guides to take my mind of my workload and tackle something more 'relaxing' and a undergo something thats stimulating.
Does anybody know where I could find some step by step guides to forms with pictures? Are their any particular self defence or relaxation ones? Especially self defence?
Very appreciated!
Kind Regards
Corporal Hicks said:
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

Its my exam period (which is about now) as school is out so I cannot undertake any kind of training due to studying and revision purposes and therefore I've become unstuck. I wish to continue training, purely for self defence training as that is my focus but since I cannot take lessons and do not have equipment does anybody know any forms that focus on self defence.
Kind Regards
Yes, matter of fact, I do. The forms you have already studied. Take the material you have already learned and break it down into practical, applied components. Since you have a TKD background, I assume you've studied basic palm strikes, elbows, blocks and punches in your forms. I did when I was in TKD, at least. Now separate the movements from the formal technique or form and work at applying them with force and speed against an incoming opponent with an emphasis on non-telegraphed movement and waist twist for power. Can you throw an elbow strike with power from the ground? If you can't, practice until you can.

I think learning "new" techniques, generally is not the answer - rather learning how to APPLY those you do know quickly and effectively is. Best of luck in school and in life.
It is hard to train for self-defense with just forms. If you have no equipment and no partners, I would suggest using the forms you know as a way to simply practice the mechanics and keep the techniques fresh.

Think of this as just something to tide you over until you can grab a partner, some equipment, and/or get back into a class.
Forms are useless for self defense...UNLESS YOU MAKE IT WORK!

Visualization and bunkai (application) make forms the GREATEST training resource ever. Having a warm body to roll around with and practice those applications with make it even better.

My two cents.

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