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Power of Superior Technology
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Fri, 27 Jul 2007 03:17:15 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Filipino Martial Arts otherwise kinown as the Filipino Fighting System, a separation from the men against the boys. Kali as a fighting culture nurtured the earlier filipinos before the coming of the spaniards in 1521 made an early history of what was the Maharlikas by liivng in an environment dressed with Philiosophical values that made the ealry Filipinos educated in the thought provoking process that made Filipinos more intelligent than the Spaniards. While the education taught in the word association process, the system that Spaniards that taught the early filipinos made the filipinos Aristocratic since the Spanish language is a language of Aristocracy.When the Americans came to the Philippines to redeem the Philippines as bought by the Americans at $ 3.00 dollars per head in the treaty of Paris of 1898.The Americans found the superiority of the Filipinos in all terms of capabilities. DR. Jose Protascio Rizal y Realonda who went Europe first in Spain and lter in Germany and other countries in Europe, Dr. Jose Rizal the only hero in the Philippines that spoke allmost all major languages in Europe profeciently he mastered Spanish and German and second forte was French language. DR. Jose Rizal spokes fluent latin
but writes English as an American.
Power of Superior Technology means that the exercise of computer technology enahnces the thinking process of the Fiflipinos yet in terms of technology is the use of brain to distinguish what is good for every one.
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By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Fri, 27 Jul 2007 03:17:15 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Filipino Martial Arts otherwise kinown as the Filipino Fighting System, a separation from the men against the boys. Kali as a fighting culture nurtured the earlier filipinos before the coming of the spaniards in 1521 made an early history of what was the Maharlikas by liivng in an environment dressed with Philiosophical values that made the ealry Filipinos educated in the thought provoking process that made Filipinos more intelligent than the Spaniards. While the education taught in the word association process, the system that Spaniards that taught the early filipinos made the filipinos Aristocratic since the Spanish language is a language of Aristocracy.When the Americans came to the Philippines to redeem the Philippines as bought by the Americans at $ 3.00 dollars per head in the treaty of Paris of 1898.The Americans found the superiority of the Filipinos in all terms of capabilities. DR. Jose Protascio Rizal y Realonda who went Europe first in Spain and lter in Germany and other countries in Europe, Dr. Jose Rizal the only hero in the Philippines that spoke allmost all major languages in Europe profeciently he mastered Spanish and German and second forte was French language. DR. Jose Rizal spokes fluent latin
but writes English as an American.
Power of Superior Technology means that the exercise of computer technology enahnces the thinking process of the Fiflipinos yet in terms of technology is the use of brain to distinguish what is good for every one.
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