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What is the value of Man
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Fri, 17 Aug 2007 15:03:11 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Today we are witnessing the Political world, leaders by political ascendancy or carried by corruptive victories. In my country the Philippines is one of the most experienced country in Politics to mentioned Asia. Philippines is one the countries in Asia that enjoyed the Freedom of Election process that offered oppotunities to people who have the money and ambition to run for President, Senators, Congressmen , Governors and local government officials. During the campaign volumes of promises were told to the people that with the words as promised plus the money during election someone wins someone lost. Philippines has an excelllent poltical culture. There is a system of voting in the Philippines that the dead can vote. His name is written in the ballot forms and drop into the ballot boxes as a ligitimate voter. It is only in the Philippine politics that you are told not to vote and don't bring your followers to the precinct during election day because you have already voted. It is only in the Philippine politics that a father to the grandchildren became a mayor, next the wife , next the son , next the grandson, then back to the father that runs for governor and next the son became a Congressman and later the wife runs for Senator. The dynasty of politicians became the Filipino culture. Only in the Philippine politics that a catholic church and other religeous organizations that played an opene card to whom who will be voted by the church members. It is only in the Philippine politics that corruption is an art if you are caught you are told to migrate to the US or other countries.
This is the good side of the Philippines, without Politics people will get sick because it is only in Politics that they can find good people who can lead yet the good people cannot win because they don't want to be involved in the election frauds ,and to be voted you pay the people . The good part of the politics in the Philippines is majority hates politicians, they compliments politicians but by heart they hated them.,they know how they cheat and the person facing him is the person that he paid to vote for him. But the best part in the Philippines are the people that have the remaining principles of the true culture that once practiced by the filipino in the past. Mostly of these Filipinos are non-commited to the Philippine politics but they are instrumental in making the Philippines a good place to live.Philippines is the fruit basket of Asia. Every one that visits the Philippines always wanted to go back and if possible to live there forever. There is the set of balance in the Philippines ,all weathered country neither hot nor cold, the weather bounces to the test of choice to be on the beach the next day or the mountains after the next day.What the culture brings to the present society in the Philippines made the the filipinos recognized in many fields of expertise from the political arena to the medical field and to the field of maritime industries where 80% of the commerical and cargo vessels sailing all over the world are manned by Filipino sailors. In martial arts , the FMA is leading the way as the art for the military and Law Enforcement program all over the world.
Yes , what is the value of a Man. Is it in his political victories or his innermost compassion to understand the needs of human society that saves the world for the future generation . Make your guess. ARE THE MAN OF VALUE.???
------------------------------------ Post Bot - FMA Feed
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Fri, 17 Aug 2007 15:03:11 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Today we are witnessing the Political world, leaders by political ascendancy or carried by corruptive victories. In my country the Philippines is one of the most experienced country in Politics to mentioned Asia. Philippines is one the countries in Asia that enjoyed the Freedom of Election process that offered oppotunities to people who have the money and ambition to run for President, Senators, Congressmen , Governors and local government officials. During the campaign volumes of promises were told to the people that with the words as promised plus the money during election someone wins someone lost. Philippines has an excelllent poltical culture. There is a system of voting in the Philippines that the dead can vote. His name is written in the ballot forms and drop into the ballot boxes as a ligitimate voter. It is only in the Philippine politics that you are told not to vote and don't bring your followers to the precinct during election day because you have already voted. It is only in the Philippine politics that a father to the grandchildren became a mayor, next the wife , next the son , next the grandson, then back to the father that runs for governor and next the son became a Congressman and later the wife runs for Senator. The dynasty of politicians became the Filipino culture. Only in the Philippine politics that a catholic church and other religeous organizations that played an opene card to whom who will be voted by the church members. It is only in the Philippine politics that corruption is an art if you are caught you are told to migrate to the US or other countries.
This is the good side of the Philippines, without Politics people will get sick because it is only in Politics that they can find good people who can lead yet the good people cannot win because they don't want to be involved in the election frauds ,and to be voted you pay the people . The good part of the politics in the Philippines is majority hates politicians, they compliments politicians but by heart they hated them.,they know how they cheat and the person facing him is the person that he paid to vote for him. But the best part in the Philippines are the people that have the remaining principles of the true culture that once practiced by the filipino in the past. Mostly of these Filipinos are non-commited to the Philippine politics but they are instrumental in making the Philippines a good place to live.Philippines is the fruit basket of Asia. Every one that visits the Philippines always wanted to go back and if possible to live there forever. There is the set of balance in the Philippines ,all weathered country neither hot nor cold, the weather bounces to the test of choice to be on the beach the next day or the mountains after the next day.What the culture brings to the present society in the Philippines made the the filipinos recognized in many fields of expertise from the political arena to the medical field and to the field of maritime industries where 80% of the commerical and cargo vessels sailing all over the world are manned by Filipino sailors. In martial arts , the FMA is leading the way as the art for the military and Law Enforcement program all over the world.
Yes , what is the value of a Man. Is it in his political victories or his innermost compassion to understand the needs of human society that saves the world for the future generation . Make your guess. ARE THE MAN OF VALUE.???
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