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Edged Weaponry On Impact Against Terrorism
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Mon, 16 Jul 2007 12:51:18 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
It is no doubt that everyone is aware of the current events that took place in many countries. There is no exemption to everyone whose activity can be in business or pleasure. Each day is an insecured day. Each day is unpredictable day. There is no security umbrella for anyone today.
I take Philippines as my country to discuss the subject of crime and assault to individuals.What has been almost a daily happenings is Taxi holdup , Jeepney hold up,passenger bus hold up, walkers or shoppers hold up. Car nap at the point of a knife or gun, kidnapping at the point of a knife / gun. The last political election for Senators., Congressmen,Governors, Mayors and Councilors turned bloody, taking lives of candidates and re-electionist killed during ambused.
Knife takes the major statistics of people killed in the cities, towns and barrios for the reason that is is easy to own and concealable.Poverty contributes to the crimes but social indifference takes a higher tool of victims killed in almost all sectors of the society today.It is not the concern of the law enforcement manpower in the Philippines but as crime reports worldwide indicated the fact is true. A country like Scotland, statistics shows that five people is killed by knife attacked almost everyday.Latin American Countries contributes this number.
The increasing statics Crime on Terror takes the center stage, the threat is always present anywhere, anyplace and anytime. Today, we only know about major bombing or suicidal criminals that killed a dozen people like the bazzar killing in Virginia Tech.
But the future is not far away that terror will bring knife to a new spectrum of calamities as deadly as Virginia Tech incidents. Recently, the Philippine Marines are the victims of the Ideological warpath of the Muslim rebels in Mindanao Island where a unit of 100 Marines seeking to rescue the kidnap Italian priest Father Rossi where ambush by 500 insurgents in a surprise attacked, capturing 10 Marines and beheading them with the Muslim Barong heavily sharp that one chop takes heads off like chicken killed for a good meal.
This is history that even the military and law enforcement personnel is not exempted what an Edged weapon wrath delivers to the innocent subjects.The INTELLIGENCE Group of the Philippine National Police is a victim of Agaw armas meaning taking the pistol at the point of the knife.With the two knives in the neck of a intelligence officer, his choice is to give his service pistol to the terrorist.
Unsung victims of knife attacks in the Philippines is about 80% which in the past previous years many military and police personnel were killed in different places in the cities specially.
What is the history in the past is being reconstructed today. If the history of Edged Weaponry was the made the Kings and Kingdom rose to power then today what was the killing method used to kill the enemy is being repeated today. The 103 years Holy War killed milions ( Inquisition Period) Knights of Templars, Oppus Dei, Crusaders, weapons used were swords, knives , arrows, spears and all sharpened objects. Millions were killed by Edged Weapon in comparison with explosive weapons.
Long before the era of gunpowder, millions had been killed from the time of Moses and Aaron to the Roman Empire, Atila the Hun,the Vikings to the Great history of Genghis Khan to the history of China and Japan that ended in the Philippines when Ferdinand Magellan kissed the first KAMPILAN BLADE of "Datu Lapulapu" in 1521. The Spanish Revolution that ended in 1898 for 330 years of Edged Weaponry ,Pilipino won the revolution un accounted pilipinos were killed including the Spanish soldiers. This is the era of blades, knives and spears and arrows that dominated the battle in the barrios and in the highways where ambushes were always a part of the day.
Edged Weaponry is the name of the real martial arts today.Today the Philippine Marines devoted their training on Edged Weaponry as a School of Training listed as among the schooling program of the Phlippine Marines. among other subjects were: airborne, moutaineering, snipering,combat scuba,gunery, explosives, Helicopter repelling,Tactical Assualts inland and underwater operations, geo spatial techonology,close quarter combat, military justice.
Police special operations groups that maintained the special training on PTK Edged Impact Weapon Tactical Combat are the Aviation Security Group,Crisis Response Group( anti-Terrorist Command group) SAF-Special Action Force Commandos,IG-intelligence Group,DND department of National Defense, HRRDD. ( Presidential Security Command)
Edged Impact Weapon Technology (EIWT)is the specialized course under the Pekiti-Tirsia Kali System go include the Edged Impact WEapon Control dynamics and Edged Impact Weapon Survival Strategy and Tactics.
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By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Mon, 16 Jul 2007 12:51:18 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
It is no doubt that everyone is aware of the current events that took place in many countries. There is no exemption to everyone whose activity can be in business or pleasure. Each day is an insecured day. Each day is unpredictable day. There is no security umbrella for anyone today.
I take Philippines as my country to discuss the subject of crime and assault to individuals.What has been almost a daily happenings is Taxi holdup , Jeepney hold up,passenger bus hold up, walkers or shoppers hold up. Car nap at the point of a knife or gun, kidnapping at the point of a knife / gun. The last political election for Senators., Congressmen,Governors, Mayors and Councilors turned bloody, taking lives of candidates and re-electionist killed during ambused.
Knife takes the major statistics of people killed in the cities, towns and barrios for the reason that is is easy to own and concealable.Poverty contributes to the crimes but social indifference takes a higher tool of victims killed in almost all sectors of the society today.It is not the concern of the law enforcement manpower in the Philippines but as crime reports worldwide indicated the fact is true. A country like Scotland, statistics shows that five people is killed by knife attacked almost everyday.Latin American Countries contributes this number.
The increasing statics Crime on Terror takes the center stage, the threat is always present anywhere, anyplace and anytime. Today, we only know about major bombing or suicidal criminals that killed a dozen people like the bazzar killing in Virginia Tech.
But the future is not far away that terror will bring knife to a new spectrum of calamities as deadly as Virginia Tech incidents. Recently, the Philippine Marines are the victims of the Ideological warpath of the Muslim rebels in Mindanao Island where a unit of 100 Marines seeking to rescue the kidnap Italian priest Father Rossi where ambush by 500 insurgents in a surprise attacked, capturing 10 Marines and beheading them with the Muslim Barong heavily sharp that one chop takes heads off like chicken killed for a good meal.
This is history that even the military and law enforcement personnel is not exempted what an Edged weapon wrath delivers to the innocent subjects.The INTELLIGENCE Group of the Philippine National Police is a victim of Agaw armas meaning taking the pistol at the point of the knife.With the two knives in the neck of a intelligence officer, his choice is to give his service pistol to the terrorist.
Unsung victims of knife attacks in the Philippines is about 80% which in the past previous years many military and police personnel were killed in different places in the cities specially.
What is the history in the past is being reconstructed today. If the history of Edged Weaponry was the made the Kings and Kingdom rose to power then today what was the killing method used to kill the enemy is being repeated today. The 103 years Holy War killed milions ( Inquisition Period) Knights of Templars, Oppus Dei, Crusaders, weapons used were swords, knives , arrows, spears and all sharpened objects. Millions were killed by Edged Weapon in comparison with explosive weapons.
Long before the era of gunpowder, millions had been killed from the time of Moses and Aaron to the Roman Empire, Atila the Hun,the Vikings to the Great history of Genghis Khan to the history of China and Japan that ended in the Philippines when Ferdinand Magellan kissed the first KAMPILAN BLADE of "Datu Lapulapu" in 1521. The Spanish Revolution that ended in 1898 for 330 years of Edged Weaponry ,Pilipino won the revolution un accounted pilipinos were killed including the Spanish soldiers. This is the era of blades, knives and spears and arrows that dominated the battle in the barrios and in the highways where ambushes were always a part of the day.
Edged Weaponry is the name of the real martial arts today.Today the Philippine Marines devoted their training on Edged Weaponry as a School of Training listed as among the schooling program of the Phlippine Marines. among other subjects were: airborne, moutaineering, snipering,combat scuba,gunery, explosives, Helicopter repelling,Tactical Assualts inland and underwater operations, geo spatial techonology,close quarter combat, military justice.
Police special operations groups that maintained the special training on PTK Edged Impact Weapon Tactical Combat are the Aviation Security Group,Crisis Response Group( anti-Terrorist Command group) SAF-Special Action Force Commandos,IG-intelligence Group,DND department of National Defense, HRRDD. ( Presidential Security Command)
Edged Impact Weapon Technology (EIWT)is the specialized course under the Pekiti-Tirsia Kali System go include the Edged Impact WEapon Control dynamics and Edged Impact Weapon Survival Strategy and Tactics.
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