to be honest after that outburst id strongly recommend you take some,counsellingIt's already a very constructive medium (conversation) and I've been rather constructive this entire time. There's a growing global, species wide trend towards nurturing, overly-constructive, weak, limp, soft, womanly value systems and ways of thinking and believing that's many degrees separated from reality. That's the future we're moving towards, that's the time we live in. Martial arts, or fighting, of all things, should be much more masculine (what silly liberal and social justice bleeding hearts would call this authentic masculinity is "hyper-masculine chauvinistic misogynistic mental illness") and non-inclusive, yes. If you are rejected for being terrible at fighting, or knowing nothing about fighting and doing empty movements that have no application in a real fight, then you should be rejected and go train legitimately on your own or with your friends until you are worth your weight in salt. If you truly want to improve and take legitimate advice though, and show improvement, then the more inclusive 'gateway' communities should accept you even if you're still terrible. I call them gateway communities because they are a gateway to communities of a higher standard of membership, if you want to go further.
You can be unfriendly and exclusive, but still constructive or 'have a point'. Bottom line. This chaos you speak of isn't a meaningless nightmare that you say it is. There are real things happening the entire time, and it's rich with details, principles, techniques, mind games, even spiritual struggles. Your "animalistic emotions" aren't something abstract or very far away. I haven't trained much my entire life, so after a bit of training (including fighting specific training) I'll be comfortable walking the streets, confronting **** talk, building up and defending my pride and dignity. If I die I die, but that would be weak ******** so I'd rather burn in the afterlife and crawl my way back to life than accept death. Avoiding it is cowardice. I'm not going to live forever and neither is anyone else.
If you want to talk about the diagram I'm game.
some of the folk on here at expert at fighting, most are very accomplished ma, all are committed to go through the pain to be better, I'm not sure what has given you the idea we have. femine traits, even the females are hard as nails