FMAT: Edged Weaponry: High Standard Technology

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Edged Weaponry: High Standard Technology
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Fri, 13 Jul 2007 11:59:59 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Analytical review of all the FMA's structural teachings are directed to the history, culture and traditions. For instance , history of LapuLapu killing Ferdinand Magellan, Spanish-Filipino Revoutionss, American Occupation of the Philippines and the Japanese invasion of the Philippines.

Presentations and written books about FMA mentioned these events to glorify the writtings adding flavor to the history of the Philippines. Even in the written history book used by the Hig school students today and past years, never even mentioned about the true fighting culture. But never in the truest sense that historians opened the real true historical culture of the true Pilipinos. What was the history meant to he new generations.

We came to the time that FMA was brought out from the Philippines in different fashion not sponsored by the Philippine Governments but to individual effortss ,propogating the gospel of true culture in forms of the fgihting technology known as Kali .Thanks for the brave men of Hawaiiwho opended the door of opportunities to the Pilipino residing in Hawaii who witnsessed the eloquence of the stick spoken in the voice of blades as the correct way to interpret. The old men of Stockton. California whose dedicated effort had crossed the path of honorably presented the FMA even in its light views of understanding and yet the image of FMA was installed in the fashion of bravery backup by true experiences during the war in the Philippines of 1942-1945 against the Japanese.

FMA teachings were told from the Book of Expereinces of men in Stockton and Sacramento , CA. whose ealry years in the Philippines were more to be a part of the struggle that brought them to the US soil as an American in paper but Pilipino by blood.

We cannot deny to the fact that FMA is true bladed art. If for other reasons that the FMA was interpreted as a Sports because that is the only way that the FMA can be qualified to be taught to civilians as a culture like the Japanese and Chinese art.

Since it is a Bladed art,Pekiti-Tirsia will not depart from the Threshold of Traditional Standards of Magnificent value . The Art of Kali is deeply a Philippine History. If the real FMA Grandmasters are alive today all will respect the highlighted technology seeing the intricacies of the art perfected in the brain not from what has been written.

For the past 45 years of hard drive conducting series of seminars and camp training and intensive military and law enforcement defensive tactics program worldwide, the quality of Edged weaponry became the respected tools of instructions taking away the danger of COMMERCIAL TEACHINGS misrepresenting the FMA as a game of sticks, padded sticks, headgears and padded hands and body thick.

Pekiti-Tirsia never depart from the truest tradition of development, from the training field to killing zone,, what is real in training must be real in combat. This differentiates the quality of the system than a non-traditional system with pirated techniques assumed FMA.

The quality of Education is the goal of every person who wants to be a quality professional, quality car if you want to have a safe and secured affordable vehicle, qaulity food to make you strong and healthy,quality shoes to bring you comfort and sustainable feet. Now here is a situation that your life is of quality with no protection at all.You have not design a protective program that makes the quality untouch immaculate clean from the Mexican sacaprete or the five dollars knife from China, or the expensive cold steel blades or a rusty nails that takes your life for a dollar.

Many women had been raped and killed , many young boys were kidnapped and molested and killed, many professionals of good income had been kidnapped and killed, many of the many victims in many countries became the victims of negligence without sense of responsibilities to themselves and to their families.Crimes are on the rise everyday and yet people took it as a news, majority never consider these as dangers that may happened on personal encounters.

Pekiti-Tirsia contributed to the Law Enforcement defensive tactics program that the number one rated instructional video , the SURVIVING EDGED WEAPON were found in many law enforcement agencies in the US, Europe and in Asia using the materials in Edged weaponry as the new spectrum of awareness and a life saving material.

We cannot deny the fact that WAR ON TERRORISM is Edged Weapon based ideology. In Iraq alone everyday many foriegn contrators with thier employees as non-=Iraque were killed by the Gurka knife used by the Iraques insurgents on surprise killing.Blade as the most concealable weapon is higly dangerous, more potent and realistic for killing on close range.

We are here to educate and train and this is the purpose of this FMA Talk.
What we talk in here must be of value not to talk about garbage of one style to another style, or garbage in the style making people believe to be stupid that a knife can be disarmed or the ginunting can be disarmed or a kick can remove the knife from the hand or a grappler can bring the person down while he is on rage to fight to kill with two knives in his hands, or a Judoist against the two logod , spurs of a fighting cock who wants to clinch and using his Japanese throwing techniques or a flowery hands that moves like a Crane or a drunken monkey against the Pekiti-Trisa Dahong Palay .All of these are all in the movies.

Edged Weaponry, has been perfected for many centuries, today is only being reviewed for the preservation of human life.


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