Five Martial Arts Principles

At the same time, civilizations have been known to have golden ages with plenty of cultural progress (I'm thinking renaissance in particular). I think both ways can cause progress.
yes, but different progress, peaceful times with lots of food give,rise to art, war gives rise to technology, disease gives,rise to medical advances, etc, famine gives rise to changes in agriculture etc.
i find there is a reluctance to accept the influence of genetics in the wider population, as, at its most basic level if removes much of our power to influence our lives. What people take pride in, their appearance, their physical attributes, their cognitive abilities and their (positive) personality traits, hard work, determination, loyalty etc, are to a significant amount influenced by genetics. with in those boundaries your ability to achieve at anything, in fact the whole course of your life, is largely out of your control.

there is a nature/ nurture argument about environment, that certainly has influence, but you can't nurture what isn't there in the first place.for instance I've,seen papers that suggest a positive upbringing can add 5 to 10 points to your IQ score , but it cant make you clever if you are stupid. Similarly if you have a natural tendency to be lazy,then that cleverness may not be reward by society, as even a disciplined upbringing won't make you hard working, it will only make you slightly less lazy.
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show me were you stated or accepted there was,
Nope. You made a claim - it's your job to support your claim. My lack of saying "there's a genetic component to determination" is not even close the same as me saying "there's no genetic component to determination".

But, what the heck, here's one where I spoke to the genetic component of personality:
Research shows there's a genetic component to personality
Nope. You made a claim - it's your job to support your claim. My lack of saying "there's a genetic component to determination" is not even close the same as me saying "there's no genetic component to determination".

But, what the heck, here's one where I spoke to the genetic component of personality:

I'm not wading through posts to find what you have selectively quoted, even at face value, that only you admiting that research exists not that you accept that research, clearly you didnt as many other of your posts showed.

not forgetting of course. That following your example i can use any defintion of research or genetics that i wish
I'm not wading through posts to find what you have selectively quoted, even at face value, that only you admiting that research exists not that you accept that research, clearly you didnt as many other of your posts showed.

not forgetting of course. That following your example i can use any defintion of research or genetics that i wish
Ah, so now we get to the root of the problem: you've decided what I think has nothing to do with what I think - it has to do with what you think I think.
Ah, so now we get to the root of the problem: you've decided what I think has nothing to do with what I think - it has to do with what you think I think.

No, not at all! It's abut what he thinks you think about what he thinks you think about what he thinks. I think.

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