fitness instructor certification a plus?


Purple Belt

certification in fitness instructing, child fitness etc...sounds like a great asset for martial art teacher, what do you guys think of that site? also make sure to check out my other thread "good certification programs" and let me know what you think
there are a lot of 'distance learning' mills that overcharge for information and give you a pretty piece of paper. basically the mcdojos of the fitness industries.

i'm not saying this is one of them, but often you'll be better off just reading a few textbooks on the subjects you wish to know more about.
I'd agree that being a fitness instructor would have benefits for some of the arts that you have to be really fit for, plus it gives you another source of income when you can do Personal Training if you only teach MA part time or are just starting out. But I wouldn't recommend that you do a course in distance learning or home study, fitness training is a very physical thing (In case you hadn't noticed ;) ) and to learn a physical thing it's best 1st hand up close and personal.

For those who aren't sick of hearing it, my instructor is a fitness instructor *ducks* Sorry Sir, Personal Trainer... :uhohh: and we all benefit from his knowledge during class, he gives us killer "fitness blasts" that really work well for us all. You should see my abs now! :supcool:

Not being a trainer myself I can't comment on their courses, but they do seem to have most things covered and they do workshops. If you are interested I'd ask where staff at local gyms got their training though, they usually know the best places.
I earned certification with NASM. I learned a lot, enjoyed it, and added some of it into my classes and have a few personal training sessions I teach now.
I wouldn't say it has been as huge benefit to my school but it was certainly worth having done it for me.
I know the college I go to offers phsyical instructor certification in its continuing ed department. I think it is an independent program just advertised through the school. It's about $$2300 and is also online. That sounds more like a diploma mill then some of the web sites I've checked. I'll definitely check with the local gyms and see what they have to say about it. I'll also check NASM out.
If you are interested I'd ask where staff at local gyms got their training though, they usually know the best places.

I myself recently looked into this and was dissapointed to learn that it's distance learning. I feel there's too much hands-on experience needed to understand the kinesthesiology, anatomical allignment, and tons of what-to-do's that require very specific, exact, comprehensive answers. Like learning karate from a manual, it becomes memorisation rather than application or the application has a high likelyhood of requiring correction, especially before you train someone else. It sounds like any-lazy-body with a big gut can get a personal trainer certificate. I never thought of asking the staff though. That's a great idea.

That is who I am certified through, CPT and GFI. If you are thinking of going through ACE you will need to be VERY prepared. I had a degree if Biology and I studied for 6 mos. prior to taking my GFI test. It was pretty hard, but is not impossible. I find it a huge asset and it definately ups the cradibility, not to mention it can make you a heck of a lot of money.

Others you can look into are:

These are just a few of the ones that are out there and some of these are accredited along with ACE. If you have any questions please ask and I will try to help you.

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