Formal Name Change Announcement


Green Belt
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I believe that I have found a more applicable name for my system, which I believe I will now annoint with the moniker, "Kug Maky Ung Ryu Ninpo Shugenbojutsu "

The below definition comes from Soke Tanemura;

The term "ninpo" is made of two characters. The first, "nin," literally means patience, perseverance, and stealth. The character itself is composed of two characters to have a blade placed over the heart/mind. There are a number of symbolic meanings to that. One, the blade forces the heart/mind to remain stealth in order to persevere. Another meaning is that the heart/mind should be as sharp and pure as the sword.
The second character, "ho," is philosophically more complicated thus more difficult to grasp, and has a strong Buddhist connotation. In modern Japanese this character is used for the word "law" (as in the legal system), but in the term "ninpo" it takes on the Buddhist meaning of the universal Buddhist Law. In Sanskrit the word Dharma (Jp. Law) has a deep and complex meaning, but it essentially means factors of existence on one level, ultimate reality on another level, and the Buddhist doctrines and thought on yet another level. The result of combining it with the first character "nin" produces a term ("ninpo") that could be understood as the ultimate and eternal reality of perseverance and stealth. However, one should not rigidly define or interpret Ninpo in one way, rather understand the depth of it in its various meanings.

Shugenbujutsu refers to the warrior spirit foundation of my system.

This seperates me from the various X kan systems and should alleviate any anxiety over my former moniker.
Um, a few points...

1) You appear to have posted in the wrong forum. You appeared to have conceded in the other thread that ninjutsu is more than just a philosophy/method, and that it also refers to a set of skills in which you have never trained. That means that your system is NOT ninjutsu and is therefore not really relevant to this forum. If you still think what you are doing qualifies as ninjutsu then you've kind of missed the point about the need for a name change.

2) You still appear to be maintaining the words "Kug Maky Ung Ryu" in the name which carry no meaning in any language known to man. You said these words were invented by you in your childhood, and anyone no longer in their childhood should be able to appreciate the fact that such a name will only bring scepticism and ridicule.

3) In the above post you explained the term "ninpo" which most here will be well familiar with, but you didn't explain "shugenbojutsu" or explain how either of these terms are accurate descriptive terms for the techniques and skills you intend to incorporate in your new system.
If I may,

Perhaps you should just call it "Naruto Shippuden" and be done with name changes. And I am sure since the goal is to attract your children to training that would work.
As I said in another thread Ninpo and Shugen have religious meaning!!

Ninpo has you already said from Shoto Tanemura(who I have met by the way)

Means Nin-endurance,patience Po(pou)Ho means Dharma or law or universal truth.

Shugen is two words Shu-Ascetic Gen-Magic or special power

It is usually a prefix for another word like Shugendo,Shukyo,Shugenja,Shugyo and so on. There is a strong relgious tone being used and I do not think you are using it in a correct manner.

Please stop using Japanese religous terms unless you are actually are a practicer of Japanese religion

then pick an animal, or some other totem that you identify with or can coherently conceptualize around*, and find out the japanese name for that, and contention.


*barring black dragons, of course. that is already in use.
You're kidding, right?

Ninpo Shugenbojutsu
Law of Patience Ascetic of Powerful Art of 6-foot Staff?

It's still not Japanese, so why not name it in English. :idunno:
It's still not Japanese, so why not name it in English. :idunno:

ya beat me to it.

Oh yeah, I know the answer: because something ASIAN sounds more exotic here in this hemisphere. Mystical, powerful, sexy...

As my dad used to say, if you cannot dazzle them with brilliance, then baffle them with bull-****.
After he posted this, I'm STILL waiting for him to address the UNANSWERED QUESTION:

To name an art you have created on your own I would suggest using an acronym or something that brings meaning and other poeple won't laugh at. Something like FIST could stand for fighters intensive strength training or fighter's inner strength training.

See if you are an american, and you develope your "system" in america, and you don't base it off a japanese system then you should name it in English, not Japanes
Re: Formal Name Change Announcement

to whom are you making this announcement? Who cares? Who needs to be kept up-to-date on the world of babytalk ninjas?
Hot issue, but lets keep it more polite here than in the other thread.

The problem lies in a made up name, combined with foreign terms that aren't proper all things considered. You would get as much if not more flack if you used the title of "Duke". Americans speak English. Anything else is just marketing.

If you're serious, name it in English, stop looking for a romantic connection to Japan, and post in the general section where its a better fit. You might be on to something, you might not be, but you'll find a better reception I think.
I don't understand, does adding Japanese words to made up words somehow add credibility? It doesn't appear to have worked here, you might want to try running an ad in the back of a comic book or something :idunno:
From what I understand, this is a family martial art that you're passing on to your sons. That's cool and all, I commend you for that, but here's the thing.

You should make them swear to a code to NEVER tell anyone about the martial art, its origins, or the kind of techniques they do. They should swear NEVER to use the techniques, or go into some kind of sparring match hoping to demonstrate their techniques.

I'm not questioning your credibility as a martial artist, or your ability to teach, I'm sure you're quite proficient, but putting a big mac in a burger king box doesn't make it a whopper.
Why not call it "I made this up Ryu"

It is amazing that people wake up and think they have it so much better than thousands of years of training and just reinvent the wheel which by the way is still freaking round. DO your own thing and keep it to yourself. Or find a true tradition and train but stop riding the coat tails of those who have trained and died to create a name and an art that is battle tested.

Sorry a little ranty