FMAT: Edged Weaponry: Battles Of History

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Edged Weaponry: Battles Of History
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Thu, 05 Jul 2007 13:10:05 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


There are so many arguments and confusion about FMA styles and systems. I don't argue who is the best but who has the most effective results. History cannot be denied that what has been in the ancient history of nations, people and their struggle to live is to fight against all odds , poverty , oppression,segregation, invasion, power struggle. Every century there are changes in every Kingdom , Empires, Dynasty and even to smallest organic leadership and most of all POLITICAL DYNASTY.

Allow me to bring all your thoughts how the Origins of War are Prehistoric. The Mesopotamian and Egytian Civilization were founded . War had become an established practice. It was this period that development of war tactics, invention of strategy and tactics , use of fortifications, deployment of weapons such as long and short spears,axes, swords single or double edged,knives, clubs and all forms of impact weapons. First feature of wars can be traced to the early stone age c. 35,000-10,000 BC-:

The rise of two civilizations which would had dominated the parts of the middle East Egypt and Mesopotamia.The older of these two civilizations in military historical terms at least was Egypt(3100-2150BC).Egyptian Kingdom were fashioned in war maintained by military force. The firs Pharoah Narmer united the Upper and Lower Nile lands by warfare.

The Kingdom of Egypt collasped in 2150 BC , the new Middle Kingdom (2050-1640 BC), the rise and fall of Egpt from 1550-1525 BC under Almose-Thutmose 111( 1479-1423 BC) Rameses 11 (1279-1213 BC).
The rise of the Hettite Empire centered on Anotolia that threatened Egypt where the battle of KADESH an all out war little was concluded.

Here are the list of famous Ancient Battles:

Kadesh 1285 BC
Lachish 701 BC
Marathon 490 BC
Salamis 480 BC
Syracuse 415 BC
Leuctra 371 BC
Gaugamela 331 BC
Hydaspes 326 BC
Trebia 218 BC
Cannae 216 BC
Pydna 168 BC
Aquae Sextae 102 BC
Carrhae 53 BC
Alesia 52 BC
Actium 31 BC
Teutoberger Wald AD 9
Masada AD 71
Milvian Bridge AD 312
Andrianople Ad 378
Catalaunian Field AD 451

What do we learn in all these wars. Survival to the last drop of blood.

The Bronze Age Art of WEaponry:

The Bronze age added metal to tools and weapons as early as 6000 BC people in Anatolia began to experiment with copper and it was around 4000 BC that the metal alloyed with other metals and elements yielded bronze which offered greater strength..

Bloodiest battle were fought on land and sea using the Bronze edged weapons from swords to spears to arrows and all forms of edged weaponry.

The edged weaponry didn't end in the Middle East, it went further to the Atlantic and to the Pacific down to China Sea. It found its meaningful history in the Islands in the Pacific with 7, 100 Islands called the Philippines in 1521

This historical events testifies to the fact that Edged Weaponry is very much alive today in the same manner of strategies and Tactical methods. The wavy slashes and the treacherous thrust were the same action and angular attacks from the Battle of Kadesh 1285 BC to CAtaluanian Field AD 451. All the men of war that died in all these centuries signified their Philosophy to fight and face destiny.

In todays involvement in the FMA is not what the FMA of yesterday. If any advocates thinks that FMA is a game in the computer or on the stage or in the movies or a display of mixtures of hundred styles, then one must reckon to the fact that in real battle two things can happen, the effectivity of the slash and the depthness of the thrust.

This effectivty of the slash and the depthness of the thrust is the daily routine of the Force Recon Marines and the Philippine Marines in the Philippines against the Al Quedas and the Insurgents in the Island of Mindanao-Philippines. First for every slash is one ear and for every thrust is a freshly pumping heart.

The quality of the FMA in terms of training signifies the true fighting culture as what is in the past so it is today. I have witnessed hundreds of military and policemen who cannot handle the knife exactly as expected in knife to knife combat, they don't know where are the killing points in the human body that in 3 seconds the enemy takes the last breath.

The delivery of the combat blade Ginunting cutting the enemy's head is not like swinging the stick in practice.or can be seen and can be observed among those who teaches the FMA. People expects a sound articulative flow of the sticks as a violinist to a violin or a guitarist to a guitar or a drumer during the Concerts or a Surgical surgeon during surgery.FMA is a Doctrine of Perfection. Every slash is not a mistake it turns into blunder, for every thrust is act of perfect hit.

I don't care what FMA style and what FMA system that is existing today I have only one message for everyone. Be sure your teaching must be of highest standard and it can be tested when challenge is called for.It works on every street to everyone that threatens life.

If your genetics is fear of blade, fear of fear itself ,fear of human rights then FMA is not right for you. You are not a warrior and you don't have the Filipino blood.Don't talk about FMA and forget FMA.

Pekiti-Tirsia has been tested and works to be tested, we don't argue how good are others we have this choice 'THE BLADE IS FLAT AND THE STICK IS ROUND , KNIFE IS SHAPER, BITE THE BULLET, CHOICE is in your two hands that cradle to the grave.

The FMA talk is the best ground to do mental calisthenics, the next is the FMA testing ground for people who is good in FMA talk.


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