FMAT: Knife culture discipline

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Knife culture discipline
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Tue, 17 Jul 2007 11:15:10 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


From the start of Martial Arts in the United States just as after the 2nd world war a taste of Japanese introduction to the American market , judo was accepted as a sports that became popular and in later years about the 50's karate and Aikido had gained popularity as Japan was slowly progressing in the recovery procees from the ravage of war, a lesson of Heroshima and Nagasaki calamity cannot be forgotten.

It was in the historical tragedy that war became the bridged of hatred to friendship where Japan was a recepient of more aides than any Asian Countries that became the victim of such war , just as Philippines a major player in the Pacific that was responsible in driving the Japanese out of the Philippine soil making it possible for General Douglas Mac Arthur to find the Japanese Armadas with flotilas of battleship within the Philippine Water, a start of the heaviest battle in the Philippine sea, initial defeat of Japan prior to the Japan's holocust of Atom bomb.And yet, Filipinos were no country of progress, the fact that many filipinos goes out for greater pasture to the other lands

Nearly more a little of 40 years, the influence of martial arts seemed to grow in many places. Different style , different system competes each oher to gain popularity which the main drive is to collect the US dollar supporting the japanese family in Japan. It was those lucky years of Japan that JMA had controlled the martial arts industry.Karate in other places made Japan more superior.

Today , Kali- the last of the Kali world , Pekiti-tirsia surface as the most original FMA in the USA. Accounted for the wonderful values , the true culture of mans affection more of reality, less fantasy.The classroom philosophy must be revived and the inclusion of Kali became a part and parcel of FMA within the educational spectrum of filipino children..

Why in those years of agony and sorrow, martial arts became commercialized as seen today, the services of most kind was a shoe maker toddling under the bed.It was not shared by somebody to someone nor someone to others. It was contageous diseases for one to do the shopping and other components of family unit.

Knife culture managed the role of the lips and even you knew it , it was little for its size but deadly as the morning dew.Only today regardless of love and it was love in the middle of the night that cannot be questioned./
Only in the late of 70's that knife culture became a culture that we cannot forget.

What is in the Knife culture that makes the people in the real planet as warriors, fighters and the chosen ones. Only in Pekiti-Tirsia that makes the world go round and round. Just as the Marines is mobilized just as good as the world beginning.Knife culture is the best culture and yet the living generations are suffering from the murderous people who needs to change to be rich and famous.

Knife culture of discipline is the most important character builder in the modern world of sociability that it cannot be dedicated to so many for so many few, only the few can say happines is no wonder to dream.


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