Fixing the training model

The sources I can find indicate "lynch" has pretty much the same meaning on both sides of the Pond: kill without a trial, usually by a group.

Both the Oxford and Collins English dictionaries agree with that more or less.

Put (a person) to death, usually by mob action.

Hanging isn't a requirement.

Colloquially though, it carries a different, less severe meaning, and without the US influenced connotations.
Both the Oxford and Collins English dictionaries agree with that more or less.

Put (a person) to death, usually by mob action.

Hanging isn't a requirement.

Colloquially though, it carries a different, less severe meaning, and without the US influenced connotations.
So the term is evolving in opposite directions - the colloquial meanings both different from the common denotation? An interesting example of divergence between the dialects, in process.
Oh if the hat fits dear boy, if the hat fits.

All this arguing over language! Is it the hat that fits ...or the shoe? Or back when you referred to a seven-stone girl having to defend herself against a fourteen stone guy. Is seven-stone kind of a cliche for frail, weak, or "lightweight"? Because over here the cliche is 98 lb weakling. I have no idea where the precise number 98 came from. But I find it curiously appropriate that, as a "stone" is 14 lbs., 7 stones is precisely 98 lbs. And yes, I digress.

My real point is that I am far more interested in all this curious stuff I learn from reading Tez's posts than arguing. Sorry 'bout that folks.

Oh, oh! Another random thought: This one relating to why we Yanks call ourselves "Americans", often to the annoyance of other nations sharing the American continents with us. Firstly arrogance. Yeah, there's a bit of that, for sure, secondly, because although "estadounidense" works in Spanish, in English, "United States-ian" is totally goofy. But more importantly, historically, we were the first European colony here to break away from our parent nation and adopt the name "American" to distinguish ourselves from other colonial regions like Canada, New France, New Spain, and so on.

So, although not the first colony by a long shot, we were the first (and only English speaking nation) to choose the term "American" as our identity ...and it stuck.

Well, I've derailed things long enough. Please go back to bickering! I will sit back and try to stay on track ...and maybe learn some more. Carry on...:)
All this arguing over language! Is it the hat that fits ...or the shoe? Or back when you referred to a seven-stone girl having to defend herself against a fourteen stone guy. Is seven-stone kind of a cliche for frail, weak, or "lightweight"? Because over here the cliche is 98 lb weakling. I have no idea where the precise number 98 came from. But I find it curiously appropriate that, as a "stone" is 14 lbs., 7 stones is precisely 98 lbs. And yes, I digress.

My real point is that I am far more interested in all this curious stuff I learn from reading Tez's posts than arguing. Sorry 'bout that folks.

Oh, oh! Another random thought: This one relating to why we Yanks call ourselves "Americans", often to the annoyance of other nations sharing the American continents with us. Firstly arrogance. Yeah, there's a bit of that, for sure, secondly, because although "estadounidense" works in Spanish, in English, "United States-ian" is totally goofy. But more importantly, historically, we were the first European colony here to break away from our parent nation and adopt the name "American" to distinguish ourselves from other colonial regions like Canada, New France, New Spain, and so on.

So, although not the first colony by a long shot, we were the first (and only English speaking nation) to choose the term "American" as our identity ...and it stuck.

Well, I've derailed things long enough. Please go back to bickering! I will sit back and try to stay on track ...and maybe learn some more. Carry on...:)
IMO, the linguistic side-tracks of this thread are at least as interesting as the main point.
So the term is evolving in opposite directions - the colloquial meanings both different from the common denotation? An interesting example of divergence between the dialects, in process.

It would appear so, it's a good example of society leading the development and evolution of language.

Because lynching wasn't a popular hobby here (at least, not recently) it doesn't carry the same subtext by a long way.

I mean, what would the likely reaction be to a black gentleman commenting on the way someone has parked their car in this fashion: "look at how that twat's parked, he needs a damn good lynching, that should stop him"...

Over here, if the parking infringement is deemed serious enough (or simply stupid) it's met with general agreement.
All this arguing over language! Is it the hat that fits ...or the shoe? Or back when you referred to a seven-stone girl having to defend herself against a fourteen stone guy. Is seven-stone kind of a cliche for frail, weak, or "lightweight"? Because over here the cliche is 98 lb weakling. I have no idea where the precise number 98 came from. But I find it curiously appropriate that, as a "stone" is 14 lbs., 7 stones is precisely 98 lbs.

Yes, generally the phrase is "7 stone weakling" and has been around for quite some time - so it's entirely likely that the saying was directly translated for those who use the simplified imperial weights and measures.

Oh, and hat Vs shoe as to fitting - both are used, but hat seems more and more common the further north you go.

On about sayings and shoes, my favourite is "before you judge someone you should walk a mile in their shoes".

Now technically that's referring to how you should try to see things from their perspective before making a judgement on their actions.

Personally, I think it's far better to interpret it with the ending "that way, when you judge them you'll be a mile away, and you'll have their shoes" :D
For the record, this isn't what I was talking about when I mentioned the BJJ community policing its own. Once upon a time in Brazil perhaps, but not today.

If someone is claiming rank in BJJ that seems questionable and cannot be independently verified, then someone (not necessarily even a black belt) might visit for a class and ask to roll with the instructor. If the instructor refuses or clearly does not have the skills to back up their claimed rank, then they may be verbally shamed and the word may be spread so potential students will know to avoid them.

If the instructor can be verified to have legit credentials but they are doing something which violates BJJ community standards (handing out ranks online or whatever), then their behavior will just be publicized and criticized and they have the choice of ignoring the criticism, defending their practices, or accepting the criticism and making changes.
And who is this guy again? Did we ever get a name?

Plot twist: it's Roger Gracie.
Is seven-stone kind of a cliche for frail, weak, or "lightweight"?

No, a stone is a measurement of weight. 14 pounds equals a stone, it's the common way of saying what weight someone is, we don't use pounds as much as Americans. We are though using metric more and more. "Stone (unit) The stone or stone weight (abbreviation: st.) is an English and imperial unit of mass now equal to 14 pounds (6.35029318 kg)."

Actually, you did, Tez:

No I said 'shoot' not kill.

For the record, this isn't what I was talking about when I mentioned the BJJ community policing its own. Once upon a time in Brazil perhaps, but not today.

I know you didn't, Hanzou was talking about going around and teaching them a lesson.

Now, we all know that certain words have very different meanings in American English from British English, and usages are different. Americans now consider 'liberal' to be an insult, though not presumably if someone is pouring them a drink. You would think, knowing I am not an American, that I don't use American idioms, slang words or phrases people would realise that I use words in the British sense which is my everyday, usual language. We have no history with the words that I use that would cause 'outrage' or even a mild rebuke. To imagine I use words that I use everyday to deliberately cause hysteria is laughable, I have a lot of other words I would use for that! You would have thought too, instead of causing a drama and trying to bully me, calling me ignorant etc someone would have popped me a little note saying that it could be taken the wrong way by Americans. No, much better it seems to harangue me and call me names. ah well I have broad shoulders but it's a nasty thing to try to bully people. if by ignorant they mean as a brit I don't have the history they have then I am very pleased to be 'ignorant', if they think calling me ignorant upsets me, no not in the least, I'm always willing to learn, I am not willing though to be patronised and bullied. I am not willing to have my posts blown up into a drama when people pick words out, ignore others and decide they will try to show me up, not happening guys.

If you are upset to the point of threatening to use violence on someone over what they teach, however weird, then ask yourself if this is normal.
If you are upset over a non American using a word only Americans consider 'triggering' then ask yourself if you are being a bully. ( the answer is yes) the world doesn't revolve around what some Americans think English words should mean. I used the words in the context we mean it in, a mob going into some where and punishing someone for an alleged offence, which is precisely what was threatened. How far would the 'punishment' beating go? Many men against one, well who knows? and they want me to put his website up lol, I think not. I don't know if he has one, it may just be in Urdu, I don't know. I don't know because as we say I have NFI.

Anyway dear friends, it's getting dark here and I'm off to celebrate Shabbat. hanzou and Steve can rant away, won't see it, both back on ignore so anything they say will now be behind my back shabbat-shalom-c-11.webp
I pity you, @Tez3 . I really do.

of course you do :rolleyes:, ever since you accused me of saying your children took drugs ( I didn't btw, didn't even know he had kids) you have done everything you can to undermine, bully and put me down. You've patronised, written nasty things on the mentors site about me behind my back and generally behaved badly towards me. You stirred up this thread with self righteous nonsense and called me ignorant, now you are saying you pity me. Keep it, I need nothing from you other than your silence where I am concerned. Go be that banker somewhere else.
hanzou and Steve can rant away, won't see it,

Also Tez3:
*Imediately replies to Steve's next post*

You are quickly turning into a meme.
of course you do :rolleyes:, ever since you accused me of saying your children took drugs ( I didn't btw, didn't even know he had kids) you have done everything you can to undermine, bully and put me down. You've patronised, written nasty things on the mentors site about me behind my back and generally behaved badly towards me. You stirred up this thread with self righteous nonsense and called me ignorant, now you are saying you pity me. Keep it, I need nothing from you other than your silence where I am concerned. Go be that banker somewhere else.
You said my kids took drugs? While I don't remember this at all, I can imagine it would have irked me quite a bit. I don't recall it at all.

I do recall the comments made on the mentors forum. The things on the mentors site were things I would (and have) said to you directly. You're not self-aware. You tend to go on the attack whenever you are challenged in any way. You blow things out of proportion. And you don't like it when anyone shows you how you appear to others. It sends you off the rails. Those are not nasty things. They are observations of your behavior that any objective person can easily see. I don't say things in private I wouldn't say to a person directly. Didn't then, either. There was nothing posted in that forum you hadn't already heard from me directly.
hanzou and Steve can rant away, won't see it,

Also Tez3:
*Imediately replies to Steve's next post*

You are quickly turning into a meme.

Eh pot and kettle for thee, you claim you do not read then you reply so ...........................................................
Which perfectly fits within what Tony was talking about. You're the one talking about murdering people.

Hanzou you should take up break dancing as you can swerve everything .....

Leave Tez alone ok you want to pick on someone then come right ahead ...I do understand your jibes and connotations, so bring them my way I will be more than happy to oblige
You said my kids took drugs? While I don't remember this at all, I can imagine it would have irked me quite a bit. I don't recall it at all.

I do recall the comments made on the mentors forum. The things on the mentors site were things I would (and have) said to you directly. You're not self-aware. You tend to go on the attack whenever you are challenged in any way. You blow things out of proportion. And you don't like it when anyone shows you how you appear to others. It sends you off the rails. Those are not nasty things. They are observations of your behavior that any objective person can easily see. I don't say things in private I wouldn't say to a person directly. Didn't then, either. There was nothing posted in that forum you hadn't already heard from me directly.

Every person is entitled to the opinion and if yours is a person goes on the attack then so be it,

There is a heck of a confusion in language and how it is used, you may think you can and know how we use things but in reality you more than likely do not. There are many many many things that are said over here daily that people just say and it is not taken as either insult or anything remotely like said. Yes that could be said vice versa to however we have far more exposure to your language uses than you do to ours.

If I used things from my own dialect ( I mean english dialect ) then you probably would have to google them as I doubt very much if you would know what they mean and in what context they can be offensive and in what context they are not.

Yes you do have what I would call the gift of the gab, but do not try to be over smart in thinking that you do know how we think and work and use language as sir, in all honesty you more than likely do not (that is no slur) , regional variations and dialects you may know some but I very very very much doubt you will know many and mine you most definitely will not.
Every person is entitled to the opinion and if yours is a person goes on the attack then so be it,

There is a heck of a confusion in language and how it is used, you may think you can and know how we use things but in reality you more than likely do not. There are many many many things that are said over here daily that people just say and it is not taken as either insult or anything remotely like said. Yes that could be said vice versa to however we have far more exposure to your language uses than you do to ours.

If I used things from my own dialect ( I mean english dialect ) then you probably would have to google them as I doubt very much if you would know what they mean and in what context they can be offensive and in what context they are not.

Yes you do have what I would call the gift of the gab, but do not try to be over smart in thinking that you do know how we think and work and use language as sir, in all honesty you more than likely do not (that is no slur) , regional variations and dialects you may know some but I very very very much doubt you will know many and mine you most definitely will not.
If I say something that is rude to you and don't know it, that's not on me. However, if you tell me that it's rude and I choose to say it anyway, that's entirely on me.

I explained the connotation of lynch mob. She doubled down. As I said earlier, this is very much like Trump.
Every person is entitled to the opinion and if yours is a person goes on the attack then so be it,

There is a heck of a confusion in language and how it is used, you may think you can and know how we use things but in reality you more than likely do not. There are many many many things that are said over here daily that people just say and it is not taken as either insult or anything remotely like said. Yes that could be said vice versa to however we have far more exposure to your language uses than you do to ours.

If I used things from my own dialect ( I mean english dialect ) then you probably would have to google them as I doubt very much if you would know what they mean and in what context they can be offensive and in what context they are not.

Yes you do have what I would call the gift of the gab, but do not try to be over smart in thinking that you do know how we think and work and use language as sir, in all honesty you more than likely do not (that is no slur) , regional variations and dialects you may know some but I very very very much doubt you will know many and mine you most definitely will not.
The issue is that the exact opposite has happened on here. People (inclusing me, i forget who else) used the word spaz/spastic how it is meant in the US. she freaked out because it apparently has a very negative connotation in the UK. She explained that, we (collective, someone may have been an *** about it) said okay and stopped using it. She complained for a couple more pages but we all apologized and stopped. Not the only time that has happened, but the one sticking out in my mind. Now she used a term that is very racist and hate-filled here, she was informed that, and is getting confrontational about it rather than accepting, apologizing, and stop using. Apparently avoiding terms others find offensive is a one-way street here
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