FMAT: Palmstick?

Clark Kent

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By TuhonBill - 10-14-2010 07:02 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Hi Folks,

Do you include the palmstick in your training? I've been teaching a number of palmstick classes lately (such as
the upcoming seminar in New Iberia, LA. the 23rd and 24th of this month).

I like this tool as a technical and psychological bridge between empty hand and knife techniques. I've had it help our knife to knife training as well. I had tried Cold Steel's rubber training knives in our sparring when they first came out, but found that guys who moved realistically when they sparred with wooden dowels now began to play "tag" with the rubber knives, delivering light, flicking "cuts" instead of hard stabs. Using a short hardwood palmstick vs. rubber knife seemed to fix this problem, as the guys with the rubber knives suddenly remembered how much a thrust or punyo with a wooden stick can hurt.

For beginners, who may get a bit queasy at the thought of actually using a knife in a defensive situation, the palmstick lets them cross the threshold of weapons work without having to spill blood.

What are your thoughts on the palmstick?

Tuhon Bill McGrath


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