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Survival culture in a filipino way
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 15:30:51 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
What Pekiti-Tirsia brought to the world of discipline is the SURVIVAL CULTURE that was practiced by our elders, our forefathers, our grand folks that brought the country into one accord of democracy freedom to live and freedom to raise the families and educate them to the future's future of the next generation.From the time the Spaniards step into the Philippines soil, each filipino family were troubled by the presence of the non-filipino ( Spaniards)who impregnated the young filipinas for the spaniards to have children and call them Spaniards,changed the original names of the native filipinos to high sounding names as contreras, sorianos,montillas, ayalas , zobels, delgados. The delberate killings of the filipino men accused of rebellion, forcing each family to be catholic and forcing young boys to be a seminarians in the study of priesthood for 9 years in the seminary.
With all the conditions that affected the freedom of every filipino, it was not healthy for intellectual filipinos to continue to live in an environment of threats and intimidations more in the harrasment against women.
Philippines for 330 years was under the Catholic Spanish. The Doctine of believing in an image makes the filipino fanatics and thereby the number of filipino catholics cannot be counted except some new religious craft came into the religious arena claiming salvation via non-image belief to be the true religion.
But all those years what the filipino believed, they believed that religion is believing in God but what they got from the Spaniards , they got atrocities, encroachment of their properties , titled all the lands of the Philippines under the name of Queen Isabela.
The filipino demanded change, so that change was solve imposing the culture of Survival. Meaning to survive against cruelty you have to kill and in order to kill you have to survive. The culture of survival is a filipino fighting arts not an art of sport , but if your culture is to fight to the end , then you win in sports.
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By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Thu, 26 Jul 2007 15:30:51 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
What Pekiti-Tirsia brought to the world of discipline is the SURVIVAL CULTURE that was practiced by our elders, our forefathers, our grand folks that brought the country into one accord of democracy freedom to live and freedom to raise the families and educate them to the future's future of the next generation.From the time the Spaniards step into the Philippines soil, each filipino family were troubled by the presence of the non-filipino ( Spaniards)who impregnated the young filipinas for the spaniards to have children and call them Spaniards,changed the original names of the native filipinos to high sounding names as contreras, sorianos,montillas, ayalas , zobels, delgados. The delberate killings of the filipino men accused of rebellion, forcing each family to be catholic and forcing young boys to be a seminarians in the study of priesthood for 9 years in the seminary.
With all the conditions that affected the freedom of every filipino, it was not healthy for intellectual filipinos to continue to live in an environment of threats and intimidations more in the harrasment against women.
Philippines for 330 years was under the Catholic Spanish. The Doctine of believing in an image makes the filipino fanatics and thereby the number of filipino catholics cannot be counted except some new religious craft came into the religious arena claiming salvation via non-image belief to be the true religion.
But all those years what the filipino believed, they believed that religion is believing in God but what they got from the Spaniards , they got atrocities, encroachment of their properties , titled all the lands of the Philippines under the name of Queen Isabela.
The filipino demanded change, so that change was solve imposing the culture of Survival. Meaning to survive against cruelty you have to kill and in order to kill you have to survive. The culture of survival is a filipino fighting arts not an art of sport , but if your culture is to fight to the end , then you win in sports.
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