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Time for Peace is time for War
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Wed, 15 Aug 2007 15:55:52 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
I place myself in the year 102 B.C that I am one of the two legions under the Roman Consular Army Gaius Marius ( 157-86 )B.C with two alae of Cavalry, plus supporting units for a total of 30,000-35,000 Roman Troops versus a large number of warriors of the Germanic Teutones tribe.
Migration by the Germanic tribes threatened the security of Rome. Marius led his forces to deal the problem and brought the enemy to decisive battle. This happened in Aquae Sextae a Province in Southern France.
The Germanic tribe with constant conflict with Rome , the Germanic barbarians tried to charge uphill against the formed and waiting legionary troops, they were crushingly defeated.
In time like this it portrays the condition where we are in. Although we are not in the legions of spear and blade handling soldiers but our civilian lives are just as good as the days of old. Our spear and arrrows are our mental faculties and our spears and swords are our arms and legs that takes us to a place where we can train and be ready in case of attacks. The Germanic Tribe were meant to attack but to their surpirse the legions were just waiting for them to be annihilated.
In time of peace in time of war , preparation should not stop. Physcial,Mental and Spiritual preparation is needed. Training in weaponry brings the greatest change in your life. Higher level of awareness and extra consciouness , Preparedness to the take all the arcenal training and securing more armaments within your control. At anytime, anyplace your arcenals will help to save your life. Train your son or daughter and you yourself must be with them as an inspiration. The saying goes, FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER STAYS TOGETHER BUT A FAMILY THAT TRAINS TOGETHER STAYS UNHARMED. Keep the thought that one day you will remember this advice. BE PREPARED IN TIME OF PEACE AND IN TIME OF WAR YOU ARE ALIVE .
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By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Wed, 15 Aug 2007 15:55:52 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
I place myself in the year 102 B.C that I am one of the two legions under the Roman Consular Army Gaius Marius ( 157-86 )B.C with two alae of Cavalry, plus supporting units for a total of 30,000-35,000 Roman Troops versus a large number of warriors of the Germanic Teutones tribe.
Migration by the Germanic tribes threatened the security of Rome. Marius led his forces to deal the problem and brought the enemy to decisive battle. This happened in Aquae Sextae a Province in Southern France.
The Germanic tribe with constant conflict with Rome , the Germanic barbarians tried to charge uphill against the formed and waiting legionary troops, they were crushingly defeated.
In time like this it portrays the condition where we are in. Although we are not in the legions of spear and blade handling soldiers but our civilian lives are just as good as the days of old. Our spear and arrrows are our mental faculties and our spears and swords are our arms and legs that takes us to a place where we can train and be ready in case of attacks. The Germanic Tribe were meant to attack but to their surpirse the legions were just waiting for them to be annihilated.
In time of peace in time of war , preparation should not stop. Physcial,Mental and Spiritual preparation is needed. Training in weaponry brings the greatest change in your life. Higher level of awareness and extra consciouness , Preparedness to the take all the arcenal training and securing more armaments within your control. At anytime, anyplace your arcenals will help to save your life. Train your son or daughter and you yourself must be with them as an inspiration. The saying goes, FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER STAYS TOGETHER BUT A FAMILY THAT TRAINS TOGETHER STAYS UNHARMED. Keep the thought that one day you will remember this advice. BE PREPARED IN TIME OF PEACE AND IN TIME OF WAR YOU ARE ALIVE .
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