FMAT: Knives for Dummies

Clark Kent

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Knives for Dummies
By Killbot - 02-01-2010 05:14 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Greetings folks,

I have question for you more experienced fellas/lasses concerning teaching knife defense to a specific small group.

The situation is this:

Your friend owns a 'gentlemens' club and has had a recent rash of knives being pulled when fights break out. On top of this, a nationally conspicuous biker gang whom he had gotten rid of once, has returned and he is expecting trouble to follow shortly. Knives will probably be pulled...if they're very lucky, no guns will appear.

So, the quandry is this: he has bouncers and doormen of generally large stature; a few ex-pro and amatuer boxers, one or two guys familair with BJJ and MMA, and himself a pro-boxer getting pretty good with ground fighting. For all the muscle and punching power in the room, none of these guys has had any training or little experience with knives.

He asks you to spend a few hours teaching his employees some critical knife defense and tactics...what do you teach them?

(Personally, I'm thinking:
1. Basic blade awareness: where a hidden knife comes from, stuffing knife draws...
2. Improvsed defensive weapons: Poolcues to the wrist and barstools to the chest, walls...
3. Team tactics: one to hold the knife hand securley with both hands, the other to kick/punch/elbow the guy in the face until he drops.
4. Spacing and timing: The bubble...I think since most of these guys boxed, they'll have a good feel for distancing; check kicks and in\out movement

I'm not even considering running them through anything thats gonna teach them technique of any sort. I just want to train their brain, not instill muscle memory.)

Thanks much! I appriciate anything you got.


------------------------------------ Post Bot - FMA Feed
One thing regarding the bikers: Put a "No Cuts/No Colors" policy in place -- for everyone. That'll cut a lot of the crap down...