Five Martial Arts Principles

We have a "useful" rating. Why not a "useless" one?
I think, from the standpoint of theoretical thermodynamics and heat transfer, there are really no useless ratings. Just... some of the more obscure ones. Besides, wouldn't you really want to know how hard and fast you'd have to punch the bag for it to explode in flames?
7. So you agree that you and everyone else is scared of criticism? Alright I will post a video. I never claimed to be anything above amateur. I don't have to be to know when someone else is just as terrible or hardly any better. I'll post past this month even. What should I post a video of? I guess I'll get a baseball, throw it up, then see how far I can punch and kick it; also, the punches and kicks on their own. I don't have anyone to fight or spar with. I'll even post the misses or bad ones.
8. I don't think I can find like-minded people, the maturity you speak of is not the kind that's relevant to martial arts, you seem to think words hurt as much as knifes, I don't go to bars, and you're talking about people who have no relevance to the world of martial arts. Being so friendly and inclusive isn't conducive to the development of martial arts. Pushing for better and better results, and removing delusions as to what martial arts is about does. I came here to see some skill and competence, but no one even posts videos of them in action.

7. Not at all, we just know that the criticism we will get will be rather limited due to the nature of Martial Arts. Contrary to your beliefs there is no right or wrong way of doing things, and many of the differences in technique come from the huge variety of styles and lineages available. And you can post whatever kind of video you like, but it doesn't prove your worth as a Martial Artist or a fighter.

8. Words are very powerful things, and some would argue they are the most powerful weapons we have access to. Entire countries and civilisations have been destroyed because of something someone said. I would advise you to think more carefully about the words you use in future.

It's already a very constructive medium (conversation) and I've been rather constructive this entire time. There's a growing global, species wide trend towards nurturing, overly-constructive, weak, limp, soft, womanly value systems and ways of thinking and believing that's many degrees separated from reality. That's the future we're moving towards, that's the time we live in. Martial arts, or fighting, of all things, should be much more masculine (what silly liberal and social justice bleeding hearts would call this authentic masculinity is "hyper-masculine chauvinistic misogynistic mental illness") and non-inclusive, yes. If you are rejected for being terrible at fighting, or knowing nothing about fighting and doing empty movements that have no application in a real fight, then you should be rejected and go train legitimately on your own or with your friends until you are worth your weight in salt. If you truly want to improve and take legitimate advice though, and show improvement, then the more inclusive 'gateway' communities should accept you even if you're still terrible. I call them gateway communities because they are a gateway to communities of a higher standard of membership, if you want to go further.

You can be unfriendly and exclusive, but still constructive or 'have a point'. Bottom line. This chaos you speak of isn't a meaningless nightmare that you say it is. There are real things happening the entire time, and it's rich with details, principles, techniques, mind games, even spiritual struggles. Your "animalistic emotions" aren't something abstract or very far away. I haven't trained much my entire life, so after a bit of training (including fighting specific training) I'll be comfortable walking the streets, confronting **** talk, building up and defending my pride and dignity. If I die I die, but that would be weak ******** so I'd rather burn in the afterlife and crawl my way back to life than accept death; realistically that means surviving a stabbing or beating that would kill others, and recovering faster. Avoiding it is cowardice. I'm not going to live forever and neither is anyone else. If I really want to live I have to face death.

If you want to talk about the diagram I'm game.

This kind of attitude is going to end you up in one of two places: The cemetery or prison. I have a question for you. Have you ever been in a proper fight? Have you ever been stabbed or beaten to within an inch of your life? I wonder if you would be so willing to die for your "pride and dignity" if you are staring death in the face.
Sounds far too much for me. I usually go with 70-85%

My youngest tried the 99%...and promptly spit it out and called it disgusting. I can eat it, but I really do not find it enjoyable... told my wife she should illiminate the middle man and just chew on cocoa beans
I think it would make more sense if you set an intention for what to demonstrate and then make the video. Part of the reason why I made this thread. Demonstrate footwork/getting in and out of range, the hardest hits you can manage, dodging in an image fight (shadow boxing/kickboxing) scenario and pantomime a grapple/throw, and comboing while image fighting. Also try to demonstrate athleticism. Try to mix them into one cohesive video. I'm going to look up what boxers and others do and their standards of excellence and put up a video of that.

Ah right, nah I just posted a video just cos it was asked for, wasn't really demonstrating anything as such XD. But that would be cool though.

And everyone glazed over my second video! Come ooooon hehe

This is not even close to true. I am involved in physical confrontations regularly. Far more regularly than I'd like. And at no time, even when my life has been in danger, have I ever responded in anything other than a calculating manner. I think. I plan. I do. If you're responding emotionally, I suspect your training and experience is lacking. Or you're just a person who can't control their emotions.
You can debate on what percentage of people fall into which category (emotional vs non-emotional response) but I do not think that you'll find anything other than anecdotal evidence.

Ah fair call, I retract my statement, I should have been more specific, I guess I was referring to very untrained people fighting purely by emotions (the reason the fight would have started), but you're right, someone who knows how to handle it would indeed be more well thought out.

I'm not personally responding only emotionally in fights, nor have there been any real proper escalations to begin with for me! But in the thick of a scrap with untrained fighters it would seem to be very not-as-calculated and pure instinct-based. Anyways, I didn't provide the context well! XD

And moreso to relate it to what the OP wanted our conversations to be (like a 'fight')
88% is a stretch for me. I can enjoy it on odd occasions, but usually 85% is my top end, too.

If you have not already tried it, you should try this one. This is one of the better 88%. There are other 88% I do not like, but this one is one of my favorites
7. Not at all, we just know that the criticism we will get will be rather limited due to the nature of Martial Arts. Contrary to your beliefs there is no right or wrong way of doing things, and many of the differences in technique come from the huge variety of styles and lineages available. And you can post whatever kind of video you like, but it doesn't prove your worth as a Martial Artist or a fighter.

8. Words are very powerful things, and some would argue they are the most powerful weapons we have access to. Entire countries and civilisations have been destroyed because of something someone said. I would advise you to think more carefully about the words you use in future.

This kind of attitude is going to end you up in one of two places: The cemetery or prison. I have a question for you. Have you ever been in a proper fight? Have you ever been stabbed or beaten to within an inch of your life? I wonder if you would be so willing to die for your "pride and dignity" if you are staring death in the face.
Thank you, MS! I keep wondering all the same things! For someone who had just dropped in out of nowhere, there is an awful lot of talk demanding credibility from others and not enough substance at the source.
If you have not already tried it, you should try this one. This is one of the better 88%. There are other 88% I do not like, but this one is one of my favorites
I've had this once! It is excellent! Truly, very smooth. Goes well with hot whiskey with honey and lemon.
If you have not already tried it, you should try this one. This is one of the better 88%. There are other 88% I do not like, but this one is one of my favorites
I'll watch for that. I think I know a store around here that carries it.
7. Not at all, we just know that the criticism we will get will be rather limited due to the nature of Martial Arts. Contrary to your beliefs there is no right or wrong way of doing things, and many of the differences in technique come from the huge variety of styles and lineages available. And you can post whatever kind of video you like, but it doesn't prove your worth as a Martial Artist or a fighter.

8. Words are very powerful things, and some would argue they are the most powerful weapons we have access to. Entire countries and civilisations have been destroyed because of something someone said. I would advise you to think more carefully about the words you use in future.

This kind of attitude is going to end you up in one of two places: The cemetery or prison. I have a question for you. Have you ever been in a proper fight? Have you ever been stabbed or beaten to within an inch of your life? I wonder if you would be so willing to die for your "pride and dignity" if you are staring death in the face.

There is always a better way of doing things. Countries and civilizations have been destroyed when leaders of said countries and civilizations instigate it. People have been destroyed for staring at someone a little too long. Countries have been destroyed for killing people. People have been destroyed for starting fights. Countries have been destroyed for doing nothing much. What's your point?

I guess it's just strange that there are no extremely active but confrontational, progressive (far-sighted and future-oriented) and challenging communities in general, even for martial arts.
And if I were beaten/stabbed to near-death, that would be motivation to be more competent not less competent.
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7. Not at all, we just know that the criticism we will get will be rather limited due to the nature of Martial Arts. Contrary to your beliefs there is no right or wrong way of doing things, and many of the differences in technique come from the huge variety of styles and lineages available. And you can post whatever kind of video you like, but it doesn't prove your worth as a Martial Artist or a fighter.

8. Words are very powerful things, and some would argue they are the most powerful weapons we have access to. Entire countries and civilisations have been destroyed because of something someone said. I would advise you to think more carefully about the words you use in future.

This kind of attitude is going to end you up in one of two places: The cemetery or prison. I have a question for you. Have you ever been in a proper fight? Have you ever been stabbed or beaten to within an inch of your life? I wonder if you would be so willing to die for your "pride and dignity" if you are staring death in the face.

Additionally: I suppose Bruce Lee was an idiot who knows nothing about martial arts for accepting any challenge to a street fight to verify his authenticity then?

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