sgtmac_46 said:
If Bush ok'ed it, who proposed it? If it's the commanders on the ground that proposed it, and Bush ok'ed it, then you really don't have a point.
In other words, if the commanders on the ground said that it was time to start cutting back troop strength, and Bush said 'OK' there is no contradiction.
You are correct with that assertion. That is exactly what I am saying.
Many media sources reported this news; CNN, MSNBC, NRP, Greater Media Radion, the New York Times. In all of the quotes I saw, Secretary Rumsfeld never once mentioned the 'Commanders on the Ground', said they were able to handle the situation with fewer troops.
There were repeated efforts to the 138,000 "baseline". Currently, there are more than 156,000 troops in Iraq, to offer additional security for the election. It is interesting to note what the "baseline" has been since 2003 ... it has floated throughout the 130's.
Another point which has come up, although not reported widely in this country, is those 'insurgents' in Iraq which the President recently labelled as 'rejectionists', are reportedly in Negotiations with the American military for a cease fire; initiated by the Americans. While the President has boldly stated "You're either with us, or your with the terrorists", it appears the reality on the ground in Iraq is somewhat different. If the US military can negotiate with this sub-set of 'insurgents' (the "rejectionists") for a cease fire, then the number of required troops would certainly decrease.
As this latest topic is not widely reported, it is interesting to review the Presidents use of language concerning the makeup of the 'insurgency' in recent reports. Why did it change?